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Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/12/2016 21:28:10

Level 67
The current tournament topscorer (#smug) endorses #teamknyte too!
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/12/2016 21:36:08

Level 55
So I suspect it could actually be because of tab width varying in browsers (and custom settings). MotD used tabs for formatting, and I kept most of them to make my life simple.

Let me know the below one's properly formatted (it's all spaces- thanks Sublime):

By Points
Rank   Clan      1v1   2v2   3v3   Points   Max Points  Success Rate
1      Master    9-5   2-0   1-0   40       225         72.7
2      Turtles   13-4  0-1   0-1   39       219         65.0
3      Lynx      8-7   1-0   2-0   38       219         64.4
4      French    9-5   0-0   0-1   27       220         57.4
5      GG        6-7   1-1   0-1   22       210         42.3
6      apex      5-8   0-1   1-1   20       207         37.7
7      WG        2-16  0-1   0-0   6        188         10.3

(none of the data above is updated since MotD's initial post)

If the above stuff works for everyone, then I guess that means we shouldn't use tabs w/in code tags and expect the formatting to work perfectly across browsers.

Also, MotD's looks okay for me now too. It still has tabs, though, so maybe it was something else?

Edited 7/12/2016 21:38:16
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/12/2016 22:49:42

Level 60
@Knyte: Your formatting with spaces seems to come out well on my end!

Also, (not an update!) GreenTea defeated Timon. Lynx is 2nd right now. What in the world?

Edited 7/12/2016 22:52:00
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 06:06:44

Level 64
By Points
         Clan           1v1        2v2        3v3       Points    Max Points  Points Win %
1        Master        11-5        2-0        1-0        46        225        75.4
2        Lynx           9-7        1-0        2-0        41        219        66.1
3        Turtles       13-4        0-1        0-1        39        219        65
4        French         9-6        0-0        0-1        27        217        54
5        GG             6-7        1-1        0-1        22        210        42.3
6        apex          5-10        0-1        1-1        20        201        33.9
7        WG            2-16        0-1        0-0         6        188        10.3

By max points

  • Master Jz beats Timinator on Greece
  • Master Jz beats Wazz on Treasure map
  • GreenTea beats timon92 on BI5

Jz picks up two wins in a day to build on her solid start this season. She is currently 4-0 across two tournaments. With these two wins, Masters inch closer to Turtles' 1v1 record. I do think their points tally flatters them a little though. Most games have been close affairs.

French have been a bit quiet over the last week or so, but they still have a healthy max point ceiling. I'm not sure which way they're headed at the moment.

And finally, we look at the defending champions Apex. I think it's fair to say most people would be surprised with the start they've made. They're rooted in the relegation zone and really need to pick up some wins. Their ceiling is 9 points lower than GG(in 5th), but they still trail them by 2 points. It would require an incredible performance to win the clan league from Apex's current position.

Edited 7/13/2016 19:50:18
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 06:16:46

Level 60
Deadman, it appears you forgot to report GreenTea's win over Timon on Battle Islands in your official update!

In any case, who could have predicted Lynx at 2nd and Apex at 6th right now? Our 2nd spot may not last long, but we'll enjoy it as much as we can!
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 07:16:37

Level 59
it appears you forgot to report GreenTea's win over Timon on Battle Islands in your official update!

:P No partial updates, remember? Maybe put "not an update" in bold and at the top of your post next time so MotD doesn't miss it.
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 07:46:26

Level 60
@Knyte: Is there a way to change the font-size on Warlight? I may need that! I don't think bold is enough.

[b style="font-size:20px"]Not an update![/b]

Edit: Nope. Looks like classic CSS do not work here!

Edit #2: If I had premium membership, I could maybe use a large image. xP

Edited 7/13/2016 07:54:56
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 08:09:01

Level 59
You could try this:

 | \ | |/ __ \__   __|     /\   | \ | | | |  | |  __ \|  __ \   /\|__   __|  ____|
 |  \| | |  | | | |       /  \  |  \| | | |  | | |__) | |  | | /  \  | |  | |__   
 | . ` | |  | | | |      / /\ \ | . ` | | |  | |  ___/| |  | |/ /\ \ | |  |  __|  
 | |\  | |__| | | |     / ____ \| |\  | | |__| | |    | |__| / ____ \| |  | |____ 
 |_| \_|\____/  |_|    /_/    \_\_| \_|  \____/|_|    |_____/_/    \_\_|  |______|

Just don't forget the code tags.
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 08:16:46

Level 60

It did not completely come out well on my end, but this is a great idea. Thank you, Knyte!
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 12:08:02

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Or you could just let Deadman do the updates and wait for him to lavish praise over Lynx, rather than doing it yourself...
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 15:46:13

Dutch Desire 
Level 60
Looking it from the positive side: GG is leading the top 3 of Clan League 6. ;P
♪Go GG Go!♩♫ ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺✺◟( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)◞✺
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 15:55:24

Level 58
I realised, the 4 clans in Clan League 6 are all doing weaker than the clan who joined in 7 (Lynx) and the 2 who joined in 8 (Turtle/Master)


Edited 7/13/2016 16:05:12
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 16:16:04

Level 61
And if that wasn't enough, the clan who joined in CL6 (French) also does better than clans who were in CL5 (GG/WG/apex).
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 16:16:11

Level 60
@Beren: Which part of "(not an update!)" in my post is hard to read, though? ;w; I believe I warned Deadman in advance.

I enjoy to talk about results are they come in immediately. My post about me noticing that Lynx was 2nd sparked a lot of discussion in 101st/Lynx Skype chat. We even invited Master Farah and Motoki. =)

Edited 7/13/2016 16:17:10
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 19:36:36

Level 62
ZBD: "Hey Deadman, remember when you told me to stop posting updates on the CL thread? Well I'm about to do it again, HEADS UP!"

Miles Edgeworth: "Huh?"
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/13/2016 20:08:34

Level 60
"@Zero, please avoid partial updates."

"@Deadman: My apology. But just to be clear, my comments are *never* meant to be updates. xP"


"(not an update!) GreenTea defeated Timon."

I wrote about my comments never meant to be updates + used a (not an update!) tag. @w@ ??

Does writing about a match immediately equals to an update when I wrote two times that it's not supposed to be one? >w>

Let's not forget that I did not even write that it happened on Battle Islands. Thus, it can't be an official update.

Edited 7/13/2016 20:16:52
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/14/2016 01:40:34

Master Ree 
Level 58
ZBD, I know your intentions are well meant and you should be excited about a win.

I think the issue lies in the fact that if a random game finishes, then a separate Lynx game finishes and you post about that, it can lead to the partial update that MotD wishes to avoid.

I full heartedly agree and encourage you to celebrate in the 101st/Lynx Skype chat, I think what MotD is asking for though is that you leave your comments on the forum about individual games until after an official post is made, at which time, go nuts.
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/14/2016 01:50:58

Level 60
I see... That's fair enough! Thank you Master Ree. I apologize for the misunderstanding and I'll be sure to make any comment about the newly finished games only after Deadman's daily update to make both of our lives easier!
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/14/2016 03:19:49

Level 59
He could just put the big "NOT AN UPDATE" sign at the top. That way, both people come out happy- MotD doesn't get confused by ZBD's posts and ZBD gets to talk about how hard Lynx is getting rekt.
Clan League Season 8: Group A Offical Thread: 7/14/2016 03:30:56

Level 57
Just to be safe, nobody should ever post here. Close the thread and only let MotD post.

Why are we so afraid of spoilers anyways? This is CL8, not Ep. 8...
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