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ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 06:15:57

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 07:22:26

The Furious Logan
Level 27
um the fizzer is snoke from the last jedi was dumb.

in the hey emicat i was jokeing a bit

and in think atwar good i was asking what players thought of the game

if you want to call that trolling then fine but i would be a part time troll as i dont troll all the time
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 07:25:53

Level 58
"It is like this: have you seen a little kid get really upset because they couldnt have icecream? To the little kid, it seems like the biggest problem in the world."

Reminds me of a certain someone who got called a stupid Indian.

I don't think you're in any position to try and call out others for not being polite.

Keep throwing stones in that glass house of yours though, there's a few windows left for you to break.

Edited 8/14/2018 07:28:02
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 15:44:39

Level 48
Nauzhror going into a fit of rage again over nothing
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 18:18:39

Roi Joleil
Level 60
I dont even know why people still talk on this thread or why it was even created.
I dont see why Logan cares so much that one forum thread has more posts in it than the others.
And I dont see why you guys care so much that logan created this thread.
Tho then again. Why do i care that you guys care that logan cares ^^

btw Nauzhror.. "You're uptight and easily triggered."
the same could be said to you getting triggered by this whole thread. Good Job.
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 18:39:39

Level 58
"in the hey emicat i was jokeing a bit"

So you admit that you were just messing around in that thread? :0

Don't fret though, because being a troll or shitposter in your case would be a good thing; the alternative possibility is much worse.
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 19:11:52

Level 56
By spamming it, you made it better.
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 20:00:31

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
Quicksilver just got back the old "Last Reply" thread back and many players posting on it are just having fun. That thread should be moved to Off-topic , as it has increasingly more posts not related to Warzone discussion. For a new player that thread being in General will make his/her interest in forums fade away faster.

About Logan trolling, apart from calling a random alt as Joffery, I don't think he trolled in General and he can troll in OT as much as he wants.
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 20:50:43

Level 63
As I have nothing to say about this topic, I will just post a recipe in German:

Pfannkuchen Grundrezept
1 Milch mit dem Mehl gut verrühren und die Eier dazu geben. Salz, Zucker und einen EL ÖL dazugeben und nochmal kräftig verrühren bis man einen glatten Teig ohne Klümpchen hat. Ich neheme dazu einen Pürrierstab.
2 Eine bechichtete Pfanne erhitzen (mittlere Hitze). Etwas Küchenpapier mit Öl tränken und die heiße Pfanne damit ausreiben.
3 Teig in der Pfanne gleichmäßig verteilen sodas ein schöner runder Pfannkuchen entsteht. Wenn die Unterseite goldgelb ist den Pfannkuchen wenden.
4 Jetzt kommt "der Trick mit dem Topf". Ich stelle jetzt einen Topf der ungefähr so groß wie der Pfannkuchen ist auf den Pfannkuchen in die Pfanne. Der Topf sollte natürlich super sauber sein. So wird der Pfannkuchen auch von der anderen Seite schön gleichmäßig goldgelb. Sollen die Pfannkuchen gefüllt werden (z.B. Pfannkuchenröllchen mit Lachs s. Kochbuch) auf einen Gitter auskühlen lassen.
5 Man kann das Rezept nach belieben variieren. Mehr Milch gibt sehr dünne Pfannkuchen (Crêpes). Wer es dick und fluffig mag kann die Eier trennen und das Eiweiß schaumig schlagen und unter den Teig heben.
6 Man kann auch nach belieben Zutaten direkt mit in den Teig geben z.B. Apfelstückchen und Rosinen (dann noch etwas Backpulver in den Teig), oder Herzhaft mit angebratenem Speck (dann das Öl im Teig weglassen).
(mehr dazu bei www.kochbar.de)

Edited 8/14/2018 20:50:50
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/14/2018 20:55:29

Level 58
"Nauzhror going into a fit of rage again over nothing"

Responding to a post in an aggressive manner is not "going into a fit of rage".

Good job blowing shit out of proportion though.

"the same could be said to you getting triggered by this whole thread. Good Job."

Responding to a post is not at all being "triggered" by it. Making a thread in outrage calling out the owner of the site and saying everyone who did something you don't agree with is a moron and should be ashamed however is.

I'll let you figure out which of the above people is me and which is Logan, I think you can probably figure it out. I'm rooting for you.
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/15/2018 01:30:56

Level 48
This is some next level arrogance
- downvoted post by The Furious Logan
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/20/2018 09:53:31

John John Johnson
Level 58
The last one to post a reply to this thread within 24 hours of my birthday will get 1,523 coins.

Make Logans trolling great again.
- downvoted post by The Furious Logan
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/20/2018 16:40:53

Level 56
And that is rather sad.
- downvoted post by The Furious Logan
ridiculous Warzone coin thread: 8/21/2018 21:41:34

Level 58
I honestly didn't think Quick would seriously give the coins away either (Just thought the whole thing was a joke tbh), but I don't really see how it matters since it's just a silly thread that's supposed to be fun.
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