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Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 16:15:41

Level 57
Why are there levels and unlockables in warzone? As far as I know it just makes the game less fun because you wait forever to do one thing and such. Is there a good thing about it?
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 16:30:25

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
The good Thing is: Fizzer makes some Money --> He can provide the game for us --> We can Play the game.

Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 16:43:07

The Joey
Level 59
I can think of a couple reasons. All of which probably have to do with the long term health of the community.

1) It forces you to make a time investment in your profile. Which could provide an incentive for people to act civil and follow the rules, else fear losing their investment in the game.

2) It is one measure (albeit flawed) of someone's experience level. Having an idea of someone's experience level has a whole host of obvious community benefits I won't go into.

3) Many of the unlockables can be bought (keep in mind nothing can be bought that will give you an advantage in an actual game). This is good because Fizzdawg needs some revenue to keep the servers up. Remember there is only one guy running this site. We need to pay him if we expect him to keep working on it (I don't think it is even his day job).

4) It keeps inexperienced players and people looking to game the ladder from joining the ladder. Call me an 'elitist' but I like knowing that when I join a ladder all my games will at least be against players who understand the basics of the game, and that the ladder is relatively hard to manipulate.

5) It provides that dopamine feedback loop to get people hooked on the game, helping to grow the community.

I am sure there are other positives too, along with many real negatives. But these are just my thoughts.

Edit: Speaking of paying Fizzer. Anyone reading this should consider buying a membership. Besides the perks it provides, if you play more than a few games a month you have got more that $3.99 worth of entertainment from this game. Lets support the man who makes it possible.

Edit2: Some people are saying this is Fizzer's full time job... so I guess I don't know.

Edit3: Definitely his full time job.

Edited 5/3/2019 00:42:11
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 16:44:16

Level 59
Levels reward players for continuing to play the game, and even more so when you are consistently playing on ladders, coin games and tournaments, and unlockables further the incentive to continue growing and gaining levels. I don't think there's anything bad about that.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 17:04:31

Level 57
Okay. I get it. I was just bothered by things like you need max level, which takes months or years to get, just to use a certain map and stuff like that.

Economy sucks, people need to forget about denying others their wants and needs for their own wants.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 17:33:36

The Joey
Level 59
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 17:44:54

Roi Joleil
Level 60
this game is definetly not fizzer's day job. atleast i would be very surprised by it.

The last time i heard fizzer about the upkeep of the game he said that he puts in like 200$ himself every month to keep it running. so he doesnt make money off of it. (The reason i definetly think it isnt his day job ^^)

however this is a few months (or a year) ago. im not sure at all its just something i remembered reading so it might have changed.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 17:56:02

The Joey
Level 59
Good to know. With this in mind that provides all the more reason why everyone who enjoys this game and can afford it should cough up a few bucks for Fizzer. Lets make Warzone Profitable. :)

Edit: https://www.warzone.com/Membership
For the life time option: https://www.warzone.com/Purchase?item=Membership

Edited 5/2/2019 17:58:09
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 18:28:28

Level 57
The rest is fine with me, but in contradiction to what @The Joey said I will say that greed is the very reason people don't get what they want and need, because people are too greedy to share what they themselves would do just as well without. People die of hunger because other people hog ten times as much as they need. People are homeless because other people won't let them have a house, they want the land and material for themselves. Need I go on?
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 18:29:37

Level 57
The levels thing I understand because it's just making the best of what you got, but the world would be billions of times better without greed.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 18:56:45

The Joey
Level 59
@goodgame Did you watch the Milton Friedman video? Greed is the very reason that in our modern society anyone gets fed, or gets nice homes built for them, or can buy a pencil. Without greed there would be no Walmart, farmers would not spend 80 hours a week during harvest sitting in a combine, construction workers would not spend 10 hours a day in the hot sun building houses. Without greed to motivate farmers and construction workers there would be no way for artists , musicians, doctors, teachers, police officers to get fed or housed. So there would be no artists , musicians, doctors, teachers, or police officers. Greed is the great motivator that keeps our society running. Its what convinces people to fill the not-so-fun jobs. Its what inspires people to take risks and start new ventures.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 19:04:46

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
I definetely think Fizzer can live from this game, however he doesnt make millions.
And if you take into account the responsibility etc, he earns much less than he should.

The levels thing I understand because it's just making the best of what you got, but the world would be billions of times better without greed.

So you're basically saying the world would be better without humans.

Edited 5/2/2019 19:05:46
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 19:26:31

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
@Joi/Joey I don't know where you got that information, but it is not remotely correct. Warzone is Fizzer's fulltime job. And regarding $200 per month, that's laughably low. Deadman paid nearly that much just keeping Clan League and the MDL running.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 19:41:57

Level 57
The greed I speak against is taking everything you want and need regardless of the wants and needs of others. The need for food would motivate farmers, the desire for art would motivate farmers, and so on. If by greed you mean simply wanting something and being willing to work for it, that's not exactly what I'm against. What I'm against is stuff like taking 20 chocolates for yourself when there's 19 people around you that want some. You get what I'm saying?
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 19:54:59

Level 28
play https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?Quickmatch=1 to level up fast.
You can level upto 50 or 51 within a week.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 20:17:44

Level 63
Fizzer makes a living off of WZ, it is his day job :D

Okay. I get it. I was just bothered by things like you need max level, which takes months or years to get, just to use a certain map and stuff like that.

Luckily it doesn't take that long to level to 56. You can do it within a month if you play loads, but it shouldnt take anywhere near years to get to that level.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 20:19:29

The Joey
Level 59
@Beren-Apex Yeah, I guess I have no idea if this is his full time job. I have heard somewhere else that it wasn't. But I really don't know. Either way the guy deserves $$$.

@goodgame I guess I don't really get how you are differentiating the type of greed I am discussing versus what you are discussing? Are you saying the reason people are hungry is because there are some people hoarding all the food for themselves? Do you not think there could be other things causing people to go hungry like draught, famine, war, or infrastructure issues caused by extreme poverty?

The greed I speak of is the greed that motivates people to provide goods and services, so they can buy other goods and services. Because lets face it, if only people who had a passion for farming would be farmers we would have almost no farmers. Because farming is hard, no one wants to spend 80 hours a week in a combine harvesting corn just for the love of it. And certainly there wouldn't be enough people who would want to do that to feed 7 billion people. The greed I speak of is the fundamental force that has lifted almost the entire world out of extreme poverty, while simultaneously providing the food to feed all those people. Greed gets a bad rap, but if you think about it greed is one of the single most important human characteristics that we posses.

Edited 5/2/2019 20:19:41
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 20:29:57

Level 57
One thing that is very true is that human nature both saves and destroys humanity.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 20:47:36

Level 57
Greed motivating people to work is good, but greed motivating people to deny others their needs is straight up bad. What would be good is if everyone chipped in because the work needs to be done, like how work around the house is most often. I know human nature would have to be half re-written for that to happen, so no need to rat on that people would to this instead or people wouldn't do that. I don't mean to be rude, but that's the best way of putting it that comes to mind.
Why are there levels?: 2019-05-02 20:49:45

Roi Joleil
Level 60
i know 200$ is very low upkeep by itself. ofcourse there was the money made from wz + the 200$ from fizzer to keep it up. not the 200$ alone. But i still dont see wz as a money maker for fizzer. atleast not to the point of living off of it. maybe i just dont know.

the info where i got that from is that i either red or heard fizzer say something like that the money he makes off of wz isnt enough to keep the servers running and needs to put himself something to it wich was 200$. and that is a few months / years ago.
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