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Need help with multi-level: 2023-08-25 19:53:55

Level 63
Hi guys,

can anyone please help me? I have the following problem:
I used the multi-level power and play two levels simultaneously now. Most of the time, I play warzone in the browser, and there is no problem. Sometimes, I have to use the app (android) in order to watch some ads and get additional armies for 4 hours. (Certainly, I don't have to, but I want.)

As recommended, I close the browser and even wait for some seconds, before I open the app. Nevertheless, it now happened several times to me that the app opens the "wrong" map (that which I have not played before closing the browser) and that I lose parts of my progress, i.e. I have to redo much, and also lose time from hospital upgrades and mortar loads.

For me, it appears to be a bug, but maybe, I do something wrong?

Thanks to all!
Need help with multi-level: 2023-08-25 19:56:37

Level 62
Be sure to sync before you switch clients.

In the browser version it's something like shift-control-G.

In the Unity apps there's something in the game menu (under the dude icon).
Need help with multi-level: 2023-08-25 19:58:34

Level 62
You need to Sync on the browser CTRL-ATL-G before closing it, and Sync on the app from the Menu->Sync when opening it and before closing it, and Sync again when you're back on browser

Some of these happen automatically on certain actions/periods of time/etc, but just do it yourself manually each time and you should lose nothing, ever

As for ML, yes, the app and/or browser will go wild and open whatever map it feels like, you can't control which it will open
Need help with multi-level: 2023-08-25 20:21:44

Level 63
Ok, thanks a lot! Will try it next time!
Need help with multi-level: 2023-08-27 17:45:30

Ricardio Brando
Level 60
Why don't they add an auto-sync and closing session? Like click exit > are you sure you want to close the same > yes > auto-sync

Edited 8/27/2023 17:46:08
Need help with multi-level: 2023-08-27 17:50:14

Level 61
Phone and stand-alone seem to auto sync on closing pretty well. I guess it's probably difficult to do with a browser.
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