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How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-03-31 11:48:11

Level 57

I have reached that point in game, where I have all my preferred Advancements, but there are still 46k to spend for reaching Super-Ascension.

I maxed Cache Armies, faster Digging, Auto Draft and better Hospitals. All other things are garbage in my eyes. I am in no clan, all those auto-things are not worth any penny.
Where have you spent your AP and why, for reaching SAsc?
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-03-31 11:57:58

Level 64
Multi-level option, to increase the speed of gaining AP
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-03-31 12:05:22

Level 61
If you're willing to spend 150 coins to reset ap you may already be done (or can spend on othe phases). AAQ is nice too.
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-03-31 12:10:39

Level 61
Why would he reset AP? He only needs to spend more AP in phase 4
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-03-31 12:48:18

Level 57
Hi Ivan0,

thanks for that idea! That brings me to the point, that I can continue spending AP in lower phases, which will bring me more benefit, while digging for artifacts.
Its totally right: As Superascension will delete all AP, it makes perfect sense, to reset AP, as soon as I have all my artifacts. At that point, its enough to re-spend in the lower pases just enough, to reach phase 4, and throw all other AP in phase 4 to open SAsc.

As I have never reset my AP, I have not thought about this perfect idea!
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-03-31 12:59:21

Level 62
You know AP reset costs 150 coins, right?

If it's only 46k you need, it's more a discussion of are you ready to SAsc as soon as you spend that 46k, or are you gonna stick around to do more digs & upgrading artifacts to avoid wasting some? (to get more Leg/Insanes)

If SAsc asap, then it doesn't matter what you invest in, it's going to disappear anyhow.

If you're going to stick around, you said you had Cache Armies, Faster Digging, Auto Draft and Better Hospitals. Beyond that how about Advanced Auto-Conquer & Auto-Dig? You should have at least the 1st level of both, but if you're trying to get 1st place in WZIB to snag that free Epic arti, you will need much more AAQ (at least 35%-ish but higher is better), and some others that could help are Auto-Purchase Mercenaries down to 60 mins or less, Auto-Upgrade Hospitals to 10%, and obviously these will be more effective if you also have their counterparts in prev phases upgraded too like Merc Discounts, Additional Mercenaries, Increased Army Camp Production, Army Camp Discounts, Auto-Upgrade Army Camps, etc - without having some investment in each of these, it'll be hard to win WZIB unless you get lucky and get a slot with no late P4 players/high level arti players.

Lastly, Cache Visibility is useful for example to quick clear levels like Europe Huge & Hard EH. If you have maxed out Army Caches & have a high level Army Cache arti, then you can literally "ride the caches" on EH all the way over to either the big merc camp to pop an IM power or artifact or the big territory to pop a TS or QS, and with either one, you should then be able to get all hospitals & markets, then finish the level easily.
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-03-31 13:30:06

Level 57
Hi Krinid,
I have maxed out all needed stuff (besides all that auto-stuff) in lower phases. I am able to finish EH in 12h, without any powers, so I am fine with that. But I don't need any visibility for that, as I use my notes and screenshots from previous runs. The location is only one thing, the most effective way for reaching it, is the other point. So you need much more knowledge about the map. With the 4th or 5th repetition, I think, I can play most levels blind.
Right now I am maxing sell item value, for those levels, where you have one item-only market.

I am now in that phase of the game, where I have to think, which artifacts I will take over and how strong they should be.

So I was first annoyed, that I have to spend AP in totally unneeded stuff, as I was not aware, that I can reset my AP easily, when I am ready for Super Ascension. With that idea, I continue spending AP in lower levels and reset AP, once I am ready for it.

Edited 3/31/2023 13:31:44
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-04-01 12:32:47

Level 63
I am now in that phase of the game, where I have to think, which artifacts I will take over and how strong they should be.

Which artifacts do you currently have?
And do you want to super ascend with 2 artifacts and +25% AP, or with 3 artifacts?
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-04-01 21:07:21

Level 57
Right now my plan is 3 Artifacts. Legendary Triple Strike, Alloy Values and Time Warp either both also Legendary (in that case with using all my artifacts I could already ascend, but I prefer to have Time Warp as Insane, as that is a big helper in digging speed along with generating armies.

After Ascension the first important Artifact should be a Rare Super Charge Army Camp.
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-04-01 21:21:16

Level 61
Why legendary Triple Strike? Why did you upgrade it to legendary? You can always get the free Epic Triple Strike each super ascension

Edited 4/1/2023 21:21:51
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-04-01 21:31:12

Level 63
the level reward used to give a leg TS (hence the name The Legend)
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-04-02 09:45:21

Level 57
@Vena: There is nothing better in the mid phase of a game, as the legendary triple strike. You play the higher levels (starting from China) so much faster. If I would sacrifice my legendary Triple strike, e.g. to ascend with two insanes and 25%AP, the next artifact after a rare super charge army camp, would be the legendary triple strike. It changes the whole strategy: Each expensive territory changes from a problem to an possible army cache. In EH you have that 420M and a 91M territory, in Trisk the 245M followed by an 55M, in HEH it is even a 1.2T followed by an 267M, in HT an 630M, followed by 141M an some almost 60M.

Not to speak about lower levels, where you can get also easy deals. With perfect advancements there is no longer a need for it, but especially in that phase of the game, where a level lasts for days, this is a key artifact, as it changes a large group of expensive territory into army camps! My rule of thumb was, that if the outcome of playing that artifact is more than 6h army camp income, it is worth, spending that slot.
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-04-02 09:47:54

Level 61
Yeah ok, then you should take that artifact also with you
How to spent 46k AP in phase 4: 2023-04-03 14:22:39

Level 58
Does AAQ really help you AP faster? not really, does AAQ same a huge amount of time yes very much worth it to conquer all the free territories without clicking. It really is a game changer.

Multilevel increases your AP gain but it does change how you use artifacts i.e. using a second active keeps you from using a passive in the other games. Also, when you are digging it lets you keep one game with plenty of dig sites ready while you are setting up the other to have open dig sites.

When I was going for an insane, I ended up buying all the extra ores but that is way beyond 46k...

I used my LTS on my ITW and there are some regrets but mostly just HRFRE, HE and HHE.

My last SSAC it took me over a month to get a SAC artifact. I spent quite a bit of coins refreshing ITW also it might have been two months. I don't think I would SSAC after that without a SAC.

I am not a big fan of classic really so I can understand don't joining a clan but last season there were over 20 clans that got 4 territories which give the 30 percent artifact cooldown for two weeks which is very nice. 5 clans got the 20 percent reduce dig times. Also it kind of nice to get and give clan requests. I don't think it takes that much effort for a nice reward from clan wars but it is entirely up to you.
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