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Quickmatch Rankings: 11/18/2017 03:59:10

Level 64

Warzone Creator

                   Player_Name                    | GlobalRating | NumWins
 master of desaster                               |          616 |     218
 Timinator • apex                                 |          560 |     133
 Odin                                             |          522 |     131
 neal                                             |          474 |      74
 Muli                                             |          460 |     326
 Krzysztof                                        |          443 |     153
 #Master [QB]                                     |          440 |      77
 alexclusive                                      |          429 |      87
 sloppyfatginger                                  |          422 |     141
 Fizzer                                           |          408 |      91
 Njord                                            |          400 |      86
 mm3100                                           |          386 |      78
 malakkan                                         |          363 |      47
 [REGL] Pooh                                      |          354 |     108
 Nemo                                             |          351 |      66
 Алексей                                          |          350 |      54
 linberson                                        |          345 |      49
 TheUberElite                                     |          335 |      44
 Love Like Dragons                                |          314 |      46
 ps                                               |          305 |      45
 Gargamel                                         |          301 |      84
 TBest                                            |          296 |      40
 Juan                                             |          296 |      33
 TheRiverStyxie                                   |          291 |      96
 Space Patrol                                     |          279 |      80
 Master Farah♦                                    |          264 |      45
 INSIDE                                           |          263 |      33
 MaikMcJuggle                                     |          253 |      35
 Goatinho                                         |          249 |      44
 Derfellios                                       |          233 |      59
 wrongdoer                                        |          233 |      33
 Mike |GG|                                        |          232 |      33
 Vigor Ryko                                       |          230 |      25
 Buns157                                          |          227 |      28
 fenix2004                                        |          224 |      28
 nich                                             |          223 |      30
 indibob                                          |          220 |      63
 Huizinga                                         |          217 |      29
 wakanarai                                        |          217 |      34
 Hashirama Senju                                  |          215 |      28
 MightySpeck (a Koala)                            |          209 |      44
 Bane                                             |          207 |     100
 mikal                                            |          206 |      30
 kalati                                           |          202 |      38
 Beren • apex                                     |          199 |      27
 Yellow-Rose                                      |          198 |      40
 ViralGoat                                        |          197 |      30
 Star of the East                                 |          195 |      26
 BrewMaster                                       |          192 |      27
 Jesus                                            |          184 |      33
 Swisster                                         |          179 |      21
 lawm                                             |          168 |      42
 Boubou                                           |          167 |      20
 Moniker                                          |          165 |      46
 Krys                                             |          164 |      28
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/18/2017 03:59:22

Level 50
Is it possible to just put them up the same way the ladders are until you code in a leaderboard?
Like, just give a link like this? http://data.warlight.net/Data/BayeseloLog0.txt and dump it there.

Of course that would be a temporarily solution, but I think many would be satisfied until you get around to it.
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/18/2017 04:26:03

Level 63
Wow, I have exactly 100 wins.
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/18/2017 18:58:23

Level 59
Glad to see myself at the top of the leaderboards!
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/20/2017 01:32:03

Level 42
"Is it possible to just put them up the same way the ladders are until you code in a leaderboard?
Like, just give a link like this? http://data.warlight.net/Data/BayeseloLog0.txt and dump it there.

Of course that would be a temporarily solution, but I think many would be satisfied until you get around to it."

Would love this.
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/20/2017 01:36:52

Level 59
I think TBest's solution would also be workable as a f̶i̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶s̶o̶l̶u̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ permanent thing if there's not a whole lot of demand for the rating data.
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/20/2017 02:11:09

The Endless Zero
Level 57
+1 @Tbestlittlehelper
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/20/2017 15:32:06

Level 58
yeah boi, check me out in the rankings.
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/20/2017 18:43:46

Level 42
mod still the only one to have broke 600?
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/20/2017 18:48:01

Level 64

Warzone Creator
                   Player_Name                    | GlobalRating | NumWins
 Timinator • apex                                 |          591 |     147
 master of desaster                               |          589 |     241
 neal                                             |          576 |     104
 Odin                                             |          525 |     134
 alexclusive                                      |          475 |     111
 Muli                                             |          458 |     343
 Nemo                                             |          454 |      98
 #Master [QB]                                     |          445 |      78
 Krzysztof                                        |          440 |     159
 TheUberElite                                     |          433 |      86
 sloppyfatginger                                  |          426 |     142
 Fizzer                                           |          422 |      94
 Njord                                            |          393 |      87
 NoMercy                                          |          389 |      46
 mm3100                                           |          383 |      79
 linberson                                        |          361 |      52
 malakkan                                         |          359 |      47
 [REGL] Pooh                                      |          358 |     109
 Алексей                                          |          358 |      58
 Love Like Dragons                                |          343 |      61
 Gargamel                                         |          334 |      93
 Goatinho                                         |          328 |      61
 TheRiverStyxie                                   |          321 |     106
 Vigor Ryko                                       |          319 |      37
 ps                                               |          319 |      47
 Master Farah♦                                    |          317 |      56
 Space Patrol                                     |          313 |     117
 Bbraw                                            |          308 |      39
 wrongdoer                                        |          296 |      46
 Juan                                             |          296 |      33
 Swisster                                         |          294 |      38
 TBest                                            |          292 |      40
 Kezzo                                            |          284 |      30
 INSIDE                                           |          273 |      34
 ViralGoat                                        |          261 |      41
 MaikMcJuggle                                     |          250 |      35
 Derfellios                                       |          233 |      60
 Mike |GG|                                        |          232 |      33
 Hashirama Senju                                  |          231 |      30
 indibob                                          |          230 |      65
 Soldier of Orange                                |          229 |      36
 Buns157                                          |          227 |      28
 Bane                                             |          225 |     106
 fenix2004                                        |          221 |      28
 nich                                             |          219 |      30
 MightySpeck (a Koala)                            |          217 |      46
 nupogodi                                         |          215 |      30
 wakanarai                                        |          213 |      34
 Menda                                            |          211 |      34
 Beren • apex                                     |          208 |      28
 mikal                                            |          206 |      30
 Huizinga                                         |          205 |      29
 Raja                                             |          201 |      40
 kalati                                           |          198 |      38
 Yellow-Rose                                      |          196 |      40
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/24/2017 15:40:57

Level 42
There a rough ETA on these being viewable live?
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/24/2017 16:49:10

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Please vote for it on uservoice. The number of votes determines my priorities between feature requests.

                   Player_Name                    | GlobalRating | NumWins
 master of desaster                               |          674 |     298
 neal                                             |          604 |     138
 Timinator • apex                                 |          588 |     161
 Odin                                             |          518 |     135
 alexclusive                                      |          503 |     140
 #Master [QB]                                     |          490 |      87
 Othello                                          |          489 |      65
 Nemo                                             |          466 |     141
 Krzysztof                                        |          459 |     174
 Muli                                             |          457 |     373
 sloppyfatginger                                  |          439 |     152
 TheUberElite                                     |          434 |     122
 Swisster                                         |          434 |      69
 Fizzer                                           |          424 |      97
 NoMercy                                          |          423 |      55
 Love Like Dragons                                |          420 |     100
 Bbraw                                            |          420 |      65
 Quicksilver                                      |          411 |      51
 Kezzo                                            |          409 |      48
 Njord                                            |          407 |      90
 linberson                                        |          396 |      63
 Goatinho                                         |          396 |      83
 mm3100                                           |          393 |      81
 Vigor Ryko                                       |          391 |      52
 kasse84                                          |          389 |      53
 Master Farah♦                                    |          363 |      70
 Алексей                                          |          363 |      64
 [REGL] Pooh                                      |          359 |     110
 Gargamel                                         |          358 |      97
 malakkan                                         |          356 |      47
 Space Patrol                                     |          354 |     138
 wrongdoer                                        |          352 |      59
 TheRiverStyxie                                   |          341 |     116
 ps                                               |          321 |      48
 Buns157                                          |          308 |      37
 Sephiroth                                        |          302 |      41
 Juan                                             |          296 |      33
 yummydagod                                       |          293 |      42
 Sivis2                                           |          293 |      48
 TBest                                            |          292 |      40
 yummytho                                         |          288 |      65
 nich                                             |          276 |      38
 ViralGoat                                        |          274 |      47
 INSIDE                                           |          270 |      34
 Soldier of Orange                                |          269 |      44
 Menda                                            |          261 |      45
 Hofmeister                                       |          260 |      40
 Cluster                                          |          255 |      34
 ElDuderino                                       |          251 |      48
 MaikMcJuggle                                     |          248 |      35
 Derfellios                                       |          245 |      62
 Mike |GG|                                        |          232 |      33
 Hashirama Senju                                  |          231 |      30
 indibob                                          |          227 |      66
 nupogodi                                         |          223 |      31

Edited 11/24/2017 18:49:01
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/24/2017 21:13:36

Level 65
Congratulations to master of desaster to this incredible rating!
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/26/2017 14:20:33

master of desaster 
Level 66
Thank you! Nice of you
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/26/2017 17:22:41

Level 61
could we get a sunday update? :)

Edited 11/26/2017 17:22:52
Quickmatch Rankings: 11/30/2017 03:08:03

The Endless Zero
Level 57
How about a Wednesday/Thursday update ;).

Also, congrats mod.

Edited 11/30/2017 03:08:22
Quickmatch Rankings: 12/1/2017 18:29:39

Level 64

Warzone Creator
                    Player_Name                     | GlobalRating | NumWins
 master of desaster                                 |          710 |     369
 Othello                                            |          703 |     179
 neal                                               |          618 |     149
 Timinator • apex                                   |          605 |     205
 Kezzo                                              |          571 |     109
 Krzysztof                                          |          563 |     220
 alexclusive                                        |          557 |     210
 NoMercy                                            |          554 |      96
 Quicksilver                                        |          544 |     100
 #Master [QB]                                       |          533 |      96
 Bbraw                                              |          523 |     133
 Odin                                               |          518 |     135
 kasse84                                            |          502 |     101
 Nemo                                               |          494 |     219
 Swisster                                           |          494 |      99
 Love Like Dragons                                  |          467 |     139
 Muli                                               |          465 |     400
 Buns157                                            |          462 |      65
 TheUberElite                                       |          458 |     142
 mo_risiko                                          |          458 |      83
 IHateEverySinglewarlightPlayerOnTheEntirePlanet    |          450 |      89
 Fizzer                                             |          449 |     105
 sloppyfatginger                                    |          445 |     163
 [WG] Reza                                          |          440 |      88
 linberson                                          |          439 |      84
 malakkan                                           |          429 |      65
 wrongdoer                                          |          429 |     100
 Njord                                              |          401 |      91
 mm3100                                             |          401 |      85
 Vigor Ryko                                         |          396 |      58
 Goatinho                                           |          396 |      83
 rakleader                                          |          391 |      47
 Алексей                                            |          391 |      72
 Master Farah♦                                      |          390 |      75
 Bonsai                                             |          384 |      51
 Little-Mouse                                       |          377 |      59
 [REGL] Pooh                                        |          377 |     116
 Gargamel                                           |          376 |     107
 Space Patrol                                       |          375 |     153
 aw1908                                             |          360 |      56
 TheRiverStyxie                                     |          359 |     122
 ElDuderino                                         |          358 |      92
 Soldier of Orange                                  |          354 |      64
 Bane                                               |          354 |     153
 Jay                                                |          343 |      68
 Pardon99                                           |          332 |      38
 Hofmeister                                         |          332 |      58
 Hunta                                              |          327 |      39
 Taran                                              |          324 |      68
 Menda                                              |          323 |      60
 Lucien Müller                                      |          321 |      37
 Wini                                               |          320 |      39
 ps                                                 |          320 |      49
 Sivis2                                             |          317 |      62
 yummydagod                                         |          309 |      49
Quickmatch Rankings: 12/1/2017 18:43:59

Level 60
wow, that is a lot more competitive then I thought! nice :)
Quickmatch Rankings: 12/1/2017 20:05:20

Level 63
im just trying to stay on the board lol
Quickmatch Rankings: 12/1/2017 23:00:00

Level 63
I thought that getting 230 as a rating in literally 2 days would get me on the list, looks like I was wrong.
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