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Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 10:08:25

Level 63
It’s been on my mind for years that both games are very different for each other and Classic gives rewards for Idle (through ladders and arenas (QM)).
Earlier today I saw this message in global chat:

the idea of unlocking bonus (idle) by playing multiplayer doesn’t seem great..[…]

It can’t be user friendly to play Classic when only came for Idle and Classic and Idle both have their own apps, but the Classic app also has Idle and the Idle app doesn’t have Classic.

The only reason I see one rewarding the other is some kind of advertising idea.

Instead of Idle Arenas being QM it should be in the style of Idle Battles.

Idle rewards are useless if you only play Classic. Only stronger ladder players can earn the better Idle rewards. They might not necessarily play Idle. Coins are in game currency. Why not only give them instead of Idle powers?

The Warzone wheel should only give coins so that you can later exchange them for an Idle power or for a classic item. The Warzone wheel (mobile-only) requires multiplayer (aka Classic) wins to be spun. Shouldn’t completing an Idle level also allow spinning? Idle levels take longer than getting a real-time Classic win but the endpoints are somewhat comparable.

The coins page should list everything that can be bought for both games, not just Classic for easier accessibility.
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 10:21:59

Level 62
It is clearly a cross-selling intention, where fizzer wants to bring players from classic to idle and vice versa. And it seems to work.

My biggest concern is CW, however. Without the CW rewards, playing idle is significantly more painful, so I dislike the fact that such a core part of idle is done in WZC and has classic-only competitors. Thats many players from MB (but by far not all) and also many players from 101st who joined Harmony a few seasons ago. Luckily, the main rewards are tied to #territories and not the final ranking.

But as always: you have to go with the flow and it is what it is :)
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 10:48:12

Level 59
Yeah, nudging Classic players toward Idle makes sense (Idle is the moneymaker), but idg why you'd nudge Idle players toward Classic. Just retention? Maybe having to learn to play a very different game, in an entirely different genre, with a steep learning curve just to progress reasonably through your idle game is another little speed bump to make Idle players prefer spending money.

I don't think the coins thing is going to fly because it's clearly intentional to try to nudge players to try both games. And it's kind of good? Idle whales are probably funding Classic.

Edited 5/5/2024 10:48:26
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 10:57:47

Level 62
Every idle player who goes into classic and meets players there is another promoter for WZI and potentially causes enough curiosity to just have a look...

So both directions actually make sense to me.
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 11:05:32

Level 63
But if you already tried the other game and don’t like it, then coins are more exchangeable. Currently you can’t even give away Idle powers.
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 11:32:34

Level 56
what on earth is warglith idle!?
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 11:59:05

Level 59
But if you already tried the other game and don’t like it, then coins are more exchangeable. Currently you can’t even give away Idle powers.
Yeah but like the lack of flexibility is kind of the point? It's there intentionally to try to get you to play Idle?

And if you could buy Idle powers with coins which you can earn for free, that would undercut the powers + the packages + probably create a few arbitrage opportunities since you're not paying $54.99 or however much a Multi Level costs or waiting for it to be deeply discounted to $53.99 if you can get it for much cheaper with coins
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 12:06:25

Level 62
I think almost noone buys powers, neither for money nor coins.
But still, collecting a bunch of powers from ladders and CW and fizzer-created tournaments can easy your entry into idle quite a bit.

The real good idle options to spend coins/money on are:
* membership (classic and idle)
* new clans, more colors (classic and idle)
* 30% more AP per idle map for 50 coins (best value/coin imho)
* artifacts for coins (poor arti for 20 coins up to 4860 for a (random!) legendary artifact)
* supercamp (only for money)
* bundles that cointain artifacts (only for money)
* AP reset for 150 coins (I do that once every super ascension)

Edited 5/5/2024 12:08:01
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 12:09:17

Level 59
membership (classic and idle)
What membership benefits do you get in idle? I thought membership was classic only
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 12:09:59

Level 62
Images in forum posts are nice

https://www.warzone.com/Forum/589522-superascension-leaderboard?Offset=1200 would only be half interesting without seeing Ivan's the artifact collection.

Edited 5/5/2024 12:11:21
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 12:13:44

Level 59
ah yes the accidental membership benefit that exists only because some guy spammed the forums with cartoon underage nudity and got the site briefly demonetized

that's pretty cool indeed, not sure it's worth $65
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 12:26:54

Level 65
Isn't the point of Warzone (Classic) that you can't get an advantage by paying, so nothing you could sell for money would really be worth it?
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 12:36:39

Level 62
Isn't the point of Warzone (Classic) that you can't get an advantage by paying, so nothing you could sell for money would really be worth it?

Looking nice wearing a premium color while smashing your opponents is definitely advantageous ;)

And it is not true for idle. The supercamp is a small, but permanent boost and speeds you up (a little). And spending coins for AP is giving you a great push. And more artifacts are never bad either...

And thus our assumption is (and was stated by l4v.r0v above):
Idle whales are probably funding Classic
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 12:41:09

Level 65
A possibly better way of saying this: Most people I know who pay for things in Warzone (Classic) do so with the main intention to support Fizzer rather than to obtain the ingame object.
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 12:41:23

Level 59
yeah i suspect most people don't buy anything but a few do and some portion of those people buy a lot. it's like alcohol or gambling or twitch or expensive hobbies or other games' microtransactions

Most people I know who pay for things in Warzone (Classic) do so with the main intention to support Fizzer rather than to obtain the ingame object.
Clans? I don't think Clan purchases are donations, nor are the premium colors. There's plenty of valuable things to get in a game/community you invest a lot of time into even if they don't make you more likely to win. It's like buying a nicer-looking chess set to show off to your friends even though you're going to blunder your queen like always

Edited 5/5/2024 12:42:50
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 15:13:54

Level 63
Coins are in game currency. Why not only give them instead of Idle powers?

You already get coins. The idle rewards were added as a bonus on top.

The coin wheel didnt replace the coins with idle powers, but only added. Ladders and CW give you coins. The auto-tourneys Fizzer hosts give you coins.

If you dont play idle you just end up with an excess of powers you dont want to use. But as long as you dont open idle, you dont see these powers ever again, so they shouldnt bother you when playing normal WZ.

(And should you ever start to play idle in the future, you already got a nice stash of powers to give you a boost.)
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 16:40:27

Level 63
You only get the tournament Idle reward if you're already a good classic player, so Idle-exclusive will never have the chance to get it.
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 16:43:08

Level 59
Idle-exclusive will never have the chance to get it.
Ha! Nice double entendre there, Dan!
Should playing Classic really reward Idle?: 2024-05-05 16:49:28

Level 63
I'm not really sure how the Idle Arena matchmaking works. If it's just the same as regular QM, the Idle player has a much lower chance of winning because they might not even know how to play. Losing isn't fun for anyone so isn't a good advertisement in that sense. Single player levels for Arenas might be better suited.
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