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Level 6901 - 6925 of 21505   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  139  ...  276  277  278  ...  569  ...  860  861  Next >>   
Just an easy test   8 likes, 37 wins in 650 attempts
Created by [GW] Rob
Record holder: Red in 11 turns
WW2 Axis victory   6 likes, 18 wins in 54 attempts
Created by Shrek
Record holder: Red in 38 turns
Swedish Empire   19 likes, 143 wins in 160 attempts
Created by Napoleon
Record holder: Red in 5 turns
WW3 WTO 3. Red Dragon II   20 likes, 63 wins in 181 attempts
Created by Pinguin Joe
Record holder: Red in 10 turns
something   15 likes, 36 wins in 723 attempts
Created by fredtheyounger
Record holder: al in 31 turns
WW3 WTO 2. Red Dragon   5 likes, 37 wins in 48 attempts
Created by Pinguin Joe
Record holder: bagwati in 6 turns
Another Labyrinth (Read descr.)   2 likes, 8 wins in 228 attempts
Created by [GW] Rob
Record holder: Jose in 5 turns
Kaiserreich The Second Weltkrieg Germany's Fall   6 likes, 48 wins in 93 attempts
Created by Shrek
Record holder: DrUm in 22 turns
crusade 9 players   42 likes, 173 wins in 511 attempts
Created by Thomas Andreas Kocher
Record holder: Jose in 14 turns
Kaiserreich-The Greater Middle Eastern War   7 likes, 46 wins in 126 attempts
Created by Shrek
Record holder: Lepanto31 in 14 turns
Cold War: Middle Eastern Crisis   5 likes, 32 wins in 36 attempts
Created by Napoleon
Record holder: L.S.D. in 4 turns
Cold War: Polish Rebellion   1 like, 46 wins in 48 attempts
Created by Napoleon
Record holder: Bryan in 2 turns
Why Hong Kong ?   40 likes, 183 wins in 698 attempts
Created by Gniome
Record holder: Ken in 16 turns
Kaiserreich-Spanish Civil War   9 likes, 75 wins in 84 attempts
Created by Shrek
Record holder: Hodop in 7 turns
Kaiserreich Prolouge-March through the Nile   5 likes, 61 wins in 85 attempts
Created by Shrek
Record holder: Hodop in 13 turns
Why Yorkshire ?   58 likes, 264 wins in 472 attempts
Created by Gniome
Record holder: jv in 12 turns
Kaiserreich Prolouge pt1   6 likes, 46 wins in 48 attempts
Created by Shrek
Record holder: Hodop in 6 turns
A Guerra mundial 2   4 likes, 39 wins in 41 attempts
Created by Taggy
Record holder: Shrek in 1 turn
Why Gallipoli ?   38 likes, 222 wins in 406 attempts
Created by Gniome
Record holder: DavidE in 10 turns
Why Morocco ?   43 likes, 290 wins in 514 attempts
Created by Gniome
Record holder: T in 12 turns
Why your mom?   21 likes, 171 wins in 281 attempts
Created by EmiCat
Record holder: KiwiFred in 5 turns
How the world came to end 7   5 likes, 50 wins in 59 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: Hodop in 7 turns
Why Middle East ?   100 likes, 524 wins in 1250 attempts
Created by Gniome
Record holder: glad in 10 turns
*France takes the WORLD* Europe Game 5   2 likes, 17 wins in 17 attempts
Created by [GW] Rob
Record holder: Hodop in 5 turns
Neo-cold war 2:Cambodia   4 likes, 52 wins in 53 attempts
Created by The second misplaced texan empire
Record holder: Hodop in 2 turns
Level 6901 - 6925 of 21505   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  139  ...  276  277  278  ...  569  ...  860  861  Next >>