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MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 10:57:54

Level 65
Enjoy some MTL statistics portrayed in a way you haven't seen before and feel free to add your own. I base my ones on clan-related metrics and the mastery titles system I proposed. It considers the highest rating ever achieved and goes as follows:

Grandmaster (GM) from 2100 onwards
International Master (IM) from 2000 to 2099
National Master (NM) from 1900 to 1999
Candidate Master (CM) from 1800 to 1899

It's originated in the mastery titles system the FIDE features for chess players and takes into account comparable appropriate distribution (there must be much more IMs than GMs, much more NMs than IMs and so on). The alternative GM norms I rejected, 2200 (100 higher) or 2000 (100 lower) that seemed imaginable, I opted against because one would produce too few GMs for an own category (5) and the other too many to be the highest title (41). With the norm I picked, 2100, 18 players would be GMs as of today. This seems adequate relative to the player base and is close to the number of chess players that were awarded the GM title when it was first introduced by the FIDE, which was 27.

This thread can also be used as a platform for discussion on these things. Now go and find your name! :)
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 11:13:38

Level 65
Players eligible for the GM title, sorted by highest rating ever achieved:

1 Rufus____________________2322 [MASTER Clan]
2 Buns157__________________2294 [ONE!]
3 Beep Beep I'm A Jeep______2252 [Python]
4 MoriOri_____________________2235 [Python]
5 tornado_____________________2202 [ONE!]
6 Octane______________________2168 [Python]
7 Pardon_______________________2161 [ONE!]
8 Gak Again_____________________2161 [Python]
9 No.One_________________________2153 [MASTER Clan]
10 master of desaster_______________2148 [MASTER Clan]
11 alexclusive________________________2137 [Python]
12 Gangnam Style_____________________2133 [Optimum]
13 Licota*_______________________________2132*
14 Timinator • apex______________________2127 [MASTER Clan]
15 DrApe_________________________________2122 [clanless]
16 FiveStarGeneral_________________________2119 [ONE!]
17 Ursus____________________________________2118 [Flunky Fizzers]
18 Njord_____________________________________2105 [Python]

*The player Licota is identical to Octane, so to correct the number in my first post, the true GM count is 17. I will not consider this alt account in any further statistics.

Sorted by clans, the following clans have the most GMs (in case of tie, ranked by highest rated player):

MASTER Clan___4
Flunky Fizzers______1
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 11:31:14

Level 65
Players eligible for the IM title (total count: 23), sorted by highest rating ever achieved (numbers starting after all GMs):

19 Deadman____________2094 [MASTER Clan]
20 Othello_______________2094 [clanless]
21 Photonic Symmetry___2092 [Fifth Column Confederation]
22 malakkan_____________2090 [ONE!]
23 Hergul_________________2086 [MASTER Clan]
24 Juan___________________2080 [ONE!]
25 Bechaa_________________2075 [Harmony]
26 Samwise________________2072 [LuFredd]
27 Xenophon________________2069 [Blitz]
28 CraZy_____________________2062 [MASTER Clan]
29 rakleader_________________2052 [ONE!]
30 GuestNWHSzY___________2038 [HAWKS]
31 Forsaken________________2038 [MASTER Clan]
32 Belzebù________________2035 [#Elite!]
33 Krzysztof______________2032 [Python]
34 Motoki_______________2029 [MASTER Clan]
35 SerFen______________2026 [clanless]
36 We ride!______________2024 [LuFredd]
37 Edge__________________2023 [Python]
38 Master Ryiro___________2010 [MASTER Clan]
39 Yelo____________________2004 [Fifth Column Confederation]
40 kicorse__________________2004 [Lynx]
41 Kurdistan49______________2001 [Python]

Sorted by clans, the following clans have the most IMs (in case of tie, ranked by highest rated IM):

MASTER Clan_______________6
Python______________________ 3
Fifth Column Confederation___2

If you spot more alts which are both in a clan and therefore influence clan statistics, kindly let me know.
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 11:32:47

Level 59
players eligibility to the peepee poo fard master (ppfm) title (total count 1)

Marcus Aurelius
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 11:34:22

Samek ●
Level 57
Wow this is pretty cool! ^__^
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 11:34:35

Level 59
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 11:35:29

Level 65
If possible, open this thread in the desktop version, unfortunately the lines break in the app. I will continue later with NM, CM and a bonus.

+1 Markus Aurelius for PPFM
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 13:38:32

Corn Silver 
Level 62
Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial.

pls fix - i deserve to be GM
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 16:43:16

Orcinus orca
Level 60
Rename NM to WM (Warzone master) to be in keeping with FIDE.

Edited 2/18/2023 16:43:23
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 16:51:18

Level 68
I think the GM title should start at 2140.

@Alex what do you think?
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-18 20:03:05

Level 65
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-19 13:06:01

Level 64
It is crazy to see number 19 as IM
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-19 21:25:44

Level 63
Crazy is 28th actually
MTL Statistics: 2023-02-22 15:47:02

Level 65
Thanks for the tip, Orcus, that makes sense!
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