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Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-01 21:38:52

Level 60
Does anyone know how the lists for clans in tournament invites are determined? Are they static? If they change, when & how do they do so?

I have a manager who wants to know how player positions are defined in invite lists, and how often they change. He wants to make sure that each player gets only 1 round robin tournament invite.

I asked in GC and DanWL said:

the forward invites page is no longer just plain html, cant directly use the wz ajax functions. has to be button clicker

its defiantly possible but it's annoying to do stuff with ujs. having to wait for elements to exist and using querySelectorAll to associate clan link to the invite button

it shouldnt matter how the page is sorted if it's being automated by a script

Idk much about scripting, and the list does not appear to be sorted the same way as on the clan page, so the question remains. If anyone has scripts, or other suggestions on how to tackle the problem, please enlighten me.
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-01 22:18:26

Level 63
Clans on the invite to tournament tab are ordered the same way they are on the clan list.
Primarily sorted based on their clan war rank (note: rank != rating).

The order of players is something i havent looked into too much, maybe someone else knows that.

As Dan said, auto-inviting is definitely possible, but depending on how the players are sorted, probably a pain in the arse to program.

Edited 9/2/2023 09:35:26
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-02 04:38:18

Level 60
Ok, if they are sorted the same way, why are there different players at the top of each list?
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-02 06:10:37

Level 60
@Kcebnroh I think JK was talking about the list of clans, not the list of players within the clans.
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-02 08:33:26

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
the list of players within each clan is randomized afaik
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-04 04:58:12

Level 60
That sucks. Would it be possible to make a script that invites players in a non randomized fashion?
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-04 08:53:09

Level 63
Yes but it'll be a pain.
Do you want the ability to exclude certain players (like if they opt out or don't meet certain pre-requests)? If wanting pre-requests, can only use information that's available on their public profile or clan page.
Also to prevent misuse, i'd only make it invite players in the same clan as you.
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-04 21:01:12

Level 63
Easiest way might just be to loop over the full list of players, store their names+tag in an array (iirc those are visible on the invite page), and then loop over the array and click the invite button for selected players, slicing it into however many buckets needed.
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-04 21:07:33

Level 63
I just found out that you can sort members alphabetically when inviting a clan to a tournament, which should make things considerably easier.
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-04 22:46:22

Level 63
Dropped you some stuff on discord, lmk if that works :)
Tournament Clan Invite Lists: 2023-09-06 04:03:22

Level 60
Thanks you so much guys! JK_3 always has goodie bags XD
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