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Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:17:48

Level 62
Clan Wars is perfect, why would so many of us participate in it so consistently otherwise? People will complain about matchmaking, free wins, clan caps, not enough information, a useless map, clans not displayed in order of win, an unknown tiebreaker, but you know while they complain, they still play it, some every single day, some even rejected money to keep playing it. How could it be anything less than perfect?
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:23:43

Level 55
me likes cw too. Many low hanging fruits to be plucked. Funny to watch hardworking competitive clans taking things very seriously. Lot of effort spent for little gain. We play it smarter. No sweat. Free Willy, Free Wins.
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:24:38

Level 56
uh huh. that's like saying you are good the way you are. a horrible message, if you can not improve yourself then either you are the ancestral father or... get my point? anyways let's focus on how to improve it rather than staying in the fog about what's wrong.
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:27:11

Level 55
yes, cw is like urologists. nobody likes them but folks keep visiting them. totally perfect.
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:27:42

Level 56
great analogy
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:29:37

Level 55
please doctor, free my Willy!
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:38:35

Level 61
Everyone should join the template of Good News and FTW at their joining times

Edited 3/15/2023 18:39:25
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:40:50

Level 57
Clan wars is good enough how it is, but could be better, just like a lot of things. People still love it, but they must complain about something. I'm guilty of always looking for how things could be better (and changing it if I can)
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:41:44

Level 61
It could always be improved

Edited 3/15/2023 18:42:59
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:45:40

Level 60
Clan Wars is not perfect. But it sure is fun. ;)
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 18:46:32

Level 61
Everyone should join the template of Good News and FTW at their joining times. That would also improve Clan Wars

Edited 3/15/2023 18:47:35
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 19:03:26

Level 63
the second funniest post i've seen, but this is more ironic
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 19:05:32

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Matchmaking is broken. There is no way you can justify people getting no games when there are opponents available for them. Especially when you consider, that CW is at specific times of day, so these people most likely set an alarm clock to catch that slot.

Edited 3/15/2023 19:06:24
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 19:12:49

Level 60
I personally have deep respect for those those who complain and dont play Clan Wars. Not a lot of names come to mind though, but those who come to mind, they dont have entire appreciation clans dedicated to them for nothing!
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-03-15 19:13:49

Level 61
I just don't like the free wins and the coorporation of Good News and FTW

Edited 4/14/2023 05:45:22
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-04-14 04:42:17

Doctor K 
Level 61
Matchmaking is broken.

Agreed, it is kind of broken in the sense that it favors higher CWR rated clans. Fizzer confirmed he uses top-down matching. That is, highest CWR clan gets first shot at game, matched with next highest, and so on. This favors the highest rated CWR clans in certain ways. One way it favors is them by guaranteeing games. You might think of others.

How to fix it? See my next post for one suggestion.

Edited 4/14/2023 05:03:15
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-04-14 04:54:30

Doctor K 
Level 61
How to fix it?

Not sure It can be "fixed" but one way to improve it, would be to randomize matchmaking, versus the existing top-down system. The first way is to randomly choose a clan from the stat list, then randomly choose a member. then, the second randomization is to match with either next higher, or next lower rated player, based on coin flip.

That way it's a distribution of the last odd man out, if there is one. Although clans that flood the template with 50% might not get all their games, so clans with that play style might object to this method based on that. Every pro has it's con you see...

TLDR: Randomize matchmaking by 1. In each template, for each slot, randomly pick a clan, and a member from that clan. 2. Match with next higher/lower rated CWR based on coin flip. 3. Profit.

Edited 4/14/2023 04:57:47
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-04-14 05:00:04

Level 62
Thanks for the entertainment stef

On the 1% there is a modicum of authenticity in your message, I'll merely say this . . . we play CW b/c it's the best we have available for readily available clan competition
Clan Wars is perfect and I love it!: 2023-04-14 05:02:36

Doctor K 
Level 61
More on Randomize Matchmaking.

Tested the randomized system in your mind against various Real Draws like this one: https://www.warzone.com/Clans/War?ID=29&Timeslot=4511

In that slot, Prime brought 10/24 players. Yet 6 did not get games. It's pretty clear any system that started with a random draw of clans, or, members on a list, would result in more games played that slot CWR.

Now others have proposed using a "minimum distance" algorithm that match makes based on root-mean-square minimization of the difference in Clan War Rating. Not sure how it's better. There you go.
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