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fizzer won't make this shine: 2023-05-02 21:01:19

Level 59
title instead of "normal fog sucks 4 spectators" because why does it matter? spectators should be able to see territories that all players can see, but they can't and most likely they never will
fizzer won't make this shine: 2023-05-03 06:46:05

Level 63
There is a spectators mod. The reasoning is reduce the chance of possible cheating (spectator giving advice to players)
fizzer won't make this shine: 2023-05-03 15:37:17

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
You know some people would abuse it for sure. There's already plenty of people multi-accounting or joining with a friend in FFAs, for instance, and no doubt this kind of people would abuse this change in the same way. I think it's reasonable to not make it possible for spectators to see more than players. And as Dan said, there is the Spectator mod too.
fizzer won't make this shine: 2023-05-03 18:24:27

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Open the game in anonymous bowser - BOOM - you can see where your opponent is. Very useful for CW or CL.

Edited 5/3/2023 18:24:41
fizzer won't make this shine: 2023-05-03 19:21:25

Level 59
are all of you drunk? i said "territories that all players can see". that's not possible to abuse.
fizzer won't make this shine: 2023-05-03 21:22:28

Level 60
true, but some players might not know which territories are visible for all players and which not (from which information can be extracted from)
fizzer won't make this shine: 2023-05-03 21:38:58

Level 63
Was ambiguous what you meant, I assume you mean territories that all players have visibility to. Originally thought all territories players can see (as in everyone’s perspective). But same issue still exists, easier to get help from others, would need methods to get around it. Would be hard to prove someone did cheat though

Edited 5/3/2023 21:41:22
fizzer won't make this shine: 2023-05-03 22:16:40

Roi Joleil
Level 60
There is no reason for this to ever be implemented.
Whats the point of being able to spectate if you can just watch the game after its finished.
The only reason you would want to be able to spectate is if you are intending on cheating in the first place.
fizzer won't make this shine: 2023-05-03 22:23:24

Level 59
what if you're in a tournament that is taking forever and you want to see just how forever it is taking
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