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To the developer!: 2023-02-22 22:32:47

Exhausted Otter
Level 42

I have been playing this for a while (not multiplayer yet, so bear what I have to say with a grain of salt). I had an idea for a feature that could be lots of fun (at least in custom matches). Would it be possible to set up a game to have "teams" disband part way through the game? Like set up the game play strategy to be working together until a set point where the team rule no longer applies, and then it becomes a free for all? I think it could add an interesting layer of strategy. If you think this is a bad idea, I totally respect that. This was just a thought that occurred to me as I was playing my normal single player custom games.
To the developer!: 2023-02-22 23:53:40

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
That is a great idea for UserVoice.
Also, a great idea for a mod! Go ahead and make it.
To the developer!: 2023-02-22 23:57:40

Exhausted Otter
Level 42
I'm sorry, since I'm new, I don't know what you mean by user voice. Also, how would one get started with modding this? I've never made a mod before, and that sounds intimidating as hell. Thanks for the kind words though! If I knew where to get started, I would!
To the developer!: 2023-02-23 08:30:36

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
What you can do is to play a game, surrender when you want to turn it FFA, and then use the custom scenario to make FFA from your position. Custom scenario is level-locked from you now, but if you create a game with Custom Scenario via Single-Player -> My Levels -> Create Level.

Levels are better than Custom Matches because it unlocks more settings:
1) you can publish your level for other people to play
2) you can use custom scenario without level restriction. If using custom scenario, you can name AIs and make them start with extra card pieces. You can also play with bosses: custom units with special traits
3) you can change AI for better one
To the developer!: 2023-02-23 08:31:12

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Though Multi-Player is considered to be far superior to Single-Player.
To the developer!: 2023-02-23 09:25:43

Exhausted Otter
Level 42
Wow thats a cool work around for this! Thanks for the advice. I'm sure I'll start in multi-player eventually, once my schedule permits, and I feel like I've gotten good enough for it. Sweet, I'm excited to try this out!
To the developer!: 2023-02-23 10:10:56

Level 63
I think the Advanced Diplomacy mod has dynamic teams. You can join and leave whenever. Membership is required for creating game with mods (for the most part)
To the developer!: 2023-02-24 09:05:31

Roi Joleil
Level 60
'and I feel like I've gotten good enough for it.'

Id recommend just starting now.
For one, Multiplayer gives you XP for every win you get meaning you will get much quicker to Level 45 which you need to get Custom Scenario for Multiplayer.
Secondly, the largest part of the community are casuals. So as long you know how to take bonuses, you are basicly set to go.
Thirdly. You beat 100+ ish Singleplayer levels already, so you clearly went through all the introductionary level as far as the settings go. (i think the first 35levels are to explain the settings.) After that community made levels start appearing that were added by Fizzer to the campaign.
And last. The AI really doesnt know how to play well considering its 1 AI that kind of has to deal with all kinds of settings and combination of settings and Mods... So using that to determine 'being ready for Multiplayer' isnt advised.
Like depending on the setting a good player wont have problems beating Multiple AI's at once that are in a team.
To the developer!: 2023-02-24 10:46:03

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Don't split armies - have one main force to fight and small forces providing support.
Don't waste resources on things that obviously can't help you.

You would be surprised how much these basic military tips let you dominate other players in this game.

Edited 2/24/2023 10:46:37
To the developer!: 2023-02-24 18:27:30

Level 60
@DanWL The Factions mod has the custom teams :)

Advanced Diplomacy mod has a allies system, but it is less visible than using the Factions mod.

But currently mods cannot be used in levels unfortunately
To the developer!: 2023-02-24 18:38:08

Level 62
Do you mean you want to do this for a Community Level? If so, can't be done and even if you post it on UserVoice, it's not likely to be implemented b/c it just doesn't sound like something many players would back. But you can prove me wrong but getting support for it.

If you mean MP, take Dutch's suggestions. Diplo or Factions mods allow for creating/changing/disbanding teams at any point in the game. You can simply create the rules as the host of the game and state that on T1 you must team up as follows, on T10 the teams will change as follows, when # of teams left =10, then all dissolve and it becomes an FFA of those remaining. (etc)
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