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CLOT: 10/10/2023 14:25:38

Level 58
The audience is for my clan members and friends personally, but it goes beyond that.

Maybe I can help you. It depends strongly on your requirements and how much willing you are for a more "hands on" approach. But I am currently spinning up the M'Hunters clan ladder up again. There are neither Python nor any classical databases involved.
CLOT: 10/10/2023 15:10:25

Level 63
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

My discord is Tacky3284 , feel free to call me anytime, I'm happy to be hands on or help however possible. I do work a lot, but I'm usually on in the mornings or I could make time as needed.

Danke! :D
CLOT: 10/10/2023 15:18:55

Level 58
Bro, I know you on Discord. What I meant with hands on was that my ladder works without fancy features.

Databases??? --> I have .txt files
The ladder needs to be deployed somewhere??? --> I run the ladder from my computer.
Players needs to sign on and set their game count??? --> Google Sheets
CLOT??? --> Still not sure what that is supposed to be.

But on the other hand, I could easily make it the most widely played ladder (if Fizzer does not step in), with even more players than the 1v1 ladder. The reason is that I can sign up whomever I like by adding them into my Google Sheet. Also the matchmaking is adapted. It does not pair players by skill but it pairs players who do not play their games against other players who do not play their games, so they don't ruin the games.

Edited 10/10/2023 15:19:16
CLOT: 10/10/2023 15:33:47

Level 63
Ambition is good :P I forgot we had each other on discord already :D
CLOT: 10/10/2023 15:51:09

Level 63
I can do something similar but different to Norman. Mix of running from own computer and use GitHub's ability to host static websites (to show scores etc). Menu (joining, leaving etc) could be done using WZ forum threads. Would be better to use a discord bot but no experience with them and unsure if I can relay messages sent to the bot to my device.
CLOT: 10/10/2023 16:01:26

Level 58
@DanWL: I also show the ratings but in a Google Sheet ;)


Here is the old sheet. I have to redo a few small parts of the ladder because for whatever reason sheet.best thinks they can charge money for their Google API wrapper.
CLOT: 10/10/2023 16:02:38

Level 63
I personally don't like Google Sheets, take a while to load.
CLOT: 10/10/2023 16:22:52

Level 58
Hmm. The bottleneck are the dozens of WarLight request I need to send, which can take almost a minute. It is not like I am having millions of rows. We are talking about milliseconds here.
CLOT: 10/11/2023 00:54:36

Level 59
If load time is the issue, you can also just set up the sheet to publish to HTML every 5 minutes. The only issue is that, when there's a ton of formulas, some of them get snapshotted while the sheet is still updating, but those you can just speed up by writing them better or writing custom formulas in GoogleScript that swap out some of the formula cruft for more performant code.

Anyhow, that spreadsheet is quite great - does the sheet.best thing mean that the sheet doesn't as-is? Or that it won't work (for free) once you hit some volume?

Btw you can probably also get rid of the need to manually trigger the sheet by having an Apps Script function run every few hours. (https://stackoverflow.com/a/9129775)
CLOT: 10/11/2023 02:08:22

Level 58

does the sheet.best thing mean that the sheet doesn't as-is? Or that it won't work (for free) once you hit some volume?

There used to be a free tier with a request limit each month. However now they have removed that and have switched to 30 day free trial. I have no clue who would give them money for their glorified Google API wrapper. I have only used it because the Google Cloud Console had so many confusing buttons. I have switched the code now to use the actual Google API.

I'm not sure if there is confusion with this but the Google Sheet has no logic in my ladder. It just gets accessed by humans and by my external program.

I have never worked professionally with GitHub but I believe I will see if I can move the whole ladder away from my PC and use GitHub as my productive system. I'm not sure if I'm missing something technically and if it is even allowed but I thought I could use GitHub actions to run the ladder periodically. I would then use the Google Sheet completely as the database and also just call the WarLight APIs from GitHub. For me this looks like quite an easy approach (at first glance) and others who don't have a private server or the skillset to run my code locally could quite easily just fork my repository.
CLOT: 10/11/2023 02:24:50

Level 59
That seems like a supported case for GitHub Actions. Seems like you'd just need to run a script in a cron job (https://github.com/patrickloeber/python-github-action-template) and keep your API Token hidden (https://docs.github.com/en/actions/security-guides/using-secrets-in-github-actions).

Ah, I didn't realize the Sheet was just the interface & database. This seems really great & sufficient; thanks for sharing it all.
CLOT: 10/13/2023 07:18:56

Level 63
Is what you really want a way for someone who maintains MTL to send all relevant data to a different CLOT, other CLOT continues to check and make games, when MTL back online send all the data back?
Or is MTL down for so long so often that it’s better to have a new CLOT that supersedes it?
CLOT: 10/15/2023 18:37:38

Level 63
CLOT: 10/17/2023 00:34:07

Level 59
someone who maintains MTL to send all relevant data to a different CLOT, other CLOT continues to check and make games, when MTL back online send all the data back?
This is gonna run into the same problem as just waiting for the MTL to come back up- it'll require work from the MTL maintainers.
CLOT: 10/23/2023 08:52:01

Level 63
As you don’t seem to be answering your mail or discord friend request, I’ll ask here instead. Been 5 days since WZ mail and you’ve been on discord within the past day. When you give money for someone to make the clot, are you acquiring the rights to the code? I’m not going to make it my #1 priority if you continue to ignore.
CLOT: 10/23/2023 16:37:25

Level 63
it does not need to be your #1 priority, i am just thinking what i want

yes i imagine ownership of the code is good, but i do not need to own it, it would be better if it was published online, maybe added to teh WarZone CLOT wiki

also if you have started working on it, please send me cashapp and ill start payments, thank you mr Dan
CLOT: 10/23/2023 16:56:54

Level 58
@Tac(ky)tical: Are you for real?
CLOT: 10/23/2023 16:58:45

Level 63
im 100% cereal :D

Dan offered to invest some time and I'm happy to pay, since time isnt free. I know you offered too, I've just been really busy and haven't had time to get something in the works :/
CLOT: 10/23/2023 17:01:24

Level 63
So that's what was taking a while :) Just that you had popped in chats. Thought you had plenty of time to check.
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