Warzone Idle

Warzone Idle is a spin-off game using the Warzone engine. See this video for an introduction to what Warzone Idle is.

The game was announced in July of 2020 and is currently in an invite-only beta.

About this Wiki

The Warzone Idle section of this wiki is currently under construction.

The goal is to document the way the core engine works, without spoiling any level-specific information. For now, level-specific information is considered a spoiler, and should not be published to the wiki. We want players to discover this on their own. Level-specific information is defined as anything that changes between each level, such as the maps, tech costs, recipe costs, and item sell prices.

Useful links

See these pages for more information about Warzone Idle:

Cheating in Warzone Idle

Any attempts to cheat will result in your Warzone account being banned (along with any of your alts). Do not attempt to modify the game data, modify your system clock, or automate the game in any fashion except as provided within the game's normal UI. You have been warned.