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Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 18:02:03

Level 60
To all my friends out there I wish to say thank you for all the games and fun over the years. I must leave now. I have been diagnosed with an illness that I must deal with full time. I have met many wonderful people over the years and I will miss you all. I do not think I shall be back. As many of you know I have spoken of my faith in Jesus and the Lord God many times. This has sparked some heated debates with several people getting down right angry with me. Well as I said then and I say now, TOUGH. Jesus is my savior and I walk with him hand in hand. He speaks to me and he comforts me and no amount of anger from others can ever take that away. I praise God for his many blessings and I wish and pray for him to bless you all. Even the ones who will object to this, for someday I hope he opens your heart to your loss. I can't believe how calm and happy I am right now. His peace is simply overpowering.

I thank you all for your friendship and wish you all the best in God's grace.
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 18:22:49

Level 57
God bless you, I will pray for you tonight.
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 20:57:55

The Joey
Level 59
Good luck on your journey, friend. Warzone will miss you.
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 21:15:14

Level 59
wish you and your loved ones all the strength you need
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 21:35:40

Level 68
Hope you get better.

Bless the lord for giving you this challenge to test your faith. He works in mysterious ways
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 21:42:31

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
May your faith guide your course through the rocky waves which lie ahead. I garuntee that your spirit will find a greater truth once your destination is reached, as long as your compass remains true.
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 22:10:04

Level 58
That is such terrible news. I wish only the best for you in the future.
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 22:24:15

Level 62
I wish you the best emas
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 22:42:07

Level 59
We are not promised an easy or peaceful life, but we are promised that He will be with us always.

Bless you emas, and thanks for sharing.
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-16 23:57:07

Level 57
Warzone is officially a CHRISTIAN game now.
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-17 00:11:02

Level 57
Take care of yourself
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-17 01:35:22

Level 64
Never had a chance to meet you before this. Its sad to hear news like this, hope you get better. Wish you all the best in the future.
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-17 05:18:51

Level 62
I've always found it very amazing how a belief system can guide a person through the roughest of times or when a certain illness comes up (which I'm hoping isn't a terminal illness). Rather right or wrong, I wish you the best.
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-17 08:47:57

Level 60
Sorry to hear that, I hope you recover
Emas Leaving Warlight: 2019-02-17 21:35:01

Level 61
Emas i wish you the best on youre new challenge, im sure you will win over it(or at least live the best you can). Know that you can always come back whenever you need a bit more help other than Gods. My friends are dear to me and its good to have them near. Wish you the best into the future. May you live on the path of glory and grace!

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