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master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-25 23:02:21

Level 64
Hi everyone,

My good friend master of desaster (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=2214950915) is newly single and looking for an e girl to mend his broken heart. Mod is one of the most skilled and versatile players on warzone, he's a dominant diplo player and has won all gold trophies on Warzone. Over the course of his career, mod has amassed a net worth of 40,000 coins, and he's willing to spend it all on his new e girl, so if you want a map pack, smoky black or a new clan, this is your guy.

Warzone is probably the best place on the internet to start a relationship. There have been many success stories in this game over the years, such as; Deadman and Glamorous, Phakh Gokhn and Rufus, Koopa Troopa and myself, Styxie and Min, and, Alexclusive and Benoit just to name a few.

If you're interested, please tell us a little bit about yourself below. If mod is interested he might invite you to a date on strategic mme.
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-25 23:12:01

master of desaster 
Level 66
Hey it's me who this thread is about :P i would like to thank my good friend xeno for helping me with the task of finding an e girlfriend.

As a first date i prepared a 2vs2 on final earth for you. Visiting every place on earth you'd like, together with me. Wouldn't that be beautiful? *.*

Security question (to be answered by any girl interested, as gender verification): What is the name of barbies boyfriend?

Edited 10/25/2019 23:52:49
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-25 23:18:48

G u m m y
Level 26
hello master of desaster i would like to apply for the ranking of your girlfriend

i am young, english, snow white skin and a beautiful auburn hair... i love warzoners

here is a picture of me

master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-25 23:26:57

master of desaster 
Level 66
Hello G u m m y! Thank you for your application! Do you mind giving the solution to the security question? I'm always a bit shy on the internet and don't trust people too easily when it comes to love :*
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-25 23:35:21

Level 57
I wouldn't recommend online dating. You can't trust the internet half as much as you can trust actual people in real life.

Not telling you how to live your life, just stating my opinion.

Edited 10/25/2019 23:35:46
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-25 23:37:42

Level 61
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-25 23:58:55

Level 57
Then here is a fact. It is far easier to lie online than in person for two reasons:
1. You can't see the person's expressions, which when talking in person can reveal if the person's lying. I'll admit that people can get away with lies in real life, but many lies can still be revealed as lies with, for example, a guilty look on the face. Online, you can't possibly see a guilty look.
2. Online, you're anonymous. You're probably not going to find where that person is if he/she doesn't tell you, or even what that person's real name is. Therefore, online a liar and a cheat can appear as a good and honest person easily, because you aren't there to see the person's wrongdoings. I know a good few things can be completely hidden, but online all you have to do is type words that don't indicate you're hiding something and you're in the clear. To keep a secret in real life, you have to watch where other people go and what they do, and make sure what you do and the way you talk, including your tone of voice, doesn't indicate you're hiding something.
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-26 02:32:51

Level 61
Lmfao on so many levels rn
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-26 08:53:06

Level 62
Why don’t you just host a 40 player FFA. The winner is then invited on a date with MoD. Also you could post threads like “Is dating MoD better than the Master Clan?”. These will help get your name out there and help you recruit new partners.
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-26 09:10:21

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Obviously girls are currently out. You will have to wait until Fizzer's next update. The pink theme

Edited 10/26/2019 09:12:42
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-26 10:01:12

Level 62
Dude...... that security question is NOT secure at all...... even me, a male knows the answer. ( Not answering because everybody will find out the answer to your 'Question')
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-26 10:26:26

Level 64
I like the way you think Jeff. Do you want to be my co-wingman and help me find mod a girlfriend?
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-26 11:22:19

Level 60
MoD doesn't need a girlfriend. Pfftt. All he needs is himself

As goodgame said,
You can't trust online dating as well as Warzone dating. I expect Warzone dating to be dreadful
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-26 12:18:47

Level 61
I'm the daughter of the rich prince of Nigeria and i will be your e-girlfriend. I will also make you very rich. I only need a deposit of $1200 dollars to pay for my internet bills.
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-26 18:29:11

Level 62
Yes I would like to be a wingman for MoD.

Is anyone else having trouble figuring out the answer to the security question?
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-26 18:31:17

Level 63
"Alexclusive and Benoit just to name a few."

Nice one, Xeno.

Why does my six pack got no credit? When will doggy reply to the thread?
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-27 00:08:40

Level 61
seems legit
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-27 02:46:17

Level 61
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-27 04:31:02

Level 62
It appears to me that goodgame has shown all the qualities of being the E Girlfriend mod might desire. Smart, intellectual, analytically correct and socially sound. (That's some alliteration, not bragging about my english abilities here) So, I'll put my support for goodgame if he has a desire for this proposal. You can skype facetime you know...
master of desaster is looking for an E Girlfriend: 2019-10-27 16:47:12

Common Man
Level 60
Ninety per cent of the girls in this game are German Warlords

@Master: Ken

kk let's play that 2v2 ;)

Edited 10/27/2019 16:48:22
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