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Hex Earth via Plateau Assult when no 10X Skip Leve: 2024-02-21 19:05:33

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Is it worth it to try for Hex Earth if you are out of skip levels.
My insane collection isn't ahem, that insane and I don't have the bonus AP to get 100% cache by the time I exit the normal levels

I have the usual phase 1 and 2 stuff, insane AV and A$B.

I've done it before but it was a real grind. IIRC I had the phase 4 goodies, still wasn't easy peasy
Hex Earth via Plateau Assult when no 10X Skip Leve: 2024-03-01 05:11:10

Level 55
How'd you run out of SLs already? You only seem to be on SA3. Did you burn many sets of super-SL per SA? Hex itself has 21x SL (42 effectively). I'm essentially done SA8 and haven't even drained Hex of SL powers yet.

My understanding is PA is doable with an IM or two, but I have yet to play it.
Hex Earth via Plateau Assult when no 10X Skip Leve: 2024-03-01 05:34:47

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
I am thinking more to the future.

At lower levels you pretty much need to do it twice to get all the AP to super, so that's 10 a shot, plus a few to skip Trisk... it adds up

Edited 3/1/2024 05:35:59
Hex Earth via Plateau Assult when no 10X Skip Leve: 2024-03-01 05:59:59

Level 55
I'm using only 5 SL per SA, CSL comes early enough that I've never needed to burn any SL for Trisk or US (I played these two levels only in SA1). The first time i get to Hex vaults me comfortably into P4, after which it doesn't feel worth it to me to burn another set of SLs to get to it again after a regular ascend. Grinding the "good" hardened levels with heavy P4 advancements can be done without any hospital upgrades and thus is very fast (and very grindy), only EH needs a hospital upgrade before you can ascend and do it again.
Hex Earth via Plateau Assult when no 10X Skip Leve: 2024-03-01 06:04:22

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Wait, even hard China, Trisk and Huge Eruope are reasonably doable with phase 4? I just found out Trisk is.

Also I think I burned a 5X thinking I wasn't going to super anymore and wanted to zerg rush a lot of extra levels, but.. well I suppered again.

Either way, it is what it is.

Edited 3/1/2024 06:05:56
Hex Earth via Plateau Assult when no 10X Skip Leve: 2024-03-01 06:27:59

Level 55
When I say the "good" hardened levels, I mean HRome, HScandi, HOT and HFL. HChina is tolerable to run once per SA for the dig speed bonus (if you need it) once you're deep in P4, it's not worth it for the AP. I haven't tried HEH or HTrisk since SA1.

Unless you mean regular China, Trisk and EH. Regular China and EH are perfectly fine when you get to them (EH needs the TS from HCCC though), I have CSL2 by the time Trisk is up (skipping directly to EH) and by the time I finish EH, I have CSL6 to jump straight to Hex, which vaults me into P4 + CSL10 comfortably. Then it's Ascend -> Nobunaga -> Scandi -> ("good" hardened levels 2-3x each) -> EH, repeat until SA.
Hex Earth via Plateau Assult when no 10X Skip Leve: 2024-03-01 06:45:08

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Ah I've been doing hex muliple times and about 5 times each SL
Hex Earth via Plateau Assult when no 10X Skip Leve: 2024-03-26 04:33:36

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
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