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Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 09:55:30

Level 35
Everyone will be naked in china
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 11:38:34

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54
Every single woman on the planet will simultaneously by impregnated (entirely impossible, cause there aren't enough men).
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 12:12:05

Level 56
Tyrion Lannister stops being a troll.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 12:27:45

Level 35
You can be arrested for being gay now
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 12:34:30

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54
Gay men give birth
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 13:03:32

Level 54
This has just gotten so ridiculous:

Mayonnaise really does become an instrument
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 13:28:26

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54
Ireland becomes #1 world super power by resurrecting Lord Voldemort and controlling him using technology taking from fairy alien cyborg ghost firefighters.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 15:26:32

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
The Pope moves his seat to Ireland, becomes President of the EU, Britain leaves and joins the Russian-led Eurasian Union along with Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Baltics, Belarus, Novorossiya, Moldova, Hungary, Serbia, Syria, Iran, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China and Korea.
The UK then creates a Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, each country has a First Minister and devolved governments in Scotland and Northern Ireland are united and Wales and England as well as French Canada have further reduced powers.

Other stuff:
Al-Nusra and the FSA drive ISIL right back deep into Iraq, but lose all of Syria to Bashar al-Assad, the FSA and al-Nusra fall out over who should run Iraq, the Saudis, Jordanians and Emirates help the FSA to beat the al-Nusra Front and the FSA turns Iraq into a military dictatorship modeled on Gaddafi-era Libya.

Libya is invaded by the Egyptian Army in conjunction with the Saudi Arabian Air Force and the US Marines, they bring one of Gaddafi's sons back to rule to restore peace and stability.

The US has a popular leftist revolution in which the Republican Party is banned and only Socialist parties are allowed. Texas and Oklahoma break away and form the Republic of Texas supported by the British Royal Navy.

Argentina re-invades the Falklands but is repelled and Chile ends up occupying Argentina. Argentina has a puppet government put in place.

The Sultanate of Brunei becomes an autonomous region of Malaysia.

Papua New Guinea takes over the rest of Guinea, then unites with Australia and New Zealand.

South Africa has the British monarchy reinstated, and apartheid against white people is abolished.

Palestine is re-invaded by British Forces and becomes a British Oversees Territory. Only religious people are allowed to stay in Palestine, and all the secular Jewish people are sent back home to Russia.

Germany unites with Austria.

Spain and Greece leave the EU. Portugal is invaded by France to stop them from leaving.

Poroshenko loses the war with Novorossiya who occupy central and Eastern Ukraine. They allow the Right-Sector and other Nazis to set up their own government in the West under UN supervision. Western Ukraine joined the EU.

Moldova expands into Romania. Romania sends all the gypsies to the frontlines and as a result loses the war.

Turkey unites with Bulgaria and joins the European Union.

The Sultan of Oman adds the regions of Aden and Hadramaut to his realm.

To be continued...
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 16:58:54

An abandoned account
Level 56
A politician tells the truth.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 17:11:06

Level 35
Youtube will be banned in the US
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 19:40:07

Level 60
New Game: Switch it to be most likely.

Japan's economy collapses.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 19:42:35

Level 54
Pigs fly.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 20:35:55

Level 35
ISIS will become independent
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 20:41:08

Level 56
Can't beat that: New Round

France begins being settled by Saudi Arabian Government.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 20:46:16

Level 56
Citizens of the United States of America, that have particular skin color, stop making riots.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 20:51:40

Level 35
Ukraine will commit suicide via nuke
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 21:03:27

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54
more likely....

the saudis will be overthrown in saudi arabia.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 21:12:22

Level 60
Greeces economy will collapse.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 21:33:02

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54
^ thats, like, 90% definately gonna happen so, i'm gonna go with...

an actress will get an std this year.
Political Likeliness Game: 2015-05-03 21:36:49

Level 56
Luxemburg will not pay all it's debts by 2016.
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