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The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-01-30 07:33:34

Level 55
Now that the 1 minute ads have become way too frequent, I am no longer getting any enjoyment from the game. I actually cringe a little opening the game and clicking on the ad to increase my army increase rate because you never know if it will be 30 seconds or 60. I have been with Warzone for almost 13 years and a member for 9 years. I did not mind the occasional 30 second ad to help speed things up, and even saw it as a way to help out Fizzer a little (on top of the paid membership and occasional in game purchase). But 1 minute is too far. Do the people playing classic Warzone even have to sit through ads, or is this privilege reserved for those of us who just like to take it easy in idle? I used to really enjoy this game, and I hope that if enough people bring it up, the ads will go back to 30 seconds or disappear completely for paid members. Please contact me if you ever change your ad policy as I would love to return to a more user friendly experience.
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-01-30 10:05:48

Level 39
Members can disable ads, but that doesn't apply to things like the wheel spins on mobile. I know classic doesn't have in-game/forum ads if you disable ads. Not sure about how ads are done in Idle.
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-01-30 11:06:16

Level 59
Congrats on beating Idle!
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-01-30 11:21:55

Level 63
I don't think Fizzer has any control over how long the "Rewarded Ads" (as Google calls them) can be.

As far as I know, video ads only appear after a player manually triggers them.
This means you can just not watch the ads.
I know they are tempting, but that +20% army camp boost (or whatever reward you pick) doesn't add a whole lot on top of the 100% to 500% you likely have from advancements and/or artifacts.

If anything, ignoring the +20% ads and instead getting a free power from the coin wheel is likely more productive use of your 60 seconds.
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-01-30 11:42:53

Level 67
I know they are tempting, but that +20% army camp boost (or whatever reward you pick) doesn't add a whole lot on top of the 100% to 500% you likely have from advancements and/or artifacts.

In fact, the 20% from ad doesn't work the same way as boosts from artifact/advancement as it is applied after all other boosts are calcuclted (so in case described by you it's not 520% in total, but 600%). Also it can be 30% in later stage.
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-01-30 16:11:13

Level 39
Do you actually need to watch ads to play Idle? You could just not bother with clicking things that give an award for watching ads
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-01-30 16:14:42

Level 63
Oh, I didnt know it was actually a hard multiplier.
Thanks for the correction :)
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-01-30 16:25:33

Level 55
Ok, I understand that the ads are not mandatory. But part of the adventure of idle is trying to win a map in the shortest time possible. So watching the ads to get the 30% bonus is a plus. And I was more than willing to take the 30 seconds to get the bonus knowing that it was also benefitting a person I felt was worth it instead of some unknown Chinese company. But sitting through 60 seconds is just too tedious. I know... me and my first world problems. Of the two, I prefer Idle because I know my limitations, and I usually suck against a human player in the strategy of Classic.

Maybe it would be worth it if the game could somehow adjust the time that the bonus is in effect to be equal to the time your game has for max idle time. For example, I am up 8.5 hours of idle time. If I had to watch 60 seconds of ads for 8.5 hours of bonus time, I would be much more willing.
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-02-04 17:41:54

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
I never saw any ADs on Warzone.
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-02-04 17:44:22

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Where can you get them ?
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-02-04 17:52:50

Level 55
it is the ads you watch for bonuses like extra armies in idle or to spin the bonus wheel. They are not required for the game, however I like to utilize the bonuses.
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-02-05 22:49:42

Tom Brady
Level 58
In fact, the 20% from ad doesn't work the same way as boosts from artifact/advancement as it is applied after all other boosts are calcuclted (so in case described by you it's not 520% in total, but 600%).

Sorry, but this is not true. Watch an ad and then check the Modifiers tab, the "Ad-watch Bonus" is treated the same as any other advancement/tech/artifact bonus on whichever one you selected.
The ADs have finally pushed me away from the game: 2025-02-06 15:51:33

Unicorn 36-4
Level 23
" l4v.r0v - "Congrats on beating Idle! ""

So simple and succinct. What else can be said?
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