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QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 11:38:14

Level 59
Are all quickmatch (QM) multi-day (MD) games 1day and 6 hour?
If that is true, then I doubt I am only one who deems it way too low. Never played QM in MD, but now I accidentally clicked and on instance got game (SE auto 1v1) match with 1d6h settings. I, for that matter would need certainly 3day time-frame for turns. I understand some would like to play in that short time window, but I doubt majority can keep up with it, at least PC players. I would assume its easier to find time on mobile to commit on similar small maps.

I would suggest to add another setting below QM | MD options aside of "how many games one will get", which would be "minimum time per turn". Or just standardized options: 1day6h, 2day, 3day. And be aware, that if you ask me to uservoice it, I will NUKE you!
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 11:44:17

Level 28
Uservoice it.


It was what Fizzer replied when the boot time was 25hr.

DanWL: Is there an option to have a boot time of 3 days?

Fizzer: Right now all MD templates are 25 hour boots. The games are supposed to be quick, after all. The boot time of all RT games will be up to the template.

Later it got changed to 30 hr boot, so if you're looking for 3 day games with different templates MDL is there.

Edited 2/28/2019 12:33:09
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 12:06:17

Level 58

It's called Quickmatch, after all.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 12:08:36

Level 59
How about Quickmatch refers to getting fast match, not fast play?
Can you differentiate what is real-time what is multi-day? Does 1-day seem to cover "multi-day" game definition in broad sense?
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 12:19:42

Roi Joleil
Level 61
"Quickmatch" would sound to me: you get a "Quick Match"
but not: you need to play "Quickly".

besides when someone wants to play MD there is a reason he wants to play MD. with 1Day boot you could also just play RT because by the time you need to do your turn you are sleeping and then get booted.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 12:28:15

Level 67
Does 1-day seem to cover "multi-day" game definition in broad sense?

Yes. Games are intended to be multi-day, not turns.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 12:43:51

Level 62
1d6h turns is my favourite part of MD Quickmatch.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 14:31:00

Level 58
Can you differentiate what is real-time what is multi-day? Does 1-day seem to cover "multi-day" game definition in broad sense?

Yes, real-time games are completed in a single day. Multi-day games are not. It refers to the length of the game, not the boot time.

Thus a multi-day game with a boot rate of slightly more (or less) than a day can still be classified as a multi-day game because unless both players happen to be online at the same time, the game will last longer than a single day.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 14:42:36

Level 59
Real time - meant by played on one sitting
multi day - as opposite of real-time and the day part could refer to fact that game is played over many days

Don´t catch the red herring every time someone throws it at you. Of course 1d6h is multi-day. The point I am trying to make is that I am not probably alone who would like to play multi-day with 3day settings like ladders?

If 1d6h setting dominates over 3d then why is it not ladder standard? I fail to understand that. I think its due to fact, that less players would participate. Therefore I also fail to understand why QM | MD is played with such short time span? And if you really consider 3day so long, I suggested to have extra setting, which hopefully would allow more players to take part in it.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 15:15:07

Level 58
The point I am trying to make is that I am not probably alone who would like to play multi-day with 3day settings like ladders?

If 1d6h setting dominates over 3d then why is it not ladder standard?

Presumably that's the "quick" part. Ultimately, *most* people won't do the multi-day quickmatches if they don't log on every day anyway.

A nice compromise might be a 2 day boot, or remove the autoboot from multi-day quickmatches and let the players handle it.
I see your point, though. ;)
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 15:37:07

Roi Joleil
Level 61
"or remove the autoboot from multi-day quickmatches"
nonononono definetly no. im not playing QM MD or anything much lately but the only thing you achive with that is even more toxicity with people screamign "WHY DID YOU BOOT ME YOU F**** YOU M***** F****" you get the point...

also there should be 1"universal" boot setting used for everything (ladders 1v1,2v2,3v3,MDL aswell as QM and imo tournaments too) when you have ten 3 day boot games and one 1day boot game you still need to log in every day because of that 1 game. when you have 3 day you can decide yourself how fast you want to play.

also if someone comes with "so you also want that rt games are then 10min or what so everyone can decide how fast the game plays". no RT games is completly different o MD games. as said RT games are in one sitting and when someone only has 1 hour to play 10min will simply not work. but in MD that is different. in fakt in MD the problem is the exact opposite of RT... and that is if the time is to short. there can always be days where..
1: your internet fails for a day
2: you are going away for a week
3: holidays

yes you have vacations but you only get so many (5 i think non member 7 members and then its also depending of your level. a level 20 doest have as many vacations as a level 55)

Edited 2/28/2019 15:37:52
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 17:15:52

The Joey
Level 59
I don't get it, if you are worried about having too quick of boot why not just set up your own multi-day game with a 3 day boot? You are wanting everyone else to have to wait 3 days for you to make your moves, surely you can wait a few hours to start your game? Set the game up, set your prerequisites high enough to find a good opponent, close Warzone, check back up in a couple hours and make your first move. Presumably if you want 3 day boots your game will take a week or 2 to finish, whats a couple more hours to you?

Edit: Removed an extra "you."

Edited 3/1/2019 14:56:27
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-02-28 17:29:27

Roi Joleil
Level 61
"I don't get it, if you are worried about having too quick of boot why not just set up your own multi-day game with a 3 day boot?"

im not necessarly worried about it. but i dont get it. besides tell that the people that are level 20 and find the MD boot time to quick.. they cant just make a template how they want it to be without missing 50% of customization options.

"You are wanting everyone else to have to wait 3 days for you to make your moves"

with that argumentation i could say "you guys are wanting everyone else to play super fast"

"surely you can wait a few hours to start your game? Set the game up, set your prerequisites high enough to find a good opponent, close Warzone, check back up in a couple hours and make your first move. Presumably you if you want 3 day boots your game will take a week or 2 to finish, whats a couple more hours to you?"

again.. tell it to those with a low level. essentially this low boot time is forcing all low levels to play a super fast time controll and they cant just "make a game". heck maybe they dont even know how to or dont want to spend time figuring out how to do it. immagine 1v1 ladder has 1day boot 2v2 2day boot 3v3 3day boot. yea.. now your in the same position as a low level guy as you "can just create your own ladder" you are forced to play the time controll its set on. besides i never argued for me. again i dont get why your not understanding "i never play QM MD" and "i rarely play lately anyway". im arguing about making everything the same. either everyrthing should be 3day. or everything 2day. or everything 1d6h. but not do some this some that make it all random.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-03-01 01:05:58

The Joey
Level 59
@Joi179 I was replying to the original prompt. But in retrospect I can see how my post could be understood as replying to you. That being said I think you have a very valid point that low level players don't have the same options, and that this lack of options may detract from the game for the lower leveled players. But I am not convinced that the idea that we should have one standard time is a good idea, I believe some differentiation (within reason, obviously we need some sort of set defaults) in the length of multi-day games is good. It gives the consumer some choice.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-03-01 01:24:37

Level 64
You could try Slowmatch.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-03-01 04:01:44

Roi Joleil
Level 61
@joey well then i missunderstood into thinking you replied to me ^^
rereading my comment you can also see a bit of "aggresiv tone" so sorry had a bad day yesterday ^^
however i will stay to my overall point.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-03-01 05:19:38

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
I would prefer it at 2 days. I work at odd hours. (For instance 7:30 to 7 today). If a game advances when I go to sleep the night prior, and I am too tired to care about checking wz or playing any games, I will likely boot as I am forced to play the game daily. This isn't true for everyone, but it's why I don't play.
QM | MD 1d6h?: 2019-03-01 14:55:00

The Joey
Level 59
@Joi179 :) No problems mate. We all have stressful days, and internet forums are a relatively healthy way to take out latent frustration. Or at least its better to rant here, than to take our frustrations out on actual people we care about IRL. I know I've posted a rant or two. :P

Edited 3/1/2019 14:55:23
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