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Auto Artifact swapper woes: 2024-09-06 00:58:06

Level 63
Here is the scenario: I start a level and have 3 slots, two are filled up with active artis cooling down (Insane time warp and Insane Supercharge army camp) and the available slot is occupied by my insane Army camp boost. Now naturally I think the swapper is a great idea as I expand through the beginning of the level where there are always a bunch of caches since I have insane cache boost and insane army cache boost and quite pleasantly as I go to conquer a territory I see it automatically swaps the camp boost with a cache boost as necessary. BUT IT DOESN’T SWAP BACK TO THE CAMP BOOST AFTER. How is this ideal? I paid to lessen the amount of manual input yet every time my artifacts get swapped, I have to manually reset to the cache boost lest I lose 300% of my armies per second. Can I return my swapper if this is the case? Or can we fix it? Or should I kill myself out of shame for spending money on this mobile game and then spending effort by writing a post complaining about it? Thoughts? Prayers?
Auto Artifact swapper woes: 2024-09-06 02:29:02

Level 63
My recommendation is flesh out what you think is a good idea & post it as a Feature Request. For a super expensive (USD$35) paid optional item, I'd say you have Fizz's ear to listen ... but no guarantee for implementation

This was raised on the AMA when it was first released, and his response was that he feels that any Idle automation should never be as good as manual implementation. Which isn't really an answer ... but that's how he responded

He also said (which aligns with the description of the AAS item: "Automatically equips your best passive artifacts to maximize the effect of every action you take.") that it is meant to automate actions you take, as in touchscreen taps or mouse clicks you make. So if you aren't tapping/clicking it's not the target of this item. And technically passively collecting army income isn't something you clicked. But it's certainly the result of having taken an action and the AAS doing its thing

Fwiw imho, you have a point. The AAS should either revert back to some core configuration the player sets, or just revert to whatever was equipped before AAS took over, probably the latter is easier so don't need to define a set config. It seems fair to consider the actions to complete an action to include those to revert it back to how it should be post action

One problem with this would be that if it reverts back, it may happen too quickly to see what's going on, and some players may wonder if it swapped the right artifacts in for the situation at hand at the time of their active click

Maybe there could be a button to click to see the artifacts that the AAS last used so you can rest at peace knowing that it did what it was supposed to
Auto Artifact swapper woes: 2024-09-06 07:08:19

Level 63
Thoughts? Prayers?

You can have both of these from me!
But just like in real life these wont solve any issues ;)

Jokes aside, it not swapping back might have something to do with the game not knowing what you want to optimize (armies/sec, money/sec, mine boost, etc).
However, given that the ACB was already there before, it can (and imo: should) swap it back.

If I was in your position I would probably just submit a bug report (Help > Contact > Report Bug), as it's an expensive item that doesn't work as expected.
Auto Artifact swapper woes: 2024-09-06 21:07:20

Level 63
Also, when I click on a draft it doesn’t equip army camp boost to maximize the draft. Boo hoo
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