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Log-Window instead of a lot of annoying balloons: 2023-04-13 09:55:57

Level 57

just want to suggest changing the UI in that way, that all this information, which is displayed in balloons or other ways (like drafting information) comes to a central log-window. The window position an size should be changeable. The benefits I see are:
The balloons are appearing in the center of the game, exactly there, where we are playing. So they are almost every time in the way. That leads to the fact, that you switch them of. But sometimes, there is an interest on those events, especially when rethinking strategies. So the log-window would keep e.g. the last 150 events and you can look into it, whenever you need this information.
With that change it is also unnecessary to configure single balloons in the app-settings.
Log-Window instead of a lot of annoying balloons: 2023-04-13 15:00:53

Level 60
I have notifications turned off, but digs still prompt you for a decision.

I do not care for the zooming in and out for balloons. I'd rather that information appear on the side, and out of the way. Really the only thing I want to be notified of is Digs. The rest can be managed easily without balloons in your face every click. It's annoying.

red makes a good point. Some tweaking to the UI is warranted.

Edited 4/13/2023 15:04:55
Log-Window instead of a lot of annoying balloons: 2023-04-13 15:04:38

Level 62
@Hang, update your app version, digs can now be turned off too; everything can be turned off now; you can kick on AQ/AAQ and have SILENCE other than the exploding popcorn landscape

Log-Window option could be useful in some cases but I've settled for turning all notifications off
Log-Window instead of a lot of annoying balloons: 2023-04-13 15:06:51

Level 60
We simul-posted. read my edit. I just want the dig balloon. The others really aren't necessary. Once you've played for a while you recognize the icon and know what to do.
Log-Window instead of a lot of annoying balloons: 2023-04-13 15:15:32

Level 62
Oh you _want_ digs, yea that's legit, but it gets annoying when you're clearing a big level on AQ and you have 200+ dig notifications popping up, although they do at least unlike powers kill the prev one so there's only 1 up at any given time
Log-Window instead of a lot of annoying balloons: 2023-04-13 15:24:27

Level 60
Fortunately, I have AQ turned off. At first I thought AQ was great, but now I use it only for WZIB. I find it better (for me anyway) to click what I when I want. I am going through levels a little faster now, and AQ does not play a part in that anymore.

Edited 4/13/2023 15:25:04
Log-Window instead of a lot of annoying balloons: 2023-04-13 15:49:21

Level 62
AQ becomes more useful as you progress; in early stages, it's practically useless, even harmful

AAQ is much better, uses JS

But when you can finish EH/Hex/etc by getting all markets/hospitals/some merc camps and little else, level up the hosps as required, then enable AQ to take the rest, it saves a lot of clicks

And when you clear EH/HEH/Hex/etc frequently, saving 2000+ clicks per level in a 3-4 hr period, this can be the difference between carpal tunnel vs not (;
Log-Window instead of a lot of annoying balloons: 2023-04-15 10:49:17

Level 63
Ah yeah, the little messages are going crazy when you turn on AAQ at then end of a level!

A little log of the last X messages would be interesting, but I doubt it will be used much tbh.
Log-Window instead of a lot of annoying balloons: 2023-04-15 12:54:20

Level 57
Turning off certain information is not the solution. A movable (and closable) log-window would be the perfect solution, as you can position it there, where its not in the way. You can look at it, if you are expecting certain information, and much more desirable for me: You can use it for investigations how certain things are working.
E.g.: If all drafts from the (last 24h) would appear, I could see how the sliding part develops after acquiring mercenaries or army caches. Technically it should be no problem, to store all events of a session, as that could be stored locally on the device, so there is no additional memory footprint on Fizzers side needed.

Right now I turn off all ballons in the last phase of a game, when finishing the map. When I forget to turn some of the messages on again, I miss those information.
A log-window would solve all such issues.
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