ConstructionWorker Unit

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Mod name ConstructionWorker Unit
Creator UnFairerOrb76
Made public on 2023-??-??
Category Experimental
Tags #Diplomacy
Runs on Warzone version 5.24.1+
Source code GitHub
A Worker
Attack power 3
Defence power 3
Can be transferred to teammates Yes
Can be airlifted to self Yes
Can be airlifted to teammates Yes
Can be gifted Yes
Combat order 3417
Damage to kill 3
Starting health N/A
Visible to all players No

This mod adds Worker special units to the game. They construct cities on territories they occupy at the end of each turn.

This mod requires commerce to be enabled.


Game creators can customize:

  • The cost to purchase Works, in Gold (defaults to 15, min 1, max 40).
  • The maximum number of Workers each player can have on their territories before buying a new one (defaults to 3, min 1, max 5).
  • The number of cities each Worker makes per turn (defaults to 1, min 1, max 5).

Purchasing Workers

To purchase a Worker, go to Build > ConstructionWorker Unit. Workers can only be purchased on territories the player wanting to by one owns. Purchasing a Worker can happen during any turn phase.

If at the time a purchase order is being processed, the territory to buy a unit on is no longer controlled by the player wanting to buy it, the unit will not be created and the player will not be given back their gold. If at the time a purchase order is being processed, the cost in the settings is the greater than the cost in the order or is non-existent, a unit will not be created and the player will not be given their gold back. If at the time the purchase order is processed, the player has reached or gone beyond the number units the limit enforces, it will not be created and the player will not get their gold back.