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$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-06 17:22:27

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
Hi all, my 400 player strategic diplo game will be launching on Saturday, 5/13/2023 (please note RP is not required/encouraged, more of a focus on politics, trading, and strategy).

This is your final chance to join: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34103347

Prizes include (in United States Dollars)
#1. $100 cash (to be sent to you in any manner you prefer)
#2. $200 gift card to an online jewelry shop based in Dubai
#3. 1,000 coins
#4. Mystery prize from Fizzer (maybe free membership or coins, maybe an achievement)
#5. Bragging rights

It's basically like playing EU4/Civ/Total War franchise all in 1.

All rules explained in settings.

Edited 5/6/2023 17:23:54
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-06 21:41:39

master of desaster 
Level 66
Phone users can't check the rules on the game description. Maybe link them here?

Who is in the council and do you really expect to be able to enforce any rules with 400 players?

I would have joined if this wasn't commerce, arguably the worst setting on warzone, only matched by 0 armies standing

Edited 5/6/2023 22:42:18
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-06 21:48:38

Level 63
    Game description
This game will prove who the best armchair generals are in Warzone
Think of this as a combination between Crusader Kings 3, Total War and Civilization.
You can fight, use politics, betray allies, trade.

Each player gets 4 manual picks, every player will be put on a random team of 2 players. Your teammate does NOT have to be your ally.

View full rules here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1THNtS0bGmSAbe8Ru68xUuy2TBBBq90FCaHjjSM3sVRo

The “game doc” which tracks all wars, PE’s, alliances, etc, can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1slqKwNNKQSpgxJ1FmCuRtPSTWdzEJPtSTvrRy1cRu5Q

#1.1 Players can only have 1 ally until turn 40. After turn 40 you can have up to 3 allies.
#1.2 Anytime someone attacks your ally, you are automatically at war with them.
#1.3 Anytime you attack someone, your ally is automatically at war with them.
#1.4 Anytime someone attacks your ally, you are automatically at war with them. Anytime you attack someone, your ally is automatically at war with them.

#2. No wars can be declared until the start of turn 5. After declaring war, you cannot attack until the next turn.

#3. If a player becomes PE, all their alliances and wars are ended. Anyone can declare war on a PE player without penalty.

#4. This game uses a “council” system to vote on issues that players are bothered by / not covered by existing rules.

#5. Nobody is allowed to attack players who are already at war. Doing so will earn you the “dog pile penalty”. The dog pile penalty allows up to 1 alliance to attack “dog pile violators” without having to wait 1 turn.

#7. You cannot gift territory while at war UNLESS the person you are gifting to is also at war with your enemy.

Winners of wars get "territory entitlement"

Edited 5/6/2023 21:48:51
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-07 02:35:31

Level 61
Can I get an invite? :)
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-07 03:07:06

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
Sorry, invites don't work for mega games. The pre-req is a 10% or less boot rate. This game cost $50 to make so I'd hate to waste slots.

JK thanks for posting the stuff.
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-07 03:10:59

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
@master well actually the rules are enforced very easily, I have done this 4 times with 200 players without any issues.

The council is pretty much randomly decided. There will be a popular vote on a turn, I think it's turn 10? I have it in the rules. The "active" players typically get nominated. It's whoever pushes for votes like a true politician. People make deals, buy votes, etc.

Commerce is essential to this game because it allows you to "play tall" (like in the Civilization games or Victoria 3) rather than having to "play wide" (the constant warfare that we see in Total War games or Europa Universalis 4).

The point of this game is you don't have to go on an endless, mindless warmongering streak. You can play the political side or the trade side or be a villain or a hero.

For me personally, the problem with Warhammer 3 Total War (and the other total wars) is outside of battles the game sucks. It has no purpose except to basically have battles. Very one dimensional, poor game design. I solve that problem by adding that in, along with trade and political elements. So there are many styles of play available.

Edited 5/7/2023 03:12:14
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-07 03:27:47

Level 62
You mean paid for yet unfilled slots just vanish? Take the $ (coins) and run, no refund for unused slots? weak

Actually just realized through playing around with the interface that a mega game for 40 players (ie: free if not a mega game) costs 200 coins to create... lol, wth is what that?

And 41 player game is 205 coins.

So 40 players = free (non-mega)
41 players = 205 coins (mega)

$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-07 07:11:33

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Your rewards remind me of this
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-07 08:57:43

master of desaster 
Level 66
Commerce in itself might not be bad, but the army costs after 100 deploys being halved makes it mostly useless to grow after a certain point and everyone remaining will be similarly powerful. In short, it's ok till some hit 100 income, after that it sucks a lot
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-07 15:08:16

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
Lol yeah Warzone should get its own crypto... WarCoin.

@Master it's not an army cap, it's a "make armies cost slightly more" after the 100th army you deploy. Players who play very good will reach 100 income first and have a huge advantage. Most of the players in this game aren't that good and add to that the fact they never played with these settings.

What makes this game fun is your income is not the biggest factor in your success.
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-07 15:10:45

Level 63
Actually just realized through playing around with the interface that a mega game for 40 players (ie: free if not a mega game) costs 200 coins to create... lol, wth is what that?

Thats a UI bug, if you try to create it, it will give you an error explaining that mega games need to be 50 or more players.
$300+ in prizes for winner, launching in 1 week: 2023-05-10 02:23:58

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
Bump, only 18 slots left!
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