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Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 10:45:39

Level 60
■ being https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=26129357218&u=%E2%96%A0_1 .

Today this player popped up in global chat, boasting that he had "20 wins out of 22 games". Their stats don't reflect that of a new player. Although I had no games against them, they won 90% of their 1v1 games over 20 games. They have since not hidden their ranked games stats. The player went to global chat and I was trying to deduce who that player is based on country (UK). New players don't go to global chat.

Currently I suspect it is Farah (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=4543063534&u=Farah%E2%99%A6_1) because he was the prime suspect of the previous alt investigation. I haven't mailed Farah about it and he hasn't got back to me yet.

I would like to see any games others have played against this 'player'.
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 10:55:20

Level 58
it's not that difficult to make a new account and get 90% winrate in 20 games. come on
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 10:55:21

Level 20
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 11:14:12

Level 63
the correct question is

Who cares?
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 11:15:07

Level 63
Who is not ■
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 11:19:27

Level 36
It's not "Who cares?" but "Who squares?"
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 11:33:38

Level 61
You are guaranteed 10/10 if you just start a new account, enter the QM-page and go back.
You will be auto-matched with people on QM MD who just all boot on picks. No need to even play, just deploy some armies so that you don't get booted yourself.

I tried it.
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 12:08:46

Level 20
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 14:06:34

Level 62
the account is 3.5 years old so not exactly new
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 14:16:07

Level 63
Lol, OP didn't do correct research. There's also no valid reason to suggest Farah here. In the other thread he was playing from same country and had a similar last seen time, but on closer inspection Truth Dragon had previous games which didnt correlate with when Farah was last seen and later Farah confirmed that it wasn't him.
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 16:30:56

Level 60
That ■ is literally mocking us in this exact thread!

Lol, OP didn't do correct research. There's also no valid reason to suggest Farah here. In the other thread he was playing from same country and had a similar last seen time, but on closer inspection Truth Dragon had previous games which didnt correlate with when Farah was last seen and later Farah confirmed that it wasn't him.

Well... if the same name is being brought again and again, there must be a reason for it... If the same person is seen with a smoking gun again and again, that is probably not just a coincidence.
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 16:33:51

Level 63
Unless Farah used a VPN for this account (which is what you seem to be implying), then for all I know you are in fact ■.
Who is ■?: 2024-05-26 16:42:02

Level 60
Farah used a VPN for this account

Have we found the smoking gun?

Edited 5/26/2024 16:56:48
Who is ■?: 2024-05-27 06:27:03

Level 63
Yeah I think so, hard to argue against that.
Who is ■?: 2024-05-27 07:42:12

Level 60
lol Dan don't bite at Fivesmith, he's at least half-trolling, if not completely - the OP sentence patterning mirrors your Truth Drangon one quite closely, and if that didn't give it away, the suggestion of Farah does. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the square dot account is a 5S alt to support his troll

Edited 5/27/2024 07:42:38
Who is ■?: 2024-05-27 14:07:58

Level 61
I think that this is my alt. I may be wrong.
Who is ■?: 2024-05-27 14:32:08

Level 58
When can I start talking about vaccines and big pharm pls

Edit: joking ! :p

Edited 5/27/2024 14:32:28
Who is ■?: 2024-05-27 15:46:21

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
probably it is "." from Python. So what was a small dot might be a square now 🤔
Who is ■?: 2024-05-27 15:59:14

Level 63
■ was the most recent alt I made. That an another alt were active when I claimed to have retired years ago. It was part of a coverup so that people would stop having a go at global chat mods. I wanted to carry on playing but knew I couldn’t under my main account and couldn’t hide messages from BLed players because they would break rules and all chat from BLed players are hidden. I even had the permissions transfer over from my main to the alt (not ■). Eventually I left anyway and came back a couple of years later. The only purpose of ■ is to see my actual win rate over RT QM/RT Strategic 1v1 Auto Game.
Who is ■?: 2024-05-27 16:01:55

Level 62
I still think the Farah story is much more plausible than the new smoke bomb thrown by DanWL
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