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How does vacation work?: 2024-01-21 16:57:07

Level 62
Lets assume I have 2 MD games running with 3d boot time, no bank time, vacations are honored and auto-boot is on.
Lets further assume I commit my very first turn but not all others have committed as well, so the turn waits for them.

Now I go on vacation for 10 days (doesnt matter, important is only that it is bigger than the boot time).

What happens when I come back from vacation? Naively I would expect that in the split second I deactivate my vacation, I will be kicked out of both games?

And if I dont manually deactivate the vacation, then I heard that committing any game automatically ends it so I am kicked out of the second game?
How does vacation work?: 2024-01-21 17:06:51

Level 60
When you come back from vacation your vacation goes off and you have 1 hour in all of your ongoing games to commit

Also if you don't manually deactivate it, the moment you take your turn in any game, your vacation automatically ends, giving you that 1 hour duration to commit in your games.


Edited 1/21/2024 17:07:43
How does vacation work?: 2024-01-21 17:08:35

Level 62
Nice. that definitely makes sense. Thx!
How does vacation work?: 2024-01-22 09:54:54

Level 60
If you have more than 2 games and you are not sure if you can do them in 1 hour, just make your moves and don't commit. Once you are done with all games you can go through the list and commit them one by one.
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