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clan war rewards: 2023-03-09 02:36:36

Level 59
Should clan war rewards be shown in the modifiers box? Mine aren't there so I wanted to check
clan war rewards: 2023-03-09 09:20:30

Level 58
Yes, you should be able to see your active rewards. Artifact cooldown speed, for instance, is exclusively a clan wars reward. Have you checked to see if the rewards are getting lumped into existing percentage values?
clan war rewards: 2023-03-09 09:30:49

Level 64
Have you possibly not accepted the rewards?
clan war rewards: 2023-03-09 16:20:45

Level 59
ok thanks I will report as a bug
clan war rewards: 2023-03-09 16:22:22

Level 60
Did you really claim the rewards? You can save them up, so maybe you don't have them on
clan war rewards: 2023-03-09 16:24:48

Level 63
speaking of claiming rewards: it suck that they, unlike everywhere else in idle, dont extend eachother or stack but overwrite the previous rewards

clan war rewards: 2023-03-09 16:25:55

Level 62
it also sucks that it doesn't show the remaining time the reward has
clan war rewards: 2023-03-09 16:25:57

Level 60
They should not stack, otherwise people would abuse cooldown reduction and get it to like 10mins and just spam TWs
clan war rewards: 2023-03-09 16:26:59

Level 62
he means duration not efficacy ... same as a SAC ... 5 mins, throw down 2 = 10 mins (and it shows you this in game)

CW rewards = 2 weeks, throw down 2 at same time = still just 2 weeks and you wasted 1 reward

And is spamming TWs on low CDs really such a problem? You'd need 13 seasonal CW rewards activated all at the same time to achieve that ... and then once those 2 weeks are up, those 13 rewards are never coming back

But it's moot, b/c it we know it would only ever extend duration not efficacy

Edited 3/9/2023 16:29:25
clan war rewards: 2023-03-10 01:43:27

Level 59
I didn't know you could save them, where do I find unused ones so I can double check?
clan war rewards: 2023-03-10 18:23:20

Level 58
Try clan wars->all seasons->view.

If you have any unclaimed rewards for a season, then they will appear whenever you view that season.
clan war rewards: 2023-03-10 18:29:28

Level 62
They are by default saved and unused

You have to actually go in where mdg22 indicated and "Claim" the reward

If you don't claim it, it's saved -- but as JK indicated, do NOT activate more than 1 of the same type at any given time, or it will be wasted, you need to wait until the previous one expires and then activate a new one to avoid any waste

Each is active for 2 weeks from time of activation
clan war rewards: 2023-03-10 21:00:10

Level 58
Thanks for spelling that out more clearly, krinid. I probably should have included a bit more information in my post. Dd, let us know if you still have questions or issues!
clan war rewards: 2023-03-10 22:57:08

Level 59
I had checked there but hoped you would say elsewhere, I definitely don't have them unused, we earned another territory last night which took us to 6 territories but I am not getting any pop ups to claim the reward this season, I was getting them last season though.
I did report it but I haven't heard anything back.
Appreciate the help, thank you.
clan war rewards: 2023-03-10 22:59:08

Level 63
I am not getting any pop ups to claim the reward this season

thats because you didnt get a real win yet this season (which is required for getting any rewards)
if you only lose and never win, you only get a free cache at the end of the season, and nothing else
clan war rewards: 2023-03-10 22:59:25

Level 60
I had checked there but hoped you would say elsewhere, I definitely don't have them unused, we earned another territory last night which took us to 6 territories but I am not getting any pop ups to claim the reward this season, I was getting them last season though.
I did report it but I haven't heard anything back.

To qualify for CW rewards you need to have at least 1 regular win (not "free win") in a season. this season, you have 2 free wins, and zero regular wins, so you dont qualify for rewards.

Edited 3/10/2023 23:02:46
clan war rewards: 2023-03-11 12:20:14

Level 59
ok thanks for the help

Edited 3/11/2023 12:20:46
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