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is america great again?: 1/15/2018 02:44:13

Wally Balls 
Level 59

is america great again?: 1/15/2018 18:05:37

Level 50
Wally I look at these shanty towns and two questions occur. One, where do you crap? Two, where do you find clean water to drink?

Historically the problem of cities was that they were the home of disease. This was powered by the problem of contaminated water. So what happens is you shit in a pit latrine, the bacterial and amoebic pathogens, get into the ground water. Every one drinks from wells which draw on this water, and you have a population with a systemic problem they can only avoid by running away from it. Refusing to drink unboiled water can help, but diseases can be contracted from the hygiene necessary for a decent life.

So many countries have problems on this front. To the extent that the US has clean water and adequate sanitation and good treatment of domestic and industrial effluent we are great.

In New Jersey where I live the water, the ground water, is polluted. It is polluted with salt, and to a lesser extent with fertilizer. There is also the problem of pollutants produced by industry. On the whole there is a sufficient amount of clean water for everyone. This is not to say that there are not problems. In the US we expect that there should be water for all our needs. When we have honest discussions informed by individuals with expertise then we are great. When we respond to problems by refusing to acknowledge that they exist then we are pathetic.

Detroit's trouble on this front come to mind. The unsustainable use of aquifers for agriculture in the great plains is also an issue.

Problems like Detroit are fixable. Problems like the Ogallala Aquifer are why we are a mess. No solutions are on the table. Politicians are silent. Show of hands, anyone in the room ever hear the word Ogallala before?

End of the day, writing this is a waste of time. Reading it - even more so.
is america great again?: 1/15/2018 20:50:14

Wally Balls 
Level 59

is america great again?: 1/15/2018 21:08:46

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
hell yea brother
is america great again?: 1/15/2018 21:30:29

Darth Kitty
Level 59
People's perception of the U.S is as polarized as its people are politically...

I hear a lot of foreigners talk poorly about my country, yet it's still the place where everyone wants to visit.
is america great again?: 1/16/2018 00:50:34

Wally Balls 
Level 59
Oh really?

Spain is expected to replace the United States as the second most popular country in terms of tourist numbers.


France was always ahead. People would rather get run over on the street or killed by Islamic terrorists than visit the land of Trump.
is america great again?: 1/16/2018 09:41:59

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
hell yea brother
is america great again?: 1/16/2018 16:08:52

Level 48
>Black and Hispanic people in America live in poverty

>countries where they're the majority are also in poverty

makes a man hmm
is america great again?: 1/16/2018 18:04:11

Level 50
Spain has a higher per capita income then 85% of the countries listed by the world bank.

is america great again?: 1/16/2018 20:26:13

Level 8
^Racially Spain is white.

"Hispanic" isn't a race.

Edited 1/16/2018 20:26:30
is america great again?: 1/16/2018 23:25:32

Level 58
makes a man hmm
yet this is the type of person to rip on sociology classes because he disagrees with the current consensus

really makes you think
is america great again?: 1/17/2018 01:15:05

Level 54
"France was always ahead. People would rather get run over on the street or killed by Islamic terrorists than visit the land of Trump"

Lol this hardly ever happens in those countries, it's just over-publicized.
is america great again?: 1/17/2018 07:27:28

Level 8
Heil Trump!
is america great again?: 1/17/2018 14:10:05

Level 55
is america great again?

maybe ask a Puerto Rican ..
is america great again?: 1/20/2018 10:30:57

Level 27
F*ck America, I hope muslims and mexicans will destroy that piece of shit named USA
is america great again?: 1/20/2018 20:52:28

Level 59
Huh I guess Ion Antonescu is back.
is america great again?: 1/21/2018 04:27:33

Leibstandarte (Vengeance)
Level 45
He was always here. Watching and protecting us from the shadows.
is america great again?: 1/21/2018 16:38:28

Level 49
America will always be great plebs, whether or not our president is utter shite

Edited 1/21/2018 16:38:43
is america great again?: 1/25/2018 00:06:49

Level 48
Ion Antonescu knew the truth
is america great again?: 1/25/2018 01:07:03

Level 57
this is now officially a pro-trump thread

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