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communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 19:13:44

Level 64
Hello there!

Have you ever wondered how many community levels were created in 2019, have a win rate above 50% and over 100 wins?
Who didn't, right?

Thanks to a small application I published you can now answer those questions yourself. Without any add-ons and on any device!

Just head over there to take a look at it

  • Various search options for community levels
  • Various search options for single player campaign levels
  • Custom rankings for players, clans and creators
  • Easy access and overview for your own levels and records


    Use the menus at the top to gain access to additional information or to jump right into the game

    Full size: https://i.imgur.com/muW3W8j.png

    How can I use the search functions?
    You can use the basic search function by clicking the magnifier at the bottom left corner. If that does not provide enough options you can still filter the data by clicking on the header of any column. This also gives the options of coloring and grouping the results.

    Note that default filters like Most Difficult levels or Newest Levels will always filter out some levels in the background. If you really want to search through all levels, use the All Levels page.

    How can I see more than the default columns?
    Use the gear icon at the top right corner to check or uncheck additional columns you want to see or hide. You can also rearrange the columns as you wish by drag & dropping them.

    How can I link my warzone account
    You can link your warzone account to the application, just like you know it from your favorite clot! This brings the advantage of having easy access to the levels your either created or have a record on.

    Simply use the provided menu to link your warzone account.

  • New levels are refreshed every 15 minutes
  • Old levels are refreshed once a day
  • The application can't tell which levels you have already beaten

    If you want a level to be updated immediately, simply use the Update Level menu

    Default search options

    And by the way, the answer is 578.

    Site: http://communitylevels.online

  • Edited 6/8/2020 22:07:48
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 19:46:25

    Level 60

    Just wow!

    Super cool!

    Also, love that you can see what levels someone else have the record on. Makes it easier/possible to steal records from a rival!
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 19:56:48

    Level 63
    Very cool Muli

    It's awesome

    Now I can finally see that I'm 372th on the SP leaderboard......

    EDIT: Nice loading animation btw

    Edited 6/2/2020 19:59:30
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 20:43:20

    Corn Man 
    Level 62
    yay :)
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 20:56:53

    Level 63

    Time to snipe some records from DH! :)

    BTW, do I have the record for the longest time passed between a publication of a level and getting a record on it?

    Edited 6/2/2020 20:59:05
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 21:44:34

    Level 64
    BTW, do I have the record for the longest time passed between a publication of a level and getting a record on it?

    Unfortunately there is no record history stored that I could read. So I only got the publish and record on date.
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 21:53:47

    Level 63
    ...So I only got the publish and record on date.

    Yes, and aren't those numbers enough? :)

    for example,


    my record here was set 4 years after publication!
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 22:36:53

    Level 64
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 23:17:07

    Corn Man 
    Level 62
    Muli, I think your stats are (already!) out of date ... (such is the nature of stats!)

    I think the longest time is actually 1449 days ... ;)


    Sorry Lepanto! ... but I had to try (¬‿¬)
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-02 23:38:18

    Level 60
    Amazing work Muli!

    It is very easy to access with many different options!!

    Great job!

    Time to create some single player levels ;)
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-08 22:07:05

    Level 64
    I just added the single player campaign levels on a separate page.
    That means you an now also easily view and search those too!

    The last few levels are indeed the ones with the lowest win rate, but apart from that the win rates seem to almost be random :-)

    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-11 06:09:36

    Level 46
    Sweet! I used to love a level called "China: A Tribute to Lady Power", before I couldn't find it anymore. Now I can finally play the levels I used to love again! Thank you!
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-11 07:59:53

    Timinator • apex 
    Level 67
    I took the freedom to break the oldest one :P
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-11 09:07:37

    Level 63
    I took the freedom to break the oldest one :P

    The oldest one from the old list...;)

    I think you are around 3rd place now....

    Muli thanks for the update!

    Would be cool if you could add some random stats, like for example the "longest" records list you made.

    Or for example, the Top players page. On that page you can only see points and total amount or records a player had. You can go check individual top players for stats, but you don't have an overview.
    A good way to improve the top players page would be by adding more columns like Win rate, # of levels under certain win rate, records in last x amount of days, etc etc.

    Edited 6/11/2020 09:27:51
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-12 17:39:39

    Level 64

    I am currently working on adding further stats/records. Let me know if you have certain ideas of what you would like to see.

    And yes, hexe is currently 3rd place!
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-13 19:07:15

    Level 64
    I just added a new overview page.

    It displays a few global statistics as well as 2 custom records, just like the one mentioned above.

    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-14 13:33:06

    Level 60
    Wow! Amazing! Another new cool update!

    Thanks for this!
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-26 13:55:11

    Roi Joleil
    Level 60
    Very cool.

    A question tho. How are the "Points" counted in the top creators? find it funny that my alt (back then main) is 9th with only 6 levels all of wich were June 15/16 2016 while my main is 135th
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-27 11:37:50

    Level 64
    The creators receive points for their likes, attempts and difficulty.

    The points for every creator are calculated as follows

    N = Total number of levels created
    L = Total number of likes received
    A = Total number of attempts
    W = Total number of wins
    x = when N < 8 then 0.1 * N + 0.2 else 1 
    Points = L / (N + 2) * 10 * x + A /(N + 2) * 0.5 * x + 350* (1 - W / A) * x

    I just added this information as a header tooltip and you can now also display the separate values as custom columns.

    The new columns are hidden by default. You can show them by clicking the gear icon at the top right corner and checking the columns you want.

    Feel free to suggest better formulas.

    Edited 6/27/2020 11:39:10
    communitylevels.online - Community Level Browser: 2020-06-30 23:03:08

    Level 60
    Wow, some maniac has created over 300 community levels! Some of these stats are insane.
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