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Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 12:58:49

Level 60
Is chocolate really going extinct? Yes, it could happen in your lifetime. Chocolate lovers, beware! Because of climate change, (and some of the farmers dont really work hard lol), the cocoa plant could go extinct in 40 years! Maybe its time you start stocking up? Or plant the cocoa plant?




All your precious candies below...

BTW, watch this!
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 15:15:02

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Fake news
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 15:27:15

Level 60
did you bring proof with you?
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 18:55:44

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
This is a personal attack
I didn't name myself Cacao for nothing

All these source suck the teat of climate change

The only thing that would threaten chocolate are implementing laws trying to "fix" "climate change"

None of these "sources" talk about actual change
They speak theoretical changes that can cause cacao to stop growing, but it's just not happening

I always find it ridiculous when they try to guess what future weather would be like

If you wanted to bring to light something serious, then you can try bringing up child slavery in Africa
Which is way more serious than "climate change"

Even if let's say this climate change does make it become warmer, these Cacao Tress aren't some concrete genetic set
Life has a tendency to accommodate to new environments
This plant has existed for a very long time, and it is very insulting to say that a mere change in weather will make it go extinct
Do you not think this plant has experienced temperature changes throughout the ages it has existed
Or do you think that spot has stayed the same range since the beginning of its existence
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 19:04:32

Level 57
One thing in contradiction to climate change: it was way hotter then it is now back when dinosaurs were around, then there was the ice age.
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 19:38:18

I Swear
Level 55
That's not in opposition to climate change. That's entirely besides the point, goodgame.

Our oceans are rising, we are getting more wildfires, more (strong) tropical storms and hurricanes, and we're going to run out of fossil fuels. There are very clear problems out there, whether you believe in climate change or not. Life on the planet will adapt to warmer temperatures. I'm not so sure we will.
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 19:52:47

Level 57
I wasn't saying that there aren't problems, I was only saying this world won't turn into Venus or anything like that. This is another mass extinction that may or may not cause the end of humanity, and afterwards life will continue, the world will never be the same again, you know. If humans do survive, they will be the ones capable of living without modern tech, or the somewhat reliable systems that we have now.

What I was contradicting was the ridiculous theory that the oceans will boil away and the world will get too hot for any form of life we know.

Edited 10/1/2019 19:54:27
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 20:02:03

I Swear
Level 55
Well, we (probably most people) are on the same page then, but its hardly evident from your prior message. :L

Most people will be worried about themselves though, I don't think the far out theories are the ones that people really think about. We can't save the pandas if we die of heat exhaustion. Space colonization could be an interesting way of trying to reduce longterm footprint, but thats quite far away unfortunately.
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 20:19:02

Level 60
maybe the world is still warming up from the ice age? maybe it should be a lot warmer?
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 20:38:34

Level 57
Here's an interesting fact, not meant to agree with or contradict anything. While the north is getting warmer, the south pole is actually getting colder. Funny, isn't it.

Maybe the Earth's orbit is headed south a bit.

Edited 10/1/2019 20:39:00
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 20:59:06

Level 60
maybe, it is called the temperature switch?
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 21:26:59

Level 49
Who in actual fuck believes that the oceans will boil away.

What the fuck.
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 21:28:48

Level 57
Look it up, it's a popular theory actually. You know most people don't actually do research.
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 21:43:17

Level 49
Ight bruh, I'm bouta go into my cryogenic sleeping chamber

Nice knowing you guys, wake me up when the Transhumanists finish the 1000 year war with the Anarcha Nazbol Gamer Death Squad Alliance

Edited 10/1/2019 21:43:42
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 21:52:34

Level 46
The climate is fine. Stop believing in the lies .
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 21:55:37

Level 49
Says the boot licker
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 22:02:55

Level 46
Holding signs can be cute, but nothing beats a good jackboot.
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-01 22:14:58

Level 57
Come to think of it, this is a bit pointless, because we know next to nothing for certain about the future. You can't really deny that the climate changes on an irregular basis, though, with the ice age and drying of the Sahara and all that happened already.
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-05 10:04:27

Level 62
ze climate is not exist
Chocolate is going extinct!: 2019-10-06 14:58:45

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
Temperature is rising Toward the temperature of 1000 years ago.
The difference is we are more and need more
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