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Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-04-17 06:28:01

Level 59
Wondering if, mathematically, all artifacts are equally likely to be found? I assume that is the case, but it sure seems like an uneven distribution. In the past couple weeks I've gotten four Alloy Values. In the past year I think I've seen one Army Camp Boost, and no Bonus Money Boosts (a couple of passives I liked in the past but sacrificed to upgrades).

I guess I am just in an unlucky stretch, where virtually all the artifacts I am seeing are either duplicates of good ones I already have at higher levels, or garbage ones. But it prompts the question if, at least in principle, they are all equally likely to be found?
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-04-17 06:52:13

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Random number generator is random?

I once rolled a character in Call of Cthulhu on a 4d6 drop the lowest system, managed 2 18's and 2 17's on 6 stats.
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-04-18 10:38:53

Level 58
TL;DR: if p = 1/6 and you want to know how large n needs to be 98% sure the dice is fair (to within 2%), n needs to be at least n ≥ 766

Yes, I feel it isn't random. I don't think I have dug 766 * (42/6) artifacts. I don't think that is the correct sample size but I have never record them all anyway.

It seems like there is a common table and a rare table or maybe the artifact of the day?
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-04-22 02:42:32

Unicorn 36-4
Level 22
When digging is there any trick for getting an Epic out of the Epic/Poor digs?
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-04-22 10:43:51

Level 64
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-05-09 02:54:59

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
First, my sympathies. That's a rough spot to be in.

Asking the Room:
Is there a list, (hopefully with pictures), of all the possible Artifacts?

Is there a thread that discusses where to find the best chance of Epic Artifacts, or the most artifacts per day of playing?

(If we can help JDB AZ get more artifacts in less time, their odds of getting to their goals should improve a lot)

For example, there's a (100% common??) artifact in Floating Rocks, and my best time completing that map is 5 hours, 12 minutes,
so if I needed 3 new commons to level one up, I could maybe make that happen in a bit more than a day, and the map is done too.

Also, if I needed an artifact type, Army Camp Boost, I would farm for 100% Common Artifacts, because they take less time, (the shortest of all digs) and I think it more likely that I'll get an Army Camp Boost out of an ordinary 100% Common Artifact Dig, than I would out of an Epic/Poor or any other Dig.

I avoid sacrificing Artifacts that I do not have duplicates of, at some level, at least until I can verify that I am sacrificing garbage,
(aka fog buster artifact), because, as we have noticed, we have no guarrantees on what we will get next.

Hopefully someone can offer additional advice and information that will help more.

Also, two points that sorta matter:
Computers are in capable of pure randomness, only an approximation that is hopefully good enough for human usage.

Also, a purely random chance of getting useful stuff, awesomeness or getting garbage in a game is generally a bad idea.
Each player may have a tiny chance of getting garbage or awesomeness for 50, 500, or 1000 straight tries,
but tiny chance multiplied by enough players starts to mess with the game, and the players.
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-05-09 19:40:18

Level 63
Army Camp Boost out of an ordinary 100% Common Artifact Dig, than I would out of an Epic/Poor or any other Dig.

The artifact you get from any dig site, is equally random. However, when doing 100% commons you can roll the dice on getting the A^B more often (since you can dig more dig sites in the same time).

I avoid sacrificing Artifacts that I do not have duplicates of, at some level, at least until I can verify that I am sacrificing garbage

After playing idle for a while, you'll find that you use a limited set of artifacts a lot, and dont really use the others.
So at that point youre better off sacrificing the artifacts you dont use to upgrade the few that you do use.

It also depends a bit on your playstyle. Some people dont mind constantly swapping e.g. A$B, MCB, RCB, CB for every cache they take, while I would rather have 1 better A$B and then not have to bother with swapping them.

Some links that might be useful for readers on what artifacts to use in general:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EHCM-n_4vq_Hv7V1wo9QSTcRP2ba4qRqBh8fOh5PiKk (see chapter Artifacts and Digs, but the entire document is a must-read for any idle player)
https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Artifacts#List_of_artifact_types (for understanding the abbreviations people use to describe artifacts)
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-05-09 19:51:08

Level 62
Common mistake 1:
Upgrade a half-decent artifact just because you have the corresponding fodder.

Better instead:
Wait and keep that fodder until you have one of the core artifacts which are really worth to upgrade. A good tactics is to keep 4 of each type (poor, common, uncommon, etc.) so that when you finally found that good one, you can instantly start the upgrade chain.

Common mistake 2:
Keep a lot of medium-quality (up to and including rare) artifacts (like different mine-related ones, territory/bonus money boost, merc discount, whatnot) and dont have the key artifacts (definitely AV, maybe SAC) at highest possible (epic or legendary) quality.

Better instead:
Focus on one key artifact at a time and bring that to high quality before starting to collect an arsenal of different artis.
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-05-09 22:22:40

Level 58
I did a ranking of all 42 artifacts but to summarize Active have to be really good to be useful. If you are asking this question it is SAC and TW as the few others would need to be Epic or Legs to be worth it. I do use ETS once or twice a super on EH. The passives need to follow does it help you get armies or save armies? AV A$B ACB CB HB all pretty much fall into that clear focus. BMB TB DB MB MCB RCB HD ACD are second tiers that you should develop to make folder for the good ones. Typo updated. Also, I use IAV so I forgot MD...

Edited 5/11/2024 15:08:17
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-05-10 13:55:54

Unicorn 36-4
Level 22
"Wait and keep that fodder until you have one of the core artifacts which are really worth to upgrade."

That's what I do now. Back there I conquered the land that gave me an Epic Triple Strike. Later I cashed the ETS toward a LegAV becasue ETS kept coming up in the randomness. I haven't seen an ETS since!

Right now I have seven Rares but use four so won't upgrade any to Epic until I can upgrade only using fodders.
Is there an equal distribution of artifacts?: 2024-05-10 14:14:26

Level 47
I assume there is a typo in Mindori's post?

"pretty much fail" should be "pretty much fall"
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