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Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-17 08:17:17

Level 60
Yo, it's alababi here. If you actively played this game 10 years ago you would probably know me.

I just returned to play but seems nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore. All the familiar old souls are inactive for years.

It's kinda sad that nobody hosts a 3vs3 Europe game anymore. Even the auto 1vs game takes times to start.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-17 08:20:22

Level 60
Yo, it's 5S here. If you actively check what's up with Warzone, you would probably know that 3v3 Europe is in the 3v3 Ladder.

Everyone seems to play it there. All the familiar WZ big names play it there.

It's kinda sad that nobody bothers to check what's up before flooding forums with their complaints.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-17 09:11:03

Level 65
Lol 5S is clearly not old enough to remember what arababi is talking about. Europe 3v3 RT auto games were all the rage back in the day, similar to the auto RoR games now. I used to host a lot of those as well years ago. Everybody just plays RoR now, Europe scene has gone completely extinct. It’s kinda sad really.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-17 11:56:28

Level 58
the EU RT community killed itself with strict preq and gate keeping, that is why RoR community thrives
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-17 11:58:48

Level 60
The duel lotto community thrives too. It is as inclusive as it can be.
So many duel lotto RR tourneys going on recently.
I have at least 5-10 games constantly going on.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-17 12:06:57

Level 60
the EU RT community killed itself with strict preq and gate keeping, that is why RoR community thrives

This is true. So many people created alt accounts to play.

So to counter that, the requirement was usually set at at least 55% win rate at both 1vs1 and 3vs3 with at least 100games played to join.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-17 12:49:32

Level 63
A lot of open seat prerequests were also removed. It's only min level, max boot % and 1v1 min win % now. Most games seem to be played on Quickmatch. The first few templates are fixed, rest are voted by the community. The first 40 templates are the only ones that are used in QM. Each 'rank' corresponds to unlocking a new template. The higher your rank, the more votes you unlock.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-17 17:56:00

Level 58
I remember you, alababi

Lol 5S is clearly not old enough to remember what arababi is talking about. Europe 3v3 RT auto games were all the rage back in the day, similar to the auto RoR games now. I used to host a lot of those as well years ago. Everybody just plays RoR now, Europe scene has gone completely extinct. It’s kinda sad really.

The 3v3 Europe scene was very small, had high hurdles to enter and was quite unwelcoming to newer members, at least when we are talking about what are now the ladder settings. There were lot's of players who had the prerequisites to join one of those Europe games but they opted to play other templates instead. I'm not sure about the various reasons but probably some form of intimidation also played a role, (among the fact that they probably didn't want to hurt their precious win rates).

The median lifespan of a player who was hardcore enough to join 3v3 Europe is maybe roughly 4 years or so. Since the scene refused a life infusion of fresh blood, the scene was bound to die.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-17 20:36:10

Level 68
3v3 eu RT was no fun. Whoever had the new player lost, or whoever tried too hard and made the game take 2.5 years won.


A fun forgotten RT 3v3 template


Edited 1/17/2024 20:42:01
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-19 02:40:19

Level 60
Im now hosting a 3vs3 Europe game everyday.

The settings are :
- Random team of 3vs3
- 3 start points ( manually picked) with 4 troops for each position.
- 0% luck, no card

Joining requirements are: Lvl 20+, boot rate less than 4%, 1vs1 winrate at least 45%

I hope you guys will join and enjoy the game.

Edited 1/19/2024 02:40:46
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-20 19:03:03

Level 65
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-22 02:26:24

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Auto-picks is definitely the way to go for RT 3v3. If not auto-picks, then auto-boot is necessary so people don't take 20 minutes to make picks. I do miss the old 3v3 RT scene, but I really think that's what killed it. People started to take it too seriously and play these games as if they were ladder games.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-22 03:53:02

Level 60
Auto-picks is definitely the way to go for RT 3v3

Nobody with decent skills would risk playing random picks. Random team is what we usually played. With high joining requirements, you still can have good teammates with random team.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-22 04:53:53

Level 62
Nobody with decent skills would risk playing random picks

as a braindead RoR 3v3 auto-pick enjoyer, i shall let you know not to worry about the risk. Surely there is a lot on the line for each warzone open-game match (what will your parents think of you if you lose?). But i assure you that with each auto-pick game you play, your brain rots away a little more until you reach a mindless state of happiness, where all your worries are no more and you just click them buttons like in a casino. All your skill shall vanish until you fit right in with the crowd.

Put your destiny into the warm hands of fizzers auto-pick randomizer.
Stop thinking - AI will do that for us soon anyway.
buy membership and click autopilot.
Let go of the pressure.
Dont be afraid.
join us.

Edited 1/22/2024 04:55:26
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-22 07:16:29

Level 65
Already upvoted your post froggy, but I also needed to put in an entry. What beauty. Keep being you, my man.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-22 10:39:33

Level 56
you still play warlight?
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-22 17:24:23

Level 61
Auto-picks is definitely the way to go for RT 3v3. If not auto-picks, then auto-boot is necessary so people don't take 20 minutes to make picks. I do miss the old 3v3 RT scene, but I really think that's what killed it. People started to take it too seriously and play these games as if they were ladder games.

Guilty as charged. Why?
It felt highly prestigious to even be accepted in the 3v3 eu RT chat game and the invite-only games. If you made bad picks, you could get thrown out. Getting a random that would just make their own picks was almost an instant surrender since most players had developed an insight in the picking stage to the point where combo's on 11/12th and 12/13th picks needed to be considered if the opponent team decided to go for whatever strategy you could come up with. It's not that people were actually thrown out, just frowned upon when going their own way. We took it way and way too seriously. One of my old RT templates for 3v3 eu that I copied from someone had the following prerequisites:

Max 4% boot rate
Min 66% 1v1 winrate
Min 66% 2v2 winrate
Min 55% 3v3 winrate
Min 2000 games played
Min 50th place on the 1v1 ladder
Min 10th place on the RT ladder

The ladder placement prereqs I'm not too sure about, but that was the gist of it as best as I remember. Those prereqs don't exist anymore so I can't check them =/

And most times Gnuffles joined and messed everyone up anyways :p

Edit: Gnuffles messing people up meaning he didn't mirror anything, went his own way and played blind counters. Not to imply any skill of course

Edited 1/22/2024 17:26:28
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-23 00:51:16

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
I agree with random picks, people taking the game too seriously is problematic. Some of my streamed late night 3v3 europe games would end up taking 1-2 hrs per game which isn't really fun.

Also thanks for trying out my map, hope you all enjoyed it.
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-23 11:27:39

Level 60
But i assure you that with each auto-pick game you play, your brain rots away a little more until you reach a mindless state of happiness, where all your worries are no more and you just click them buttons like in a casino.

That only applies to big maps like RoR.

Picking is very important for the Europe map. There were games that was decided at the first turn when pick distribution was revealed. And you cannot mindlessly click in the Europe map. There were also 3vs3 games that one guy of the winner team did not try to take any bonus for the first 3 turns. Sometimes the best move is to not make any move. Cooperation and planned picking are both very important to win a 3vs3 Europe game.

When I still played over 10 years ago, there were always at least 2 Europe games going on. There must be like over 40 guys constantly playing this game.

Edited 1/23/2024 11:30:10
Nobody plays 3vs3 Europe anymore?: 2024-01-23 11:48:01

Level 63
Fizzer listed the 11 most popular maps a couple of years ago https://www.warzone.com/Forum/649017-guess-11-popular-maps?Offset=37. Might be a little outdated by now.
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