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Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-19 06:09:52

Level 58

It's probably an alt since the account is two weeks old, but since he's a member, should be easy to spot him.

This guy just loves to waste everyone's time, wouldn't surrender after all his teammate quit (because they were losing), and went on playing alone against us using automode so he wouldn't have to waste his own time. Just shrugged and insulted us when we insisted on him surrendering.


At the end he wouldn't even accept my surrender. It was like playing with an AI that's being a dick.

Please add that guy on your block lists and don't feed the troll.

Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-19 20:40:41

Level 61
At the beginning of the 1 vs 4 battle he was even stronger than the 4 of you. The four of you played it very badly with 1 remaining player left and getting booted.

You should concentrate on how to beat him more quickly instead of posting the game on the forum

Edited 3/19/2023 20:42:19
- downvoted post by Emanolo
- downvoted post by mocheto
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-20 14:10:00

Level 60
At this point we should have a don't play with ____ thread compilation lol
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-20 14:41:19

Level 61
At turn 12 the teammates of Maxim surrendered, while Maxim were the strongest player with room for quite a good expansion. He was by far the strongest player, which was needed because it was 1 vs 4. Team players were getting booted, while they became stronger. At turn 30 (!) he wasn't the stongest player anymore. His income was brought down quickly. At turn 38 the AI players surrendered, because Maxim was booted. Maxim got the control back after it. This was the thing he needed earlier, it would have saved him being atacked by 2 AI's. Anyway, the last player of team B was too big and too strong making team B the winner.

A neutral recap of the game

Edited 3/20/2023 14:43:00
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-20 14:51:47

Level 62
Trying to analyze this neutrally and without any of the heat which I get from the posts...

You started to chat and try to convince him to surrender in turn 13.
At that time, he had roughly the same income as all of you together and much space to expand and some AI with income at his side, too. Only one of his teammates was eliminated, but at a base income of - in words - one, this is completely irrelevant. And he probably couldnt know your income in detail, so he could also assume you had much less income.

I would never surrender at that state of the game myself.

At turn 19, he had expanded significantly for several turns in a row, still lots of neutral space to expand, and you all together had still not significantly more income. I do not share your position that the game is lost for him at turn 19. Not at all.

I would never surrender at that state of the game myself.

In addition to that income-focussed assessment, the discussion in chat heated up very much already. With bad words flying in from all sides. This can make people forget rational assessment and turn them stubborn.

Only at around turn 25, two things happen: he could see the end of his own expansion in the east nearing and that he is constantly losing ground in the west. At around turn 30, he had shrinking income for several turns in a row where he must assume that the game is lost.

In a normal game with this progression, I would have surrendered somewhen between turn 25 and 30.

BUT. With that heat in the chat and knowing its a real-time game and that he might still have a chance to win by letting you throw the game in rage-quit, I would say that I at least can understand to not surrender at turn 30 and try to "sit it out".

My take aways from that game.
* Dont ask someone to surrender such early
* If you ask someone to surrender, then do it in a friendly manner and not in such a rude way using such bad words
* Dont play RT games on such a huge map if you are not willing to go to the end in worst case
- downvoted post by Emanolo
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 09:29:57

Level 58
1) You had to do an income check at around turn 12.

You're teammate claimed at that point: "You never going to win this." You can't know that you are winning at that point without knowing the income of both teams. It was a 3 VS 4 game and yes 3 players can still win that game even if two are AI. (Based on factors like more income, better expanding chances etc. etc.)

2) "At this point we had 561 income and he - 369." => You forgot the income of the 2 AI's: It was 561 income VS 503 income.

3) At turn 14 both sides were rude to each other at the chat. Please remain polite at the chat. Don't be rude. It is more wise to remain calm at the chat and outsmart the other with strong arguments instead of being rude to the other.
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 09:31:36

Level 60
@otto That right there is facts. Why is it highlighted in white though?

Income checks are basically necessary at around turn 15-20 turns in that game. I played a game for 5 turns more than necessary because we forgot to income check, he had pretty much everything and I had that one corner of the map he didn't expand to

Edited 3/21/2023 09:33:41
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 09:32:21

Level 65
I don't know many people who are gonna surrender after someone uses that tone against them in the chat tbh
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 09:32:34

Level 62
For it to be more readable!
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 09:34:18

Level 60
Ah ok.
I don't know many people who are gonna surrender after someone uses that tone against them in the chat tbh

I certainly would not. I would just delay like crazy. So, uno reverse card. I am blocking Emanolo instead :) Because don't expect your opponent to assume you have so much more income. And as otto mentioned Maxim wasn't at such a disadvantage. He had a decent enough chance of winning, given the information he has.

Edited 3/21/2023 09:38:19
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 09:57:05

Level 55
For the ones, too lazy to read or analyse what's going on;

Emanolo (creator of this thread) played a game. He and his teammates ganged up on one guy and bombarded him with insults (because they wanted him to surrender even though game was far from over). He (the victim) didn't insulted back, played his game, lost the game and simply left.

@Emanolo, nobody is obligated to surrender. Especially in the turn your team (including you) started insulting him. I hope you stop your meaningless harassments and try to focus on having fun in the future.

Edited 3/21/2023 10:01:42
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 10:15:58

Die Rolle 
Level 60
correct me if im wrong but from what i see he isnt the one talking shit, sure all those and?'s arent a good manner but you are the ones that insulted

and i 100% agree with what he said in the end, you dont just say the other is done for, you run an income check saying "income?"

Edited 3/21/2023 10:17:03
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 10:21:09

Level 55
@Die Rolle, yes, Emanolo and his teammates were the ones insulting him, Emonolo was just lying on his post. Maxim's even worst words were at most annoying (and because of the treatment he got) while Emanolo and his teammates were constantly trying to bully him and making up rules to force him into surrender.

Edited 3/21/2023 10:21:31
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 10:38:58

Level 60
too much copium in this thread
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 10:57:45

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
Don't play with Maxim Basuda: 2023-03-21 10:59:35

Level 60
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