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The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 09:06:54

Level 54
Every belive of some sort will be shot at. Every belive will be tested. Truth differs. These will be arguments that will last till the end.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 10:30:42

Level 28
I agree with those who says Jesus is the most peaceful person. Also, death to ISIS! They must be tried for their war crimes!
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 13:37:47

Level 57
Religions are like countries. They are only violent if it's government or citizens decide violence is on the agenda.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 16:15:31

Level 56
If you follow Christianity to the letter, you're going to be encouraged to do violent things. Same with Islam and Judaism.

But Bahaï...haha, try finding violence in that.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 17:15:53

Level 58
If you follow Christianity to the letter, you're going to be encouraged to do violent things.

No, you will not. As I pointed out earlier there is no concept of violence in the name of Christianity. Just because some leftist 'fundamentalists' keep drawing a connection between Christian fundamentalism and Islamic fundamentalism those false claims don't just magically become true.

Here you find a quick overview of the books of the New Testament (tab New Testament) to see what they are really about:
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 17:34:51

Level 54
"love your neighbor and enemy"

"Thou shall not kill"

"When he who defied you ask for mercy give it to him"

"I love all people including the gentiles"

"I love all people equally"

I may not have said them to the word but you see the point.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 18:09:28

Level 49
Exodus 31:15
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 19:17:03

Level 53
You people clearly do not understand what religion is. religion is not worshiping god. It is not going to a church or mosk. Religion is the very basis of all civilization. it is simply a beleif. Socialism is a religion. Last Thursdayism is a religion. The Holocaust was a religion. We would not have gooton anywhere without religion. Think what wold happen if we never worshiped a higher entity. we would mindlessly wander around, going in no direction. Religion is progress. Or at least, it was. Now, there is something else replacing religon; morals. The Geneva Convention, for example. In other words, Religon is now a law. And to all the atheists reading this: You might not like it, but every single thing you have learned is a beleif. Those beleifs form a religion, one that is not like any other. that is the truth
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 19:37:22

Level 54
Religion is the worship of a god or gods. Also religion has morals Hence the laws religions follows.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 20:42:02

Level 56

Yeah, that's the only meaning of religion that can be.

6 brings up a point. I don't read the bible much, let me just quote a bit, though.

Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death.

Also, the story of Noah's Ark=If it were true, biggest mass genocide in history.
There are loads of other examples.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 20:50:27

Level 54
All men were corrupt just to let them live would have just been a corrupt earth with no hope. Also old testament.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 20:53:54

Level 54
Meh, let me rearrange that, there was only 1 family left on earth that followed his rules. So if he just let that family die there would have been a earth only filled with corruption and no hope and proble have been destroyed If he didn't do that. Also that's the old testament and the extermination of corrupt people isn't a basis of Christianity
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 21:03:19

Level 56
Today, there's ISIS.

God needs to flood that, right now.

Again, I don't want to look too hard, but there's that part in the bible where God kills two scores of boys for jokingly insulting somebody.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 21:15:24

Level 54
"God needs to flood that, right now."

There's still a lot of Good belivers in the world. And he promised hel never do a world flood again. So no need to prepare for a world flood
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 21:32:10

Level 54
If you'rea crazy theorist ( like xyzfhjfssb ) then you should know that there is some ( but little ) real world evidence of the flood as well s several other biblical stories.

Another flood would be counter productive. Too many believers and those of good moral value consistently. Though there is still the belief of the coming Rapture ; closest thing to a flood as people think of it.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 21:56:28

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
I'm Catholic and I will readily say that Christians and Jews did some, eh... stuff. BUT let me remind you, if were talking old testament, then were talking from anywhere between 2-5(6?) THOUSAND years ago. Now, I am sure you will bring up the crusades. The Crusades were Army vs Army. and the leaders of both sides were relatively Honorable, Saladin and Richard the Lionheart represented Islam and Catholicism well. That was a war for land, Israel to be exact, and the sacking of Constantinople. Whats happening today is Barbary, its an army vs civilians and its atrocious, crucifying babies? and children being shot? that's monstrous and if Saladin and his army was alive today, they would help to destroy ISIS. The nature of war is of course, brutal, and I'm sure during the crusades atrocities happened on both sides. These men have no honor, and I am offended Obama said what he did ad the prayer breakfast about it.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 21:57:40

Level 55
I'm a bit concerned about Jordan putting Jihadist's to death without a proper public trial and "wiping IS out" isn't really going to solve anything, but make us as bad as them. Admittedly these men are cherry picking bits and pieces out of the Koran and using it as an excuse to commit atrocities, most likely because they enjoy being in power regardless of the costs, but not because Allah told them to. Without the Koran they would find another reason or maybe just do it because they can.

Also a lot of people here, including some of the Christian posters, are forgetting that the Old Testament is part of Judaism and the New Testament is made up of the Gospels, letters of Paul et al, concerning the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians use the Old Testament as a guideline and historical reference, but are bound by the teachings of Christ, not the laws and traditions of the Jewish people.

Anti-homosexuality is everywhere in society and doesn't permeate strictly in religious communities, Lawlz. Blaming Christianity, or religion, or faith for the misgivings in your life is a little whiny and dodging the main problem, which is you. You are your worst enemy. You spend too much time concerned with how terrible your life is going and too little making something of yourself. Technically by sitting here and typing this out I'm guilty of the same thing, in another sense.

We can sit here and debate the finer points of the religion of your choice, there's always going to be a point in which someone says "I have a much better idea of how morality works and what is fair, so this religion is clearly backward and evil." Well, that's not exactly what you're saying, but in all your wisdom (of >20 years) and the sketchy internet content you've exposed yourself to, you should really tread carefully when it comes to the writings of men who have dedicated their entire lives to meditation, prayer, soul searching and suffering in order to come closer to understanding God and sharing that with the rest of us.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 22:26:24

Level 56
Loads of people are forgetting -

These weren't prisoners, these were hostages. An eye for an eye.

Religion is peaceful, but the major ones understood literally are violent.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 22:36:40

Level 57
"An eye for an eye" is hardly a religious concept though. Revenge is pretty much human nature. As is violence to an extent.

None of the major religions say, "Thou shall go forth and slaughter people." It's merely followers who misinterpret things (Often intentionally because they need an excuse for whatever they're doing) and go with that.
The Islamic States continued murder.: 2/8/2015 22:47:59

Level 54
Well Muzlumige does allow the killing of non belivers
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