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Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-10 20:55:42

Level 61
Well, I experience problem with my devices - although I put the notification off on both PC and Android device, after a win or lose, notification started to show of regarless of what I do.

Problem is that when pushing settings on Android device, when I push Push Notification button off and return to main menu, it misteriously is pushed on, until I clear ->https://www.warzone.com/MyAccount on PC ->Remove Unknown, and get out of Warzone app BEFORE I do that.

It is annoying as the Android device I am using is my business phone, and I must be aware of all messages I get because of job I am doing, so when my message list gets filled with warzone messages I start removing them and have to get clear board for any news I need to be warned.

The only solution to avoid that seems to be not to start Android app.
- downvoted post by goodgame
Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-10 21:22:16

Level 64

Warzone Creator
In the app, go into the settings and uncheck the push notifications box. They won't turn back on if you do that.
Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-10 21:29:01

Level 61
Problem is that when pushing settings on Android device, when I push Push Notification button off and return to main menu, it misteriously is pushed on, until I clear ->https://www.warzone.com/MyAccount on PC ->Remove Unknown, and get out of Warzone app BEFORE I do that.

Not true, it appears like it is pushed on after I push it off. The only way I can temporarily get rid of this is the way I posted above. Not sure what is happening - the device shows Warzone v4.19.3, and android is 5.1.1, phone is Samsung Galaxy J3 2016. Will try to see if Warzone is updated to new version, and try again.
- downvoted post by goodgame
Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-11 00:22:20

Level 64

Warzone Creator
the device shows Warzone v4.19.3,

4.20 is out now, please update to it. I should have mentioned that in my previous post. If you do that, then uncheck the box, it should work. Please contact me at Help -> Contact -> Report a Bug if it does not.

Is there a problem with using a fake email?

It has no relevance to the question asked here. Email notifications and push notifications are entirely separate, and using a fake email won't affect your push notifications at all.

And yes, there are problems with using a fake email. If you forget your password, your account will be lost forever since the "forgot my password" system depends on you being able to receive an email at your account. Also, if you use an address that belongs to someone else, they can reset your password and take your account over. This has actually happened to people before and they've lost their account.

And even if you're trying to stop email notifications, using a fake email is not a good solution since it wastes Warzone resources in sending emails to an address they will never be received at. It's better to simply uncheck the box in settings so no email is sent.

Edited 6/11/2019 00:23:31
Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-11 07:59:28

Level 61
Had some problems with phone (didn't want to update to new version), but now, when it is 4.20.0 it looks and works OK.

Seems that there were conflicts with web based and Android based application between versions 4.19 and 4.20 before update on the phone. Now, web shows which Android device is used as well (before, but don't know if that is true for everything, it only shown that some device is using same account).
Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-11 08:01:22

Level 61
Just noticed that Fizzer is lvl 60 (as me). Do Fizzer play this game as well or just push own account to keep pace with the best (only 6-8 levels behind, but several thousand games behind, also).
Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-11 08:14:40

Level 60
A wise man once said that a high level doesnt mean you are good ;) so there is no need to 'keep pace'.
(btw - you dont need to much games for a high level)
And back to 'the question' I saw him playing quite often so I dont think he pushes his account ;)
Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-11 08:54:57

Level 61
I only had one game with him so far... (and I am sure he won't pump his account!)

Regarding this problem, just got notice that one tournament is finished (Push Notification was off, as said last time) where I was participant. AND, both PC and Android device shown Push Notification is on.

This is odd, and like I said before, if something is going to be pushed (like victory, surrender, now tournament end, etc.) it is pushed regardless of my effort to make it not to happen.

Just got info that it is my turn in other game and both PC and Android show Push Notification is on (I didn't check/uncheck them, they just checked themselves).
Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-11 20:49:30

Level 61
OK, I recorded this - got a victory, then I push wheel for a coin award on Android device, and after that the Push Notification button (PN button for next use) is again on (without my assistance).

On the web page, Push Notification was on, but after I push button on Android device, web page shows Push Notification is off (Android device, too). However, when I entered next page on web page I saw the Android device by name, so I removed it from there.

Now, everything should look OK, but it is not. Moving back to games on Android device then to settings, doesn't look differently (PN button is off). Checking settings on web page looks the same (it is off). Now, I checked setting on Android device again and PN button is on, web page, too (after I checked won game).

Tried to redo the thing, checking Dashboard, nothing changes, checking unfinished game, nothing changes, checking finished games (both victories and losses), PN button shows up again as ON.

I hope this clears the source of the problem.
Update 4.20: Multiple push notification devices: 2019-06-11 22:00:10

Level 61
Just found another way to do the same: started single player game (web page), checked each green box, and when I changed army or/and distribution settings PN box changes to on (but, you need to move between different screens on Android device, not sure if without changing pages in Android device it works the same way)
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