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Auto-Mortar Advancement: 2023-11-30 13:50:37

Level 23
Hey folks, can someone shed some light on how the auto-mortar advancement works? I'm nearing a superascension and have already spent AP in the level 4 advancements that suit my play style. The auto-draft advancement drafts armies even when I don't have the app open. However, that doesn't appear to be how the auto-mortar power is working. For example, I have auto-mortar upgraded to the point that it should be triggering every half hour. I've checked that I have that advancement turned on and closed the app. When I open the app for the first time in the morning, I see that no additional territories have been conquered. Does this advancement only trigger during actual time when the app is open?
Auto-Mortar Advancement: 2023-11-30 14:04:11

Level 62
Doesnt mortars only half (or whatever) the armies needed to conquer a territory and not actually conquer it?
And mortars have a no-hit chance, so that it fires but doesnt do anything at all.

I really dont see any point in mortars at all and just ignore them. So thats only a blind shot.
Auto-Mortar Advancement: 2023-11-30 14:08:14

Level 64
The only time I ever found mortars useful was if I planned poorly and ran out of Mercs, and I needed something to do with my money.
Auto-Mortar Advancement: 2023-11-30 14:25:14

Level 23
Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't aware of the no-hit chance. Right now I'm just killing time until I can upgrade to insane AV and superascend. Auto-mortar is definitely not an advancement I'd turn to while other advancements are available.
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