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Best time to buy lifetime membership?!?: 2025-01-29 14:14:29

Calico Jack
Level 59
I know sometimes we've got special offers on the site.
Right now lifetime membership is around 60 USD or 6000 coins.

I'm just checking if it's worthwhile to wait. Anyone remembers the special offers from last valentine's day or black friday? How much was it back then?

Best time to buy lifetime membership?!?: 2025-01-29 14:36:03

Level 63
So far, father's day offer seemed the cheapest if you did not buy it using won coins.
Best time to buy lifetime membership?!?: 2025-01-29 14:42:29

Level 39
The peek-a-boo sale (midnight October 30 UTC+0 to midnight Nov 02 UTC+0) repeats itself every year. 66% cheaper if buying with actual money. Cost with coins is always the same.


Edited 1/29/2025 14:43:46
Best time to buy lifetime membership?!?: 2025-01-29 14:45:50

Level 63
Check the thread for the different packages:

And now I know that I was wrong. Father's day is for the supercamp (idle)

Edited 1/29/2025 14:46:28
Best time to buy lifetime membership?!?: 2025-01-29 14:59:33

Calico Jack
Level 59
thanks for the links guys! That's some good info.

Also helloween is easier to remember, even if it's a bit far off. Fathers day has so many different dates around the world.

I was saving up coins for membership, only at 1300 out of needed 6000 now. Guess I'll splurge on one of these fancy colours sometime instead. (edit:) It looks like these are also just availble for cold hard cash.

Edited 1/29/2025 15:14:49
Best time to buy lifetime membership?!?: 2025-01-29 23:14:08

Level 63
No you can buy all the premium colors with coins as well.
I suspect WZ might not show you that option if you don't have enough of them.

Best time to buy lifetime membership?!?: 2025-01-30 01:04:41

Calico Jack
Level 59
JK, for those it always shows the coin price. I was thinking about the special offer colours. I don't know if it's my eyes, or my crappy monitor, but all those colours look nearly the same as the free colours. (Except smoky black ofc)
Best time to buy lifetime membership?!?: 2025-01-30 07:06:29

Level 63
Oh those, yeah mb, sorry I misunderstood the question.

Yes, like all packages, they are money only, no coins.

Those colors are the same as some of the basic free colors, except they come with a pattern on top.
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