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Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 09:19:56

Orcinus orca
Level 60
Alright so this started on the Harmony are recruiting thread as a joke but quickly grew into a real challenge. A few details have yet to be worked out, but so far we have the following:

The Stakes (to the victor go the spoils): Loser plays for the winner's clan for a season of CW. Defining plays for a season as at least 88% participation and maximum 5% boot rate. Honestly, this is an honor system thing and I think it's the right mix of real fun stakes and not too pricy that both competitors will easily pay up. If I lose, I'll happily wear a dolphin suit for one season if only because with their matchups I have a great chance of posting 100% in a season. Texx seems like a standup guy so I'm sure he'll do the same.

The format: Best of 11 on the following templates (credit goes to καλλιστηι for this great idea)

combomb, combomb,
Strat 1v1, Strat 1v1,
commander LD, commander LD,
Guiroma, Guiroma,
French Brawl, French Brawl,
Strat 2v2 w/ alt

Those with basic math skills might notice this is 17 templates! Each challenger gets 3 vetoes to be done in snake draft order:1 -23 -45 -6. I graciously allowed Texx to decide whether he wanted 1st or 2nd veto and he chose 2nd veto.

Orcus vetoes: Comm-LD, Comm-LD, SEAD
Texx vetoes: Strat 1v1, Strat 1v1, Guiroma

Time control:

Current plan is to play 6 RT games. 5 MD games. Which templates will be played which is constantly evolving but current idea:

RT: Fbrawl x2, LD-MA x2, SE1W x1, SECB x1,

MD: SE1W x1, SECB x1, Guiroma x1, SEAD x1, Strat 2v2 w/ alts x1

The Time:

First stream was at 22:00 UTC June 20th, subsequent streams will be announced later on this thread.

Score: Texx defeats Orcus 6 - 4

Game 1: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34765935
Game 2: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34821012
Game 3: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34823971
Game 4: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34824332
Game 5: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34843388
Game 6: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34843822
Game 7: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34958021
Game 8: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=35136590
Game 9: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=35264745
Game 10: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=35606235

Edited 9/22/2023 01:15:23
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 09:20:14

Orcinus orca
Level 60
I use my first veto on commander LD.
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 09:27:17

Level 60
epic fight! rooting for orcus tbh
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 10:24:11

Level 64
Easy win for Texx
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 10:51:13

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Texx wins after 3 games and waiting 2 weeks for the 4th game to be started. ^^
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 11:51:17

Level 61
I will ban S1v1 and S1v1.

Even if we played 11 on Strat 1v1, I’m confident I’d crush your mortal soul in my silver hands. But I’m no fool. I won’t let a 1v1 ladder specialist load his gun with his favourite bullets.
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 12:04:37

Orcinus orca
Level 60
I'll veto LD commander LD a second time and SEAD (no need to give Fizzer too much influence over this).
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 12:13:45

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
what is LD commander LD?
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 12:18:22

Level 62
It's when the commander is deployed locally as well.

Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 12:29:15

Level 61
You worry Fizzer will shaft you with bad spawns? I’m not. Fizzer loves me. My final ban: Guiroma
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 12:57:09

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
French Brawl and MME MA LD are ideal for Real-Time streaming as... people can actually see what is happening before the game is over.
You should decide whether Strat 2v2 will be played with a friend or alt.

Edited 6/16/2023 12:58:20
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 13:00:22

Orcinus orca
Level 60
Here's a proposal:

Every double template (SE1W, Combomb, MME MA LD, Fbrawl) has a MD and RT game
SEAD and Guiroma both RT
Strat 2v2 MD with alts (teammates would seem to be who could get the stronger ringer)

That's 6 RT games (could probably do two sets of 3), and 5 MD games. Maybe could do a fun draft for what order to do them in.

Or as καλλιστηι suggests maybe prioritize the LF formats for RT.

Edited 6/16/2023 13:01:29
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 13:07:59

Level 61
I think prio on LF templates is best. And then we can fill it out with one of the doubles of SE1W and Combomb. Then it’s 6 RT and 5 MD. How about we make the MD Combomb game regular cycle? The RT one can be NLC.
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 13:16:13

Orcinus orca
Level 60
Regular cycle on commbomb MD is fine by me. That way there's no shenanigans with slow picking and joining the game.
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 13:19:39

Level 62
2v2 should just use alts, else it spills out of scope of just Texx v Orcus
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 14:57:56

Level 64
"Texx wins after 3 games and waiting 2 weeks for the 4th game to be started. ^^"

Lol :)

Would be sad to see Phobos leave the game again.

Tex: Be nice to him!
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 16:44:45

Level 65
Can we finish the first bo11 before we start a second?
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 17:19:16

Orcinus orca
Level 60
I'm game to continue the series with Nauz, but currently lack the coins for the 1000 coin buy in.
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 17:27:51

Level 62
will nauz finish his 2nd bo11 against sanmu too?
Texx v. Orcus the Thread: 2023-06-16 18:30:57

Level 64
I'm game to continue the series with Nauz, but currently lack the coins for the 1000 coin buy in.

I am willing to donate 1000 coins if you just continue the series
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