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UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-06-05 01:00:16

Old Nick 
Level 59
Undivided Combat League

Discord - https://discord.gg/Unu6VgUBK9
Google Document - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zi3sxx27kZJm_wJyqygMb3mTJqRdxferHPw6DvLfYXA/edit?usp=sharing
Excel Spread Sheet - https://1drv.ms/x/s!AkJ2tffMZ5hyanJYw3RWvvAslLk?e=fcaOaH


The UCL will promote team play at its finest from warm up tournaments to brackets of insanity. It features 2v2 format games played throughout the season with the partner one started with. As there are many possible complications with the UCL as one being, “player joins the wrong team”, and there are ways to address this issue and others alike. To make this work most of the UCL power comes from everyone knowing who their teammate is which should be very easy for the fact of choosing your own mates. The winning team of the UCL not only gets nominated best team players for the following season but also gets a short video showcasing their strength. This will be very intense and will require extraordinary teamwork to compete in, not only just on one template but on all of them.

"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." – Michael Jordan.


This league will have four 2v2 qualifiers of 64 player single elimination tournaments. The top 4 teams from each qualifier will make the Swiss Bracket round. Teams then have to play each other to make a spot for the playoffs. Each round will be a different template and to make the spot one needs to get 3 wins. A team with 3 loses will be knocked off. Playoffs will be double elimination with each round being a different template. For example, Season 1 will be:

Qualifier Rounds:
  • UCL Qualifier 1: Szeuropa 2v2
  • UCL Qualifier 2: Turzel 2v2
  • UCL Qualifier 3: Sierra Leone Brawl LF EA 2v2
  • UCL Qualifier 4: Biomes of America INSS 2v2
    Swiss Bracket Rounds:
  • UCL Swiss R1: Volcano Island 2v2
  • UCL Swiss R2: Ancient Greece WR 2v2
  • UCL Swiss R3: East Asia and Oceania WR 2v2
  • UCL Swiss R4: Crimea AC 2v2
  • UCL Swiss R5: China 2v2
    Playoff Rounds:
  • UCL Playoffs R1: Final Earth 2v2
  • UCL Playoffs R2R R1: Guiroma 2v2
  • UCL Playoffs R2: Strategic Medium Earth 2v2
  • UCL Playoffs R2R R2-3: Treasure Map 2v2
  • UCL Playoffs R3: Asian Wastelords WR 2v2
  • UCL Playoffs R2R R4: Macedonia NS DF 2v2
  • UCL Final R1-3: Timid Lands HF 2v2


    Teammate Signups:
    To sign up one most post both players including their profiles within one the four platforms offered:
  • Old Nick’s Warzone Mail
  • UCL Official Warzone Forum Thread
  • Old Nick’s Discord Private Messages
  • UCL Official Discord Server

    Once both have signed up that is the team both must stick with and participate with unless otherwise noted. A warzone mail will be sent to both players confirming their involvement. BOTH ONLY NEED TO SIGN UP ONCE!

    If one does not want to participate on that specific team then they must say so in one of the four platforms offered by the UCL.

    Individual Signups:
    To sign up individually one needs to post so within one of the four platforms offered:
  • Old Nick’s Warzone Mail
  • UCL Official Warzone Forum Thread
  • Old Nick’s Discord Private Messages
  • UCL Official Discord Server

    Once this individual has signed up then they must wait till a foreseeable tournament invite to be sent out to them by the UCL. Once that invite is handed out one may or may not accept it on any team they so desire to be on. If they happen to be a top four qualifier for the swiss bracket then that is the team they play for and will be notified via warzone mail.

    If one no longer wants to participate then it must be stated in one of the four platforms offered by the UCL.

  • Alternate accounts are not allowed since this includes team play with another not teamplay with yourself.
  • Signups must be sent within the four platforms by the person or team players wanting to join not from someone else not playing or currently playing in the UCL.
  • Templates not within the UCL are not allowed to be used unless suggested by players outside or within the UCL in one of the four platforms offered.
  • Any form of deliberate verbal violence, abuse, or annoyance must be reported to the UCL if applicable by the player being accused.
  • UCL players and non-UCL players are not allowed to invite members to tournaments outside or within the UCL.
  • Players are not allowed to share during game information to another player not on their team to the public or to a team within the UCL. If the game is over then it is permitted.
  • No player outside of the UCL may be allowed to join unless they sign up on one of the four platforms.
  • Any form of bot or hacking device to cheat one's way through a game will not be tolerated.
  • Players during a game may not private message the opposite team on any platform or in real life.
  • Teammates must join their respected teams and must not join another team that is not of their own.

    Winning Prize

    The winning team will be awarded the Best Teammates Award as well as a complementary video on their achievements based on a selected song from a list generated from the artist NEONI.

    Start Time

    Currently this League is in a test run with the current 16 players:

  • Baer | Bliss Machine
  • Old Nick | SolarFlare
  • Tac(ky)tical | καλλιστηι
  • Rogue Bristles | Tr4gic
  • dry-clean-only | 127Izy
  • Kenny • apex | Timinator • apex
  • Ragnar Lothbrok | The Shots
  • DIVEaLIMI | ToroLoco ॐ

    This league will start in a month and a half or so from now, roughly when the test run ends so everything pans out how it should. Signups for Season one start from now until 2 weeks after the end of the test run (roughly a month and a half from now).

    For more information on this league please visit the Google document posted above as it has everything in detail form!
  • UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-06-20 10:18:13

    Old Nick 
    Level 59
    reminder! join for some 2v2 fun with your teammates!
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-06-25 23:27:32

    Old Nick 
    Level 59
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-07-06 20:35:07

    Old Nick 
    Level 59
    Newest Teams joining the UCL!!!

    Team 1:
    Pavluski: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=5619988369&u=Pavluski_1
    vicnus: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=7017875632&u=vicnus_1

    Team 2:
    blondin: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=8676173234&u=blondin_1
    rgk: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=4646283434&u=rgk_1

    Thank you for those that have joined the UCL!!! Reminder you can join at anytime individually or with a teammate! Refer to the first post to know how to sign up!
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-07-08 04:38:17

    Level 63
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-07-08 16:22:58

    Old Nick 
    Level 59
    Both have been added to the sheet! Here is the discord for the league! https://discord.gg/c6X8TQWr
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-07-30 16:02:58

    Old Nick 
    Level 59
    Hello! If any clan leader would like to signup there clan for individual signups let me know! Invites to a tournament will be sent out to the individuals on the signup list!
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-08-21 10:37:50

    Old Nick 
    Level 59
    Update! The winning team will now recieve 2k coins, 1k to each player for winning the whole season. Play-off matchups will now be done through stream so you all know it was randomly matched and not me picking it out pure bias.

    Reminder to join up with a teammate or individual each works as well!
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-08-23 01:01:04

    Old Nick 
    Level 59
    League will be starting soon make sure to join up!!! Clan leaders of lots of clans will start getting messaged through email in two days! Once we have clans that are in totally the league will start within 2 weeks, until then fight on teammates!
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-08-25 09:41:12

    Dr Love
    Level 58
    I am up for it if anyone is looking for a teammate
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-08-25 11:32:54

    Old Nick 
    Level 59
    Awesome Dr. Love!

    Below is the message from discord:
    "@UCL Players @Warlighters Congratulations to @Tr4gic and @Rogue Bristles for winning the UCL test run Qualifier! Amazing job to both of you! I also want to thank you all for helping with the test run and for a thanks, the people in this server that did help will get a special role awarded to them (@Test Run Fanatics) You will have your own color of your choice as well just let me know which color!"

    If you have helped with the test run and are not in the discord please join here! https://discord.gg/qjCTGdsu Or if you are curious in what this league is and how to have some fun join anyways;)

    Edited 8/25/2023 11:33:08
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-08-26 04:04:42

    Level 61
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-08-26 04:04:42

    Level 61

    Edited 8/26/2023 04:05:10
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-09-01 23:02:54

    Level 61
    hopefully we can still sign up? idk when the window closes and I can't be asked to find out so here I go anyway...

    myself Grimer2(https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9729457593&u=Grimer2_1)
    and Z (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=945247333&u=Z_1)
    signing up as a team
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-09-01 23:09:34

    Old Nick 
    Level 59
    Signups are still happening there is no deadline! Signups can still happen through Qualifiers and such;) Thanks for joining!
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-09-02 02:29:55

    Level 64
    I confirm teaming up with Grimer
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-09-11 06:13:23

    Level 63
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-09-16 18:19:47

    Kenny • apex 
    Level 59
    Yo Old Nick, are Timi and I still signed up? Idk if this has started yet but we still intended to play
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-09-17 19:17:05

    Level 63
    I believe he is play testing maps currently

    Here’s the discord where he is pretty active: https://discord.gg/Zr7yK5YX
    UCL Official Thread #1: 2023-10-10 09:58:22

    Level 63
    Any updates on this? (before the forum locks itself)
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