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suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-16 20:00:36

Level 62
other games have such a thing (granted, usually with a mod that shoots down 99% with "that isn't going to happen because...") but still seems odd that soooo many years into WL/WZ that there isn't a forum for users/players/customers (in some cases) don't have a platform to make and discuss suggestions to improve the game.

People do make suggestions in the general fora for WZ or Idle, but I believe it would be nice to have a designated thread just for suggestions
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-16 20:15:35

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
Well, Fizzer would usually redirect you to the uservoice: https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warzone-features which essentially acts somewhat like that, though plenty of ideas here are dead.
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-16 20:15:35

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
Oops, double post

Edited 5/16/2023 20:15:50
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-16 20:19:50

Level 60
other games have such a thing (granted, usually with a mod that shoots down 99% with "that isn't going to happen because...") but still seems odd that soooo many years into WL/WZ that there isn't a forum for users/players/customers (in some cases) don't have a platform to make and discuss suggestions to improve the game.

People do make suggestions in the general fora for WZ or Idle, but I believe it would be nice to have a designated thread just for suggestions

Oh...you must be new here...
Fizzer literally almost always send people to Uservoice platform. ...Oh. and that uservoice is stated in the contact pages for ages.
You are welcome.

Edited 5/16/2023 20:19:57
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-16 20:24:11

Level 63
now that Fizzer has made ladders into the app, maybe he will build uservoice into the app as well?
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-16 20:25:38

Level 62
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-16 20:26:16

Meow Meow I'm A Panther 
Level 59
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-16 20:30:29

Level 61
Oh. This is a great idea! Probably the best one yet. We really needed a place where we can suggest things. Thanks Goose! “You should add it to the Uservoice” :P
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-16 22:38:05

Level 62
honestly never heard of the uservoice thing before today. is it active?
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-17 07:15:36

Level 63
Uservoice was around before 2013. It’s under Help > Contact. I recognise your name, your definitely not new.
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-17 10:06:47

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
your definitely not new

suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-17 10:13:14

Level 60
It's listed there but I blame no one for not seeing it. but that's the place for suggestions, end of discussion
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-17 13:19:48

Level 60
now that Fizzer has made ladders into the app, maybe he will build uservoice into the app as well?


It's listed there but I blame no one for not seeing it. but that's the place for suggestions, end of discussion

It's listed there but I blame no one for not seeing it. but that's the place where suggestions die, end of discussion.
suggestion: have a specific "suggestions" thread: 2023-05-17 13:23:19

Level 62
I propose to have a voting here in forum that we will create a uservoice to shift all future feature requests into an in-app poll system!
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