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CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 08:27:38

Level 58
as promised, here my daily morning rant. yes, i got many complaints for many more mornings.
- downvoted post by (deleted)
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 08:28:47

Level 58
Ok, so you think that the CW rewards suck. What kind of rewards would you like to see?
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 08:30:31

Level 58
more specifically:
1. CW rewards are way too small. in relation to effort required
2. why only coins for ranks 1-9?
3. reward caches are a bad joke, at best. an insult, at worst
- downvoted post by (deleted)
- downvoted post by (deleted)
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 08:34:30

Level 58
more ranting tomorrow morning. topic: CW slots & templates in them. stay tuned.
- downvoted post by (deleted)
- downvoted post by (deleted)
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 08:36:54

Level 58
for the first 10 clans the reeard isnt that bad
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 08:40:17

Level 62
I completely agree! Drop the requirement that you need at least 1 win per season! It is so much effort and favors the elite players from elite clans. This is absolutely unfair. And if we are already on it.. Drop the requirement to be in the clan to get clan wars rewards. I consider it very unfair to not get the MB rewards only because I am not in MB!!
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 08:53:38

Level 60
Completely agree. The CW rewards system is exploited by those huge uncapped clans, who mass people every single day and squading the CW slots. If we officially get rid of those clans, then even a small clan like FTW!, Prime or Cats would be able to get their share of CW rewards.

That's my suggested list of clans for deletion or ban from CW:
  • Myth Busters
  • The Blue Devils
  • Optimum
  • Mothership
  • Harmony
  • The Last Alliance
  • M'Hunters

Please, if you represent any of those clans, stay away from commenting this post. Obviously you are biased. Please think about community benefits.
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 09:04:47

Level 58
That's some impressive dishonesty you've got going there FiveSmith.

But more seriously, I wonder if there is a good scheme, by which the larger clans could have a modest and well deserved advantage, without screwing over the smaller clans?

Idea #1:
Improving the low territory count rewards while reducing the high territory count and high placing rewards would do this. Benefits would be more of a threshold effect, that a few dedicatd ppl could manage even in a small clan.

Idea #2
"Effective Wins" for a clan could be a calcuatlation. Eg: best 10 players in clan get full count, next ten 1/2, next 10 1/3 etc.
Then higher counts would be worth something, but wouldn't dominates quite so much.

Edited 3/5/2023 09:05:50
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 09:09:50

Level 62
I support your proposal 5s, ban all successful clans, ban all elite players.

CW should give rewards only to weak players. It's 2023. We need player equity. The competition really shouldn't even be about # of wins anyhow, this is obviously skewed towards skilled players. "Skill privilege". It's not even remotely fair to us weaker players.

The clan with the most FWs in a given season should get 1st place.

otto has a point as well. Many schools have adopted this policy, too ... all participants get a 1st place award b/c it's the participation that counts, not the results. All players that get at least 1 FW per season should get 1st place.

Edited 3/5/2023 09:11:23
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 10:33:43

Level 61
Prime should be banned too, they are also too succesful. At least more than Mothership, Harmony and TLA

Edited 3/5/2023 10:33:51
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 10:38:43

Level 63
FC Bayern tournaments have better rewards, maybe you should join them instead :)
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 10:49:37

Level 58
he is just angry bc FTW was only place 11 last season
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 10:51:21

Level 61
That would require him to actually win a game properly instead of eploiting free wins or getting gifted a wins by Good News.
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 10:52:15

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Ignoring Idle boosts.
CW is competitive. That is the problem. Make the difference between the top and bottom places small, people won't try that hard. Make the difference big, bottom rewards will be too small.
Either give individual rewards or drop rewards for ranking.
CW rewards suck!: 2023-03-05 10:53:34

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Of course the worst part of CW is broken matchmaking.
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