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Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 01:00:48

Level 54
ps. You people have terrible taste in cars!

Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 01:03:00

Thomas 633
Level 56
and I don't have a religion
also no problem with men fondling men here.
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 01:06:19

Thomas 633
Level 56
seriously? a 595?


Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 06:17:45

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
Sorry Thomas, I just have to answer this before we carry on exchanging car pics...

Dear RVW,

Also, can the religious people please stop using the "unnatural" argument; it's utter nonsense. The most unnatural thing mankind has ever invented is religion. Point me to one animal which believes in a God, an afterlife or worries about sin, then we can talk some more; until that time, stop whining about homosexuality being "unnatural" when religion is even more so.

Firstly, this shows that you are a brainwashed fool. You are likening animals to man. Animals and men were created differently. Maybe you should go and live with monkeys when I go to live with the Amish?
Secondly, animals do not have the mental capacity to understand God in the way that humans do. They do worship God, but not in the same way as we do. They do not have choices like men do.
Thirdly, when God created the first man (Adam), Adam worshipped Him. That was his religion.
Fourthly, Adam was not a homosexual. Humans have a reproductive system. The reproductive system necessitates that there be a man and a woman. In order for a man and a woman to reproduce, they must have intercourse. Lust is what makes a man and woman want to reproduce, and therefore lust is directly linked to reproduction. This means that the only natural way for a person to express his lust is through a partner of the opposite gender. Homosexuality does not lead to reproduction, and therefore is not necessary. It is unnatural.
I hope this has put your mind at rest, though it probably hasn't. I feel sorry for you, but I understand it is not your fault that you think in this way. It is the education system you have been put through.


Edited 3/17/2015 06:18:41
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 06:21:40

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 07:44:53

Thomas 633
Level 56
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 07:46:28

Thomas 633
Level 56

Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 07:54:54

Thomas 633
Level 56
oh, some images I made myself:
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 08:06:12

Thomas 633
Level 56

Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 10:51:56

Des {TJC}
Level 58
Thomas, you really need to learn to control what you post. Along with you Colonel. This was a SERIOUS topic before you just spammed it all to hell, now I can't find actual posts through all your nonsense...FFS. Why did you two even mention cars...
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 11:03:14

Thomas 633
Level 56
btw the last two I made the designs for myself
(note how I completely ignored your critique)
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 11:04:00

Master Ryiro 
Level 63
yeah keep the cars out of this thread,do all that stuff in oof topic forums
btw fizzer,i'd like to rate them M for this
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 11:12:27

Thomas 633
Level 56
but then you complain that we block up the forums with useless stuff by creating those kinds of threads.
also that was immature, but totally suitable for younger audiences.
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 13:42:48

Master Ryiro 
Level 63
so you're saying that if you don't block up the forums with useless stuff by creating those kinds of threads the forum will only contain contents for mature audience?hell no!

either you can't think straight or you're just posting those words trying to defend yourself from trouble
the existance of royal falcons is only for degrading the forums,especially falcon colonal
some people think and text,others text and think
you text something which is baseless and argue with each other on forums and after concluding what you wrote was a waste of time you edit out the whole conversation and make empty threads

and while all this is going on the really good threads are papered over by your useless stuff

sometimes you don't even leave those threads like now
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 14:46:00

Level 61
This thread is a prime example why you need real moderators. A serious topic was just spammed with pages of images. On the site I am admin on, you can select individual posts and merge them into another thread. In this way you could un-derail the topic by moving the car pictures somewhere else. I have a LOT of experience with this stuff. I was a global mod on a prominent basketball website, and I am still an admin on another big sports talk site.

People who fear moderation don't understand how good it can be done if done right. You don't give the mods powers to delete threads or posts, you leave that up to Fizzer. What you do is you allow users to report posts. Mods get an alert of reporting. Those posts can be moved to another thread (or a dumpster if they are innapropriate). You can make the dumpster hidden to all but mods/admins so Fizzer can review them. You also allow mods to sticky threads (similar to notable here but better because they are forum specific). That way people can avoid all the junk threads and ones like these don't get buried. Global announcements are more similar to notable threads, and would be made by Fizzer/Mercer only.

I would suggest Fizzer/Mercer start a chat game or mail thread and discuss some ideas with the people on here who are honestly contributing to the discussion (in either direction). Because then you could actually get some progress on how to handle it. Trolls like we see on here just hijack things and then people who actually want to help are discouraged from doing so.

Edited 3/17/2015 14:47:07
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 14:48:35

Level 63
I was a global mod on a prominent basketball website

i giggled
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 14:51:11

Level 61
Why? I was, but left because I stopped watching the NBA and lost interest. I used to write articles for them as well.
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 14:52:26

Don [ Ω ]
Level 62
+1000000 ChrisCMU...
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 14:52:39

Level 63
ok :)
Content Ratings for Players/Games: 3/17/2015 17:45:45

Master Turtle 
Level 62
Chris has done a lot for the WarLight community. Yall better pay attention when he says something!

+1000001 Chris
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