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Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-05 19:35:21

⬛️⬜️🟥Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Level 60
Just now there was a strange chain of events in the community chat. An unknown mod seemingly deleted whole strings of messages, by various players, for no apparent reason, and repeatedly.
The mod in question is level 13 and based in USA.

I demand that this conspicuously intransparent behaviour stops
I demand censorship in chat (or forum for that matter) ceases
I demand the individual in question issues an apology for their wanton and brazen comment deletion spree
I demand all rights be reinstated
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-05 23:06:56

Level 64
Or what.
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-05 23:09:22

Level 60
Anonymous Moderator from Washington? I trust him to do his job and i don't see anything wrong. maybe you missed something
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 05:49:27

Roi Joleil
Level 60
if someone gets muted all his messages get deleted automaticly.

also why be at one point "an unknown moderator" and later "he is level 13 and is in the USA". clearly he isnt unknown if you know his level and where he lives but whatever.

I demand you to stop demanding.
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 07:22:29

Level 63
Only Fizzer knows who all the mods are and he trusts them to do their bit, even if it’s a small amount.
Mods don’t timeout people for no reason.
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 09:35:08

Level 59
"I demand censorship in chat (or forum for that matter) ceases"

Didn't know there was any censorhip, haven't experienced it myself, but fighting censorship is something I can stand behind.
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 09:54:57

Level 62
I deamnd you to stop demanding for him to stop demanding
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 10:09:46

⬛️⬜️🟥Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Level 60
also why be at one point "an unknown moderator" and later "he is level 13 and is in the USA". clearly he isnt unknown if you know his level and where he lives but whatever.

Because he got active in chat himself, thus i could see his profile. He did a shitty job nitpicking people's comments and deleting them at will for no reason.

He must have been having a bad night drinking by himself, thinking "oh, let's terrorize people in the chat for a bit".

I got zero respect for this kind of activity, go watch some porn or play a game or do what makes you happy, but not get hyperactive in chat for no reason and when there is absolutely no need. It's not a game for you as mod to play when you're bored. The community chat doesn't need moderating and has never needed moderation, it's just harmless people playing raffles, so leave it alone and GTFO - you are not wanted or needed there! Thanks.
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 10:22:10

Roi Joleil
Level 60
and THATS why you screenshoted to have prove to show Fizzer like a smart person that you are telling the truth!!
oh.. you.. you didnt im guessing. welp. seems like this thread is pointless then.
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 11:06:40

Level 60
@OP, sounds to me like you have been trolled by a lvl 13 account. (Edit: I stand corrected. Forgot about that account Viking mentions). I don't think most moderators don't engage too much in chat.

Also, I think you missed this point mentioned earlier here "if someone gets muted all his messages get deleted automatically."

When it comes to the forum, I think most complains are about a lack of moderation. And I don't think anything have really been censored here, short of deleting spam and other rule-breaking posts. Unless you mean down-voted posts, but that is different then censorship.

Edited 10/6/2019 12:02:07
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 11:30:05

Level 60
@TBest, "sounds to me you have been trolled by a lvl 13 account. I don't think moderators don't engage too much in chat. "

no offense, but that is not really true. Anonymous Moderator IS level 13. He IS a moderator. He CAN time people out and delete messages. GeniusJKlopp found that out the hard way. Moderators do "engage" themselves in the chat when they want too.

Moderators can't just delete a few messages. At least you didn't get timed out or suspended!
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 11:49:46

Level 61
So if you know his level and state and everything, you have his profile, right? There's a report button on their profile. I bet Fizzer takes mod-power abuse very seriously, so your best bet is to report him.
Censorship in community chat: 2019-10-06 11:52:34

Level 60
Why report him if he was just doing his job? I think Uhtred of Babbanburg has the wrong idea of what mods are supposed (expected by Fizzer) to do. Uhtred of Babbanburg, tell me what you think moderators should do?
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