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Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 04:17:33

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Now with "surrender tutorial" and "commiting a players orders if he has made some orders" we now need something for the lobby. atm you cant kick any players (besides ones that you invited and didnt accept so far)
I can see why you cant kick people.. but when you created a 3v3.. and after 30min 5 people joined and you look in their profile if they are (probably) still on you sometimes see people "last seen 20minutes ago" and you just think.. of cmon.. now i need to restart this game and wait another 30minutes -,-

my idea (for RT games) would be when the game is full a sound will start (as it already is) and a message will pop forcing every player to accept it telling wz they are still on. (the host will also get a message). if someone doesnt accept it within a minute they will be kicked out of the game and be replaced by an "open seat". if the host doesnt accept it the same thing will still happen and the host will simply not be able to play his own game.
(i would also make it so players that got kicked out of the game for not having accepted the pop up cant rejoin the same game. so be blocked from it like they were if they are BL by the host. that will make it impossible for people to troll and keep joining an almost full game and basicly preventing it from ever starting)
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 05:41:27

Level 65
Very good idea, would be a real improvement!
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 07:33:53

Level 61
Imagine trying to start a big FFA with this system
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 07:38:13

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
imagine cherrypicking your teammates/opponents
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 08:25:21

Roi Joleil
Level 60
"Imagine trying to start a big FFA with this system"

if you want to start a big FFA this system would still work. in fact it would greatly reduce wait time for the first turn if the boot time is 10minutes as the pop up will only be there for about 1 to 2min. everyone that hasnt accepted the pop will be replaced by an open seat. tho you can use that as your advantage by then removing all open seats. everyone will again get a pop up as its full again and now you definetly have players that are actually playing.. certainly better than waiting for them to get booted and risking then that players leave cause they dont want to wait 10 min for boot.

plus starting a big FFA is always... well.

also you forget that this system doesnt need to be *perfect* but only *better* than the current one. Its like with self driving cars where many people freak out about the car crashing by itself killing people... everyone forgets it doesnt need to be *perfect* just *better*...

"imagine cherrypicking your teammates/opponents"

dont get what you mean.

Edited 2/21/2019 08:45:55
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 08:27:18

master of desaster 
Level 66
If you see in advance that a player will likely not play you can still remove them and add a new open seat no?
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 08:29:33

Roi Joleil
Level 60
"If you see in advance that a player will likely not play you can still remove them and add a new open seat no?"

nope. only people you personally inv and havent accepted the game yet.
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 08:33:48

Level 63
There’s this wonderful thing called Uservoice...
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 08:33:54

Roi Joleil
Level 60
one other big issue is that WZ notifies you f*** all about anything.. WZ is the perfect spamm for you emails if you dont know how to turn it off. you get a mail for everything... a game starts.. a game ends. a tournament starts.. a tournament ends.. when your about to boot.. when you get a mail.. when your inv to a clan..

but like.. who the f*** checks their mail every 2 min? I mean.. clearly something is wrong when you as a new player get inv to a clan and you need to explain them first how to even join it. instead you could just make a pop up for that when you not in game anymore (so after a game) and be like "hey you have a mail" "hey you got inv to a clan" etc.

(maybe about the spam thing changed tho when i started playing on this site 3 to 4 years ago i quickyl turned the spam off.. it was ridiculous.
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 08:35:19

Roi Joleil
Level 60
"There’s this wonderful thing called Uservoice..."

yea hidden somewhere where i dont know how to find it ^^
like most everything else ^^

Edited 2/21/2019 08:35:39
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 08:43:22

Level 63
Imagine if the sarcastic asshole kiddie crew added constructive criticism instead of just... criticism.
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 08:52:02

Roi Joleil
Level 60
"Imagine if the sarcastic asshole kiddie crew added constructive criticism instead of just... criticism."

i did.

about the emails spam thing. i just dont get why anyone would need a mail saying that their game finished.. this is simply spam. you certainly will see your game has ended in past games.

and about the:
"yea hidden somewhere where i dont know how to find it ^^
like most everything else ^^ "

i dont get why (for example) ladders / tournments are under "Community" and not under "Multi-Player" and things like "Uservoice" is nowhere to be seen. and settings like "turning the deployment bar always on" is an option.. you just would never find it if you actually look in the settings.

Edited 2/21/2019 08:53:16
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 08:53:35

master of desaster 
Level 66
Sorry bosai i tried to. I thought you can remove everyone from your games. Please don't hurt the crews feelings
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 09:08:07

Level 61
if you want to start a big FFA this system would still work. in fact it would greatly reduce wait time for the first turn if the boot time is 10minutes as the pop up will only be there for about 1 to 2min. everyone that hasnt accepted the pop will be replaced by an open seat.

Yes, but then the whole thing resets, right? Let's say you want to start a 20-player FFA. Four people fail to hit the pop-up, so they're replaced with open seats. Now you have to wait for four more people. Once they join, everyone needs to hit the pop-up. One person fails to hit it. Now you have to wait for one more person to join and another 1-2 minute pop-up. The more people you have in a game with that system, the less likely it becomes to start.
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 09:17:57

Roi Joleil
Level 60
"Yes, but then the whole thing resets, right? Let's say you want to start a 20-player FFA. Four people fail to hit the pop-up, so they're replaced with open seats. Now you have to wait for four more people. Once they join, everyone needs to hit the pop-up. One person fails to hit it. Now you have to wait for one more person to join and another 1-2 minute pop-up. The more people you have in a game with that system, the less likely it becomes to start."

ok lets say what you just said. 20 Player FFA. 4 dont accept it. then the host could also delete those 4 open seats directly. to wich another pop up will come and then everyone will accept the pop up again as they just did 2 seconds ago. thats what i tried to say last time.
and then again if you would do it your way. if its lets say not an ordinary FFA but a diplo or scenario that requires XY many people this would definetly help them also get those amount of people.
(yes if its a diplo with 24 people it will take an ass long time to fill. with this system or not. but without this system people will get booted in the game and when you absolutly need 24 players you would need to redo the game and wait again for 23 other people.. and most people that were in the game most likely wont join again.)

and theoreticly i guess you wouldnt need to replace the current "system". you could just add in the creat game settings an option for this system aswell as "whoever doesnt accept the pop up wont be replaced by an open seat instead the game will start without them immediatly."
wich would mean if we come back to your example if you make it this way that they wont be replaced by an open seat that the game will simply start with 16 people. the example of changing them to open seat was due to my 3v3 example as you wouldnt want to start it as 3v1 (or if it makes the teams fair) 2v2 on a 3v3 map. so that option of simply starting it should be only possible if its an FFA.
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 11:13:08

Level 28
Not needed.
Tbf, it will just kill RT open games just like "Fixed team games fill slower" popup lead to decline of fixed team open games.
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 11:35:22

Level 63
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 15:24:08

Level 60
Why not have it as a setting "all members must reaffirm their presence" with a checkbox, the time they have to do so being equal to the base boot time?

If it's a setting, big FFAs and people who don't care will not be harmed, all while letting people who don't want to play a game on a risk of boot even start. Sure, it's slow, but left as a setting it'll be an exceptional case anyway.
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 15:41:01

Level 64
account settings > email notifications > tick the ones you want and not the ones you don't want. Done.
Lobby befor starting games. Idea for Fizzer.: 2019-02-21 18:57:37

Roi Joleil
Level 60
"Not needed.
Tbf, it will just kill RT open games just like "Fixed team games fill slower" popup lead to decline of fixed team open games."

and why so? id say it makes RT open games better due to people not restarting every game just because 1 guy boots in a team game. (and it improves the boot problem aswell as people get less booted in the first turn due to being kicked out of the game)

"Why not have it as a setting "all members must reaffirm their presence" with a checkbox, the time they have to do so being equal to the base boot time?

If it's a setting, big FFAs and people who don't care will not be harmed, all while letting people who don't want to play a game on a risk of boot even start. Sure, it's slow, but left as a setting it'll be an exceptional case anyway."

if i understand you correctly your saying that in the lobby if the game has a 5min boot time every 5min will this pop up come and people who dont click on it get kicked? i wouldnt do it this way and only do it at the end. that would may be after a while actually be annoying. also doing it this way would make games probably fill slower. thats because people are mor likely to join 4 out of 6 full games rather than 2 out of 6. and with that system if someone leaves the game will always be on a low player count. such people wont join. and it never starts.

"account settings > email notifications > tick the ones you want and not the ones you don't want. Done."

tell that the people who join new to the game and not me. ^^ besides why is there in the first place a settings that sends you a mail every time its your turn. means a 30 turn games give you already 30 mails just letting you know its your turn.. it shouldnt be there in the first place.
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