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My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-18 19:20:04

Rogue NK
Level 59
What should I do about it? She doesn't believe in evolution (based) but she believes in global warming. How do you regect evolution but agree with global warming? As more and more NPCs are being uncovered each day, we need to consider the possibility that Sword Art Online was a documentary just like the matrix.

As you can see I have been really enjoying the NPC meme. What is even more hilarious is that the original creators of those memes, used automated accounts on twitter to spread the meme thus making those accounts actual NPCs. When you accidentally create an NPC while trying to convince people that NPCs exist then its a beautiful world we live in.

In case any of you don't know what an NPC is it is simple. They are 1/1024th human.

Edited 10/18/2018 19:38:24
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-18 19:27:15

Level 64
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-18 19:45:37

Rogue NK
Level 59
Hillary and Obama were against gay marriage in 2008 and they couldn't support gay marriage until they got their software updated. Why else did they switch their opinion?

Democrats didn't support universal healthcare before 2016. They thought Obamacare was good enough and defending it. Then Bernie Sanders entered the stage and they had to get their software updated. Now Obamacare is bad because Trump is running it and universal healthcare is good.

And when we get right wing president who inherents a universal healthcare system in the future (like 20 years from now) then they will have to get their software updated again or else they will be out of date and defective. The new update will say something like "They are running our healthcare system wrong." like the Labour party is saying to the Conservatives in Britain.

If you are still not convinced then one of the newest software update was #abolishice which was never part of the platform before but all of the sudden everybody is tweeting #abolishice at the same time.

A more recent software update was admitting that Bill Clinton was a rapist which they can only believe after he is out of office and his wife isn't running for president even though no new facts have been added to this issue for a decade. This update was only to try to get kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.

Edited 10/18/2018 19:56:35
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 03:14:55

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Tell her she's dating an idiot, so she can find a better boyfriend.
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 05:06:12

Level 47
Neither of the two people who replied seem to understand that this is satire.
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 07:28:35

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Could someone explain this npc meme to non-Americans?
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 07:41:37

Level 57
FACT: all globeheads are NPCs.
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 13:20:53

Level 59
Evolution is a lie made up by atheists to take away faith in God
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 13:49:49

Level 64
I don’t think that kid knows what satire is either, lol
- downvoted post by Cata Cauda
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 14:10:59

Level 57
how come no one cares about austria or the people who live there? are they lesser?
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 14:19:19

The Joey
Level 59
Evolution was a lie made up by the Austrians to ruin America!
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 14:31:04

Level 59
"How comes it that idiots like this are always from the USA?"

If you're referring to me there's an irony there, if you can't tell when someone is joking.
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-19 14:35:41

Level 64
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-20 01:56:14

Rogue NK
Level 59
I love how Kretoma asked for somebody to explain the meme to him but it just gets lost in a sea of shitposts. This website is glorious.
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-20 16:04:30

Level 60
^ That's a very hilarious way to put what went down, lol
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-20 20:07:15

Level 59
Gamers rise up!

My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-20 20:29:04

Level 47
Yeah, I used to do homework, THEN I BECAME A GAMER

Made by gamer gang
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-20 21:34:09

Level 59
We live in a society

This meme belongs to gang weed
My girlfriend may be an Non Playable Character.: 2018-10-21 08:54:44

Level 61
@Kretoma and others wondering wth is this: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/npc-wojak
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