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New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/16/2019 21:52:09

Level 61
If both teams tie in the end, they both get half a win. They will have 0.5 matchups won.

The results in the Results tab are always [seeded team] vs [unseeded team]. If there's an upset, I change the wording from "defeats" into "loses to" and change the color to make it visible at glance.

I will not explain the seeding mechanism in detail, sorry :P It's because the current algorithm can be easily gamed if you know how it works. Two main factors are indeed 1v1 ladder results and number of players in a team, that's all I'm going to say :P
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/16/2019 22:06:50

Level 62
Correct me if I am wrong but this is how I think the system works.

We have 39 teams.Lets assume that from the 19 pairs we have 16 winners and 3 pairs were tied.

The 16 winners plus the bye winner make a group of 17 and they are ranked based on their winning score.Since there are 17 teams it will be treated like a group of 18 therefore ranked 1 team will pair with ranked 10.Ranked 2 will pair with rank 11 and so on.The team ranked 9 will not have a pair so it should pair with the first of the next group.

The next group is the one with the 6 teams that tied.Since they have all of them equal scores the initial power rank will be applied.So the 9th team from the previous group of winners will pair with top of the tiers.The 5 rest will be treated like a group of 6 and we will get pairs 1st-4th, 2nd-5th.The 3rd team will pair with the first team of the next group that is the group of the teams that lost on the 1st round.

So 16 teams that lost will get ranked based on the points they scored on 1st round.The top of them will pair with the remain team of the previous group.The remaining 15 will create a group of 16.The pairs will be 1st-9th, 2nd-10th...7th-15th.The 8th team will get the bye.

I hope that helps (if it is correct).
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/16/2019 22:13:17

Level 61
You got the general idea right, but it's even more complicated than that. Because 2 teams from the same nation can't meet each other, so I added a way to avoid that. Also it's very likely that not all the matchups will be resolved when the next round games are created. I need to deal with that too.

So I don't think you have a way to accurately predict whom you're gonna meet. I think it adds to the fun :P
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/17/2019 01:24:37

Level 61
isn't that biasing that if you lose the first match up it's very unlikely you'll ever match up against a team in the top 10? you'll always get "easier" matches and still might end up 5-1 in the end

Edited 10/17/2019 18:27:54
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/17/2019 04:36:44

Level 62
Due to slide ranking favorites really shouldn't be losing the first matchup. Each team is facing a team 20 spots lower than it. For example ps, your Portugal team is seeded 14th and is facing my team the 34th seed USA D. I think as a whole we can agree your team is stronger than mine, and it has played out that way so far.
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/17/2019 09:46:59

Level 56
well seems that Rento algorythm working perfectly, didnt counted but seems like >80% wins are from nations which are considered favorites... :) so it makes sense.

Edited 10/17/2019 09:47:09
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/17/2019 16:09:45

Level 62
For matching teams for next round in case of ongoing matches

you may use your judgement to assess the most likely outcome and assume points by consequence, which may be ok, but arbitrary and requiring some effort


if you like to simplify and avoid to use arbitrary judgement do something like:

- if the favourite is winning or has equal wins, then assume 1-0
- if the favourite is losing, then assume 0.5-0.5

Edited 10/17/2019 16:10:33
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/18/2019 18:41:16

Level 61
If the matchup is undecided when the next games are created, I'll assume that both teams score a win (for matchmaking purpose only! that win won't register in the ranking obviously).

So for the team that was going to win, absolutely nothing will change.
But the team that was gonna lose will get a harder opponent than if they lost the matchup in time.
This is necessary not only because it guarantees that no 2 teams will end the season with perfect records, never meeting each other. But it also deals with stalling losses.
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/18/2019 21:42:45

Level 62
Nice try :)
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/27/2019 18:47:37

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
just want to say, America is by far the THICCest region.
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/28/2019 02:31:29

Level 57
Will there be another Nations Cup?
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 10/28/2019 14:21:00

Level 63
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 11/4/2019 01:09:53

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
I want a refund, did not want to play vs Germany.
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 11/4/2019 02:29:03

bliss machine
Level 62
i briefly searched the rules but couldnt find the answer, what happens when a player declines the game?
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 11/4/2019 15:40:15

Level 61
I don't like autolosses for non-joins.

That's why I give 6-7 days to join the games, instead of 3.
If someone declines, I mail their contact player to give them a chance to work it out. If the player wants to play after all and the decline was a mistake, I create the game one more time.
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 11/4/2019 16:22:50

bliss machine
Level 62
thanks :)
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 11/14/2019 15:35:10

Level 61
Hi, there!

With odd number of teams, "bye" seems to be inevitable, but, I would propose 3-way match (the overnumbered team and a random pair). Simply, 12 games comes as each team matches 6 games against other 2 teams.

Example: Team A plays 6 matches against team B, A plays 6 matches against team C, and B plays 6 matches against team C. All teams play, therefore 12 matches. Say A get 6 victories against B and 3 against C, and B gets 5 against C - A will have 18-6 (or less if there is multiple player), B will get 10-14, and C will get 8-16.

Winner or that "mini tournament", gets victory (1 point), middle team gets draw (0,5 points) and last team gets loss (0 points).

That way all teams participate in each stage of the Cup.

It would be important to check if the team got 3-way tournament in the past, as that should only happen once in the Cup for any or each team. This short Swiss RR system could allow this.
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 11/23/2019 16:41:16

Level 61
When does next round start?
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 11/23/2019 17:36:56

Level 61
Next round starts in 16-20 hours.

It's an interesting idea. The main problem is that matchmaking is mostly automated through scripts and implementing your idea would require some drastic changes to the code, and I don't think it's worth the effort.
New Nations Cup - sign up your team now!: 11/24/2019 17:22:49

bliss machine
Level 62
hi, i was given one of koopa's games I believe.
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