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Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 05:26:26

Level 55
Genghis - You don't need to be religious to have a conscience. You can not do something bad because you know it is bad.

As opposed to not doing it because you are afraid of the consequences of hell ever after or such like.

This is wandering off topic though, I don't think that the warlight forums are as inclusive as they used to be, and I do think that that reflects badly on the site and the community.

Edited 4/3/2015 05:28:26
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 06:01:51

Level 58
Humanity is messed up like all of you.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 06:15:47

Level 56
I agree with Lolowut. Its in human nature to hold prejudice and to judge. As I said, homophobia itself is natural, harmless and not immoral. its only when homophobia is combined with harassment and bigotry is it immoral and should be condemned.

It was not my initial intention to state my opinion on this topic here, but here you go:

I don't think homosexuality is a cause for celebration but at the same time it shouldn't be cause for bullying and active discrimination. There is no need for any gay pride or anti-gay parades. There is nothing to be proud of and also nothing to be ashamed of. Society should accept that homosexuality is just an abnormal feature of humans that occurs naturally. No big deal. Lets live and let live.

On the matter of legalising gay marriages, I think society should continue to debate on this.

I have mixed views regarding this topic. On one hand I believe we have accepted that active discrimination and preventing people from living a normal life due to reasons beyond their control must end, but at the same time the institution of marriage has long been defined as man + woman, and it is on this foundation that society has been built on and evolved to today. Not to mention that possible psychological impacts upon a child who is raised without a mother or a father. Legalising homosexual marriages may also be used to set up a precedent and make people in the argue think that transgender, pedophilloic, bestial (man + animal) , incestuos (man + relative) and polygamous (multiple) relationships too should be legalised or accepted, although some of these ideas are heavily frowned upon by society.

Edited 4/3/2015 06:21:05
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 06:43:27

The Lord
Level 23
- Gay pride parades are held in response to hate, to raise awareness, not because gays think they are better than the rest.

- If you think homosexuality is abnormal, then what do you think about all the other animal species that engage in homosexual behaviour? Are they unnatural too? Also, if you so abhor anything unnatural, then you should at once stop using the microwave, eating refined sugar, living in a house with electricity and warm water, stop using medication for possible illnesses that you have etc.

- Banning gay marriage is a form of discrimination. Why should it matter that people are used to it? Legalize gay marriage, and soon they will get used to it too.

- Possible psychological damage? Citation please.

- Traditionalism is no safeguard against the billion forms of perversions you talk about. Christianity sanctions incest. Islam promotes pedophilia. If you dislike pedophilia and incest, you should fight religions instead.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 08:05:12

Level 56
Gay pride parades are held in response to hate, to raise awareness, not because gays think they are better than the rest.

Pride parades are not necessarily 'held in response' to hate parades.. They occur regularly and in my opinion, mainly celebrate LGBT cultures and pride.

I believe that homosexuality should be tolerated. That homosexuals should be protected from hate and active discrimination by the law. Many believe this too. However, some too don't believe that homosexuality and LGBT cultures should be promoted. There is a difference between accepting that homosexuality is an uncontrollable natural abnormality and accepting the integration of LGBT cultures into traditional society. Gay 'pride' is also unnecessary, as I'v already said, in my opinion, there is no pride and also no shame in being gay.

If you think homosexuality is abnormal, then what do you think about all the other animal species that engage in homosexual behaviour?

As I said in another post, by abnormal, I mean that literally - it is simply not the norm. It is like being born without a limb. Is it normal to be born without a limb? No. Is being born without a limb natural? Yes. Abnormal doesn't necessarily mean unnatural.

Banning gay marriage is a form of discrimination. Why should it matter that people are used to it? Legalize gay marriage, and soon they will get used to it too.

I do concede the point here. Yes, society has evolved to a stage where such forms of unacceptable discrimination shouldn't be tolerated simply because of traditionalism. Nevertheless, there are still a few factors I've mentioned that society should consider before legalising gay marriages.

I have to go now, I'll respond to your other points later.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 08:44:45

The Lord
Level 23
Pride parades are not necessarily 'held in response' to hate parades.. They occur regularly and in my opinion, mainly celebrate LGBT cultures and pride.

I wasn't talking about gay hate parades. I meant that gay pride parades are held in response to everyday gayhate practiced by a substantial part of society. As such, they are a temporary measure that will last as long as homophobia does.

However, some too don't believe that homosexuality and LGBT cultures should be promoted. There is a difference between accepting that homosexuality is an uncontrollable natural abnormality and accepting the integration of LGBT cultures into traditional society. Gay 'pride' is also unnecessary, as I'v already said, in my opinion, there is no pride and also no shame in being gay.

It only makes sense to promote gay "pride" in response to others promoting the notion that homosexuality is a sin. If homophobia disappears, I will agree with you that promoting gay "pride" is meaningless. But in the meantime, I will disagree.

As I said in another post, by abnormal, I mean that literally - it is simply not the norm. It is like being born without a limb. Is it normal to be born without a limb? No. Is being born without a limb natural? Yes. Abnormal doesn't necessarily mean unnatural.

So by abnormal you mean that a trait is not shared by at least 51% of society? Ok. But why do you compare it with losing a limb?

Here's a better comparison: Being Chinese is abnormal in the wider context. They have a strange skin color and funny eyes. They also speak a language most that people do not understand. So is being Chinese comparable with being born with the down syndrome? Both are abnormal. I don't really get what you are trying to say with your comparison.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 09:17:28

Level 55
Being Chinese is abnormal in the wider context. They have a strange skin color and funny eyes.

As the Chinese make up the biggest ethnic group in the world. I imagine Pulsey has stronger grounds to reverse that statement than you have to make it ;)


Edited 4/3/2015 09:18:21
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 09:21:43

Level 58
Chinese is moreover the most spoken language, nothing abnormal. Actually what is abnormal is that you did not start learning it.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 09:32:08

The Lord
Level 23
As the Chinese make up the biggest ethnic group in the world. I imagine Pulsey has stronger grounds to reverse that statement than you have to make it ;)


While that may be true, it is irrelevant. Neither Chinese nor white people make up 51%+ of the world population. Doesn't invalidate my point that being Chinese is not the norm, ie. it is abnormal according to him.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 09:56:27

Thomas 633
Level 56
being a lion isn't normal either.

we need to

Edited 4/3/2015 09:57:01
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 10:02:05

The Lord
Level 23
being a lion isn't normal either.

Point taken :)
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 12:53:29

Level 57
I don't think anyone has ever advocated going around beating up gay people, violence isn't the way to go about it. The majority simply believe that the government has no business endorsing homosexuality and gay marriage should stay off the books. This by no means would affect whatever people do in their bedrooms, it would simply keep marriage between man and woman.

In response to the people saying "You should just keep quiet about it", what's even the point of having a political view if you're never permitted to express it? You can't have debates or votes about a topic if one side of the argument is always getting labeled as "Evil hating religious nuts" and forced into silence.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 13:12:39

The Lord
Level 23
While I understand your point that it is sometimes best to just agree to disagree, I will contend that these two views cannot really coexist peacefully in a society. If one side says that LGBT people should have equal rights to heterosexuals, and the other side says that they should be second-class citizens, you cannot really make policies that satisfy both camps simultaneously.

If a homosexual person, for instance, will not get a job because of his sexual orientation, what should the law have to say about it? If the law penalizes it as discrimination, then the law takes away people's freedom to dislike gays and avoid working with them. You cannot have it both ways.

When forced to choose between those sides, I see all the big arguments siding with LGBT equality. The other side will say that God dislikes homosexuals, or that homosexuality is unnatural or runs counter to the norm. Both arguments have been debunked.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 13:58:02

Level 61
If you don't like it don't be gay simple as that
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 14:24:57

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
It's not about not liking it, it's about God. It's about morality. Nobody said that homosexuality was hurting anyone (other than themselves, of course). The point is, sex - even heterosexual oral or anal sex - is not supposed to happen. We weren't built to do it. I do not blame homosexuals for their behavior. I blame the Western propaganda which is spearheaded by democratic libertarian socialist leftists who have a agenda which revolves around the equality of all human beings. This is complete bullshit. Humans have never, and will never, be equal. Neo-Nazis, KKK and sympathisers even today especially in the former Confederate States of America convince their children that blacks are inferior. Others convince their kids that it is okay for two men to love each other, get married and other nonsensical things. I believe in re-education which means teaching people that homosexuality is an abomination. Oral sex and anal sex amongst heterosexuals are also abominations, but I will cease to talk about that in this thread whilst we concentrate on homosexuality in this thread.
Some gay men do not have sex, I am told. They merely express love through kissing and cuddling and living together as normal under-age heterosexual couples might do these days. These people are treated in a seperate way from those that engage in sex acts with each other. These people should be treated as mentally incapacitated.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 14:36:42

Level 55
Straight out of the Westboro Baptist playbook ^^
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 14:46:08

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
I'm Muslim.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 14:46:42

Level 54
KKK is shifting towards white pride nowadays. Black et al hate is fading from the Klan in many branches.
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 14:49:47

Level 58
Colonel if I knew where you lived you wouldn't be living...
Homophobia/Immaturity In Warlight: 4/3/2015 14:50:35

Level 54
Is it just me, or is half of warlight Muslim?
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