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What makes a template 'strategic'? 2: 2023-12-02 14:02:12

Level 63
In the original thread (https://www.warzone.com/Forum/721296-makes-template-strategic) we answered the question

a) How do you define what templates/settings are 'strategic'?
(i.e. does your definition in WZ differ from the dictionary definition: 'relating to the gaining of overall or long-term military advantage.')

The tldr is any pretty any setting can be strategic, but how they are combined makes them strategic. Where 'strategic' as a game type refers to a 'strategy game', as opposed to a 'normal game'.

"Strategy game" is defined as
A strategy game or strategic game is a game (e.g. a board game) in which the players' uncoerced, and often autonomous, decision-making skills have a high significance in determining the outcome. Almost all strategy games require internal decision tree-style thinking, and typically very high situational awareness.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_game.

"Normal game" is defined as any other 'game type' which has elements of 'strategy' but is not a 'strategy game'.

"Strategy" is the dictionary definition of strategy - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/strategy.

"Game types" refers to a distinct set of settings to categorise a template:

There may be others but this is enough to distinguish what 'strategic' refers to.

The strategy of this thread is to answer the question:
b) Are there different 'levels' of strategy (i.e. are some settings 'more strategic' than others, or is there a hard and fast line between 'strategic' and 'non-strategic')?
If so, what levels do you think there are?
What makes a template 'strategic'? 2: 2023-12-02 14:36:09

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Just drop it already, dude
What makes a template 'strategic'? 2: 2023-12-03 08:05:50

Level 61
Just drop it already, dude

I dont see any harm in people discussing. If you lost interest in the discussion, which wouldnt be to unreasonable, maybe you should drop it and let the rest do as they please.
What makes a template 'strategic'? 2: 2023-12-03 10:11:31

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Why the 2nd thread? Is there not enough place on one thread for both of you, Dan and Queef?
What makes a template 'strategic'? 2: 2023-12-03 12:06:22

Level 63
Other thread is too big
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