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Conquerors of the Great Ocean: 2024-03-05 20:50:57

Level 57
Hi everyone!

I am almost done with my latest map. It depicts Oceania in about 1000 AD. Polynesians have recently settled Hawaii and Easter Island; New Zealand is still undiscovered; the Samoan Empire is on the decline; the Tongan Empire is on the rise.

The map has few superbonuses, because I wanted it to be suitable for local deployment. Though I might have overdone the number of bonuses for that! I still hope games played on the map can give a sense of exploration and adventure.

The gimmick is the sea travel: you can move armies up to three hexes at once. This should make sea travel fast(er) and practically unblockable.

Please have a look: https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=104855

There's still plenty on my own to-do list, including fixing the probably hundreds of missing connections.
Let me know if you spot any connections missing, or if you're up for a test game.

My main worry is whether it's clear how land connects to sea hexes.
The system is basically:
- If a territory is (partially) in a hex with a central circle, it connects to that circle.
- If a territory is (partially) in a hex in which it replaces the central circle, it connects to all hexes adjacent to that hex.
I have been looking at hexes for two weeks so it all seems very clear to my hexed brain. But I'm worried that it's not so intuitive to everyone else.

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance!

Edited 3/5/2024 20:52:31
Conquerors of the Great Ocean: 2024-03-06 12:11:24

Level 63
Very cool map!

Hex connection system seems clear enough.

I'm not sure yet I like sub-islands also counting as land, that doesnt make much sense in my head.

Conquerors of the Great Ocean: 2024-03-06 18:33:40

Level 19
Really neat artwork - Hexagons are the Bestagons and it very makes sense after a few try-and-errors.

Only two remarks concerning the East Papuan Peninsula:
-Shouldn't be Motu Land connected with Papuan Gulf 5 if interpreted the rules correctly?
-The Dagans and Goilalan Peoples are missing a classic connection
Conquerors of the Great Ocean: 2024-03-06 21:09:56

Level 46
finally some new maps
Conquerors of the Great Ocean: 2024-03-08 14:05:44

Level 57
I'm not sure yet I like sub-islands also counting as land, that doesnt make much sense in my head.

Fair point. Maybe it's better if I turn the sub-islands in decorations instead of part of the territory. I'll give that a try.

-Shouldn't be Motu Land connected with Papuan Gulf 5 if interpreted the rules correctly?
-The Dagans and Goilalan Peoples are missing a classic connection

Yes and yes! Fixed, with thanks.
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